Because in each city-state, those ordinary snack dishes, Yafeier is tired of eating.

So the search can only be expanded.

Later, when Yafeier traveled to City of Life, he happened to meet Qi Le's shop and stayed here for a long time.

The rest of the matter will be clear.

Listening to Yafeier while eating, he was nagging about the past.

Qi Le sighed with emotion in his heart: "In this world where food is so scarce, it is really fate to meet such a foodie."

Qi Le previous life in that world.

It is estimated that Yafeier will eat all the food for a lifetime, it is difficult to eat all the food.

"Okay, then I won’t bother with the Store Manager. I’m going to the Frontline City and continue to eat."

After Yafiel finished today’s breakfast, Ended his nagging.

Then he jumped to the deck area.

The frontline city in The New World Mode was designed by the system based on Qi Le's memory, combined with the layout of the external city-state.

Although the variety of food in it is not countless, it is definitely enough for a long time.

It's a pity that most players simply haven't thought about this issue.

After all, I finally entered The New World Mode. Instead of spawning monsters and dungeons, I went to find delicious food. Isn't it a waste of time?

So a taste player like Yafeier is really a weird thing.


"It's great to be carefree."

Qi Le looked at Yafeier's back and couldn't help but sigh One sentence.

As Yafeier’s status, there are indeed capitals who can spend this life carefree, and some people guarantee and protect her.

However, in comparison, Ranchi's daughter had a much rougher life.

If it is not for Qi Le, then the hidden bloodline of Lan Zi'er and Lan Qing'er are both impossible to activate.

When the hidden family is born, it is time for Orchid Leaf Group to be fragmented.

Let alone meet Ranqi and Shanna.

"Hey, Qi Store Manager, why did you come here today because of your leisure time."

After Lanqi pushed the door into the store, he saw Qi Le right behind the counter Standing, quickly walked over.

Previously, after Qi Le used the Membership Card to contact Lan Qi once, Lan Qi guessed that another Qi Le store should have been opened in the Eastern Wilderness.

I also know that when Qi Le is not in this shop, he should be staying in Donghuang.

That's why there is this ridicule.

"Then I have to come over and inspect it."

Qi Le replied with a faint smile.

"So that's how it is," Lan Qi followed laughed, and then said, "By the way, Qi Store Manager, what did Zi'er buy in your store before?"


1.5 million Spirit Crystals, plus forty Grandmaster Rank Magic Cores.

For Ranchi, this number is not much, but this does not prevent it from being a large number.

So Lan Genius would be so curious.

Because according to the market price of the goods in the Qi Le store, they are almost all value for money.

What you can buy with such a large sum of money must be an extremely precious treasure.

"If you didn't mention it, I almost forgot to tell you. The things they bought were three Heroic Rank trial crystals..."

"And an ancient job Rank."

Qi Le paused deliberately before uttering the four words "ancient rank".

This word is not unfamiliar to Lanqi.

Because in the north mountain range side, a rank inheritance scroll was also sold.

That is the inheritance scroll of Shadow Hunter.

So as soon as Qi Le said this sentence, Lan Qi did not say anything, but Shana on the side exclaimed.

"Ancient rank!? Is the qualified person Qing'er or Zi'er?"

Shanna had been listening to Ranqi before, and she didn't speak, but I also knew that unfathomable mystery expenditure.

But Shanna didn't expect that she was actually taken to buy an ancient rank.

If this thing of ancient ranks can really be inherited, it is no exaggeration to say that it is priceless.

You know, in Ancient Era, I don’t know how many tyrannical ranks have lost their inheritance.

So far, let alone those ancient ranks in the legend, even the rare ranks are quite rare.

So the value of an ancient rank can be imagined.

However, this is the case, Shana has no other thoughts on this matter.

The first thing that comes to mind is who has attained the ancient rank.

No way, the two daughters of Lan Qing'er and Lan Zi'er have meat on the palms and backs of their hands. If you treat them badly, you can't do it.

"Yes, by the way, Qi Store Manager, who is this qualified person of the ancient ranks?"

Lan Qi was reminded and followed.

"It's Zi'er."

Qi Le answered very neatly.

"It's an ancient rank called the Dragon Envoy."

By the way, I also introduced the power of the Dragon Envoy rank to Lanqi and Shana. It's a disguised propaganda.

It is not a bad thing to let parents understand the situation of their children.

Just like Lanqi and Shana in front of them, after listening to Qi Le's introduction, the expression on their faces suddenly became a lot easier.

"Yulongshi, although just listening to the name, it feels unfriendly to me, but really didn't expect, it will be such a powerful ancient rank."

Lan Qi couldn't help but joked.

The rank of the Royal Dragon Envoy, just listen to the name, it is really not friendly to Dragon Race clansman.

However, in reality, the dragon envoy is not to tame Dragon Race clansman, but to fight alongside Dragon Race clansman.

Because the dragon contract of the dragon ambassador must be signed if both parties are willing to sign it.

After all, this is an equal contract.

That's why it is said that the rank of the Dragon Envoy is extremely suitable for Lan Zi'er and Xing Lian.

Because in terms of intimacy, even the entire Eastern Wilderness cannot find anyone more intimate than Lan Zi'er and Xing Lian who have signed a two-spirit contract.

"Knowing that they have gained such a powerful force, we can feel more at ease."

Shanna followed.

The safety of Lan Qing'er and Lan Zi'er in the Eastern Famine can be regarded as the most worrying issue for Lan Qi and Shana.

However, due to some internal affairs in Dragon Race, neither Ranchi nor Shana can return to the Eastern Desolation.

So both Lan Qing'er and Lan Zi'er can have enough power to protect themselves. This is the situation that makes Lan Qi and Shana the most at ease.

"If you are worried about this problem, you don't have to."

"As long as there are no special circumstances, Zi'er and the others should not meet their opponents in the Eastern Desolation ." Yes ."

Qi Le smiled and comforted.

However, although this is comforting, it is actually speak frankly.

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