But this angry roar is more like venting or mocking.

The purpose of the armored warrior is obvious, just to let the man at the end of the path of ice crystal come out to fight.

It is definitely not a wise choice to be consumed by the ice giants all the time.

"Mortal, do you really think that this level of power can challenge the master of Frost?"

"There must be a limit to arrogance."

At the end of the ice crystal road, a majestic voice came out.

A simple radical method is difficult for people who sit on the throne for a long time to take effect.

Of course the armored warrior also understood this, so he was not too disappointed.

Anyway, just a simple test with the radical method. If you succeed, you will make a lot of money. If you fail, there will be no loss.

"I knew this battle was not easy to fight, but I came anyway, because of the responsibilities on my shoulders, I was not allowed to retreat."

"Frosty Master, wherever you go, it is covered with frost. If you live in one place for a long time, there will be ice-covered ten thousand li. If you don’t get rid of you, this World, there will be no peace forever!"

"So You sit on your throne and get ready to die!"

The armored warrior took a deep breath, then pulled out a necklace from his neck and pressed the pendant on his forehead .

"Everyone, please protect me from winning this battle."

The voice fell, the necklace was put back into the arms of the armored warrior, and the Knight sword in his hand was raised again.

Next, there will be continuous battles.

Ice crystal giants constantly gush from the depths of the ice crystal road, blocking the advancement of the armored warrior, but simply cannot stop the armored warrior's attack.

That Knight sword was swung like a phantom by the armored warrior.

The cold light shrouded the phantom of the Knight sword, adding a point of solemn killing aura.

With the action of the armored warrior, between Heaven and Earth is already densely covered with cold light, ice chips are flying, and the broken ice crystal giant falls to the ground, paved a road to the depths of the wind and snow.

Although there are not many battle scenes, the duration is not very long.

But it is enough to shock all viewers.

After all, this is just a promotional video for the Ice and Snow Festival, and there will certainly not be such a long battle scene, even if it is very blockbustery.

Because what the promotional film wants is to create a big shock in a short period of time.

Otherwise, it will become a movie.

Moreover, Qi Le arranged this battle for the armored warriors, mainly for the promotion of new products.

Ice Crystal Necklace, Frozen Armor, and Frost Conqueror title badge.

Otherwise, when this armored warrior is fighting the ice giant, how could there be such a crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood effect.

However, although it is mainly to promote new products.

But in the scene of this battle, the fighting skills that Qi Le added, as well as the battle awareness of armored warriors, can also benefit those viewers a lot.

This is also one of the main reasons why customers who have watched the promotional video will feel shocked.

In-depth combat skills and strong battle awareness, just like the deep and unmeasurable cultivation realm, can also make these cultivators feel in awe and yearning.

Because under the same cultivation realm, it is possible to determine the outcome of the battle, and even the life and death of oneself.

It is precisely those fighting skills and battle awareness.

So this is definitely a place that cannot be ignored.

It is precisely because of this that the promos this time will be watched repeatedly by customers in the store, and they are constantly trying to figure out.

And every time I watch it, there will be new gains.

You need to know Qi Le’s fighting skills and battle awareness, to say something bad.

That and the customers in the store, simply are not on the same level.

If most of the customers in the store are struggling in the quagmire of fighting skills.

Then Qi Le is the one sitting in the cloud, looking down at them.

The gap is so big that it is simply unimaginable.

So, even Qi Le did not take extra care when designing this battle.

It's almost as if it's a random thing.

But in the eyes of these customers in the store, the fighting skills contained in it are simply so sophisticated that it is hard to guess.

You have to watch it repeatedly to understand the true meaning.

Even Shanna, after watching the battle between the armored warrior and the many ice giants, couldn't help but step back and watch it again.

No way, the speed of this battle scene is too fast.

If you don't return it and look at it carefully, many of the details are not grasped.

However, as long as you can understand the details of this battle, even a little bit, it is a plentiful harvest.

It's just that Qi Le didn't think of this thing.

Because at the level of Qi Le, this level of fighting skills is as simple as a child fighting.

However, who would have thought that it would be sought after by so many customers?

To be honest, if Qi Le really knew about this, he would probably say the last sentence: Are these guys really weak in fighting skills?

Then the customers who heard this sentence had to greet them with a smile while bleeding in their hearts.

By the way, I cursed Qi Le secretly in my heart.

Is this our fighting technique too weak?

This is obviously Qi Store Manager. Your fighting skills are too strong, okay!

So, along with the battle scenes of this short promo, Qi Le's enchanting fighting skills were once again spread in the store.

It's just that Qi Le himself doesn't know that's all.


The words come back to the promo.

As the ice giant continuously fell, the gasp of armored combat gradually intensified.

After all, not everyone has physical strength like a monster.

Especially in such a cold environment, such fierce battles will consume combatants' physical strength even faster.

Fortunately, when the armored warrior's physical strength was about to reach its limit, the ice crystal road also came to an end.

A huge Frost Throne stood in front of you.

The man above the throne, holding the ice crystal scepter in his hand, looked at the armored warrior with cold eyes, and the expression on his face was extremely indifferent and not angry.

"You still came here."

The man slowly said.

There was no surprise, no surprise, as if everything was in his expectation.

It seems that no matter what happens, this man will not cause mood swings.

"Yes, I have come here!"

"I have come here to take your life!"

Armored warrior He supported his body on the verge of collapse with the Knight sword, and stared fiercely at the man on the throne.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1863: Profound Combat Skills)...

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