Although Ice Spirit Pill is particularly effective, it targets relatively few customer groups.

After all, the affinity for ice is not something that every magician needs.

Just like Fire Element magician, it is absolutely impossible to ask for affinity with the ice element, because that will only reduce your own strength.

After all, between magic elements, there is also a relationship of mutual growth and mutual restraint.

Although this relationship is not very obvious, it is incompatible as fire and water, that is common sense, so the relationship between ice and fire is probably not much better.

However, with the appearance of Ice Spirit Pill, whether it will cause a wave of ice element magician frenzy, Qi Le is not known.

But what is certain is that the rank of ice element magician is really enhanced now.

Because of Ice Spirit Pill, it is too strong.

Thinking this way, Qi Le looked towards the second new product.

Ice Elemental Staff (Rare Weapon): Increases the user’s magic condensing speed and magic formidable power by a moderate amount. If the user’s rank is ice element magician, the increase for magic formidable power becomes large. Secondary Skill: The power of ice elements


The power of ice elements: passive skills, strengthen the release of ice attribute magic.

After entering the battle, with the holder of the ice element staff as the center, the ice element begins to condense. When the concentration of the ice element reaches Peak, a field of frost will be created.

Enemies in the frost field will be greatly slowed down.

Restrictions on use: all magician ranks.

There is no doubt that this is a Fire Element staff that was drawn out a long time ago, and a Water Element staff is a series of weapons.

Among the basic attributes, the very straightforward increase in the speed of magic condensation and the increase in magic formidable power are attributes used by all magician ranks.

And when the user's rank is ice element magician, this promotion will be increased.

Obviously, this is a staff specially prepared for the ice element magician.

Together with the previous Ice Spirit Pill, it is a perfect match.

Therefore, Qi Le is now a little worried, after the release of these two new products, will it really lead to a wave of ice magician.

Because of the ice element magician, it is really greatly enhanced!

Moreover, the power of this ice elemental staff is not in the basic attributes, but in the attached skills.

The Might of Ice Elemental skill will begin to condense the ice element after entering the battle.

The importance of this effect should be understood without further explanation.

You must know that the richness of the ice element is directly related to the battle strength of the ice element magician.

The higher the concentration of ice element in the surrounding environment, the stronger the battle strength of ice element magician and the greater the formidable power of ice attribute magic.

And, when the concentration of the surrounding ice element reaches a certain level, the power of ice element will create a field of frost.

While weakening the enemy, strengthen yourself.

At this point, the ice elemental staff is definitely the most suitable weapon for the ice element magician.

At least, for the time being, there is no one.

Because the ice element magician is in battle, the destructive power it can create is not the strongest.

You know, in terms of destructive power, the ice element magician can't keep up with Fire Element magician and Thunder Element magician even if it shoots a horse.

However, the ice element magician has advantages that other element magicians do not have.

That is incomparable control.

Use various debuff magics to limit the enemy, weaken the enemy, and defeat the enemy.

On this point, in terms of the degree of disgusting people, the ice element magician can definitely rank in the top three among all ranks.

Don’t blow, don’t black.

Although this is not something to be proud of, it is indeed the battle method of the ice element magician.

However, at this point, in the case of cooperating with teammates, it can definitely increase the fluency of the battle to the maximum.

While preventing the enemy from attacking, it can also prevent the enemy from escaping.

"Although things are very good, but the target customer group is still a little smaller, it seems that you have to find a way to do it."

Qi Le touched the chin, in my mind Secretly thinking.

The function of the product is very difficult to deal with, and the effect is very powerful. That is only one aspect.

But it is powerful, and products that do not consider the audience will never become a hit, because not many people can use it.

The lack of universality means that it is difficult to promote and promote.

So the sales volume is definitely not up.

"Ice element is right... Among the customers in the store, there seem to be a lot of people who are about to change jobs, or how about inducing them to become ice element magicians..."

Qi Le thought about the feasibility of this approach in his mind.

Since the customer audience is not large, isn't it the end of creating customers?

Anyway, the ice element magician is not bad at this level, with strong control and output capability.

At least compared to the Water Element magician, the output capacity of the Ice Element magician is half a street stronger.

It’s just no match for those ranks that take output ability as their main responsibility.

After all, the positioning of the ice element magician is still based on control.

Of course, if it can evolve into an ice queen like Nalan Qinqi, that's another matter.

Ancient Era's rare rank and today's popular rank are two different things.

As far as the destructive power of the Ice Queen is concerned, it is absolutely necessary to threw away most magician ranks and there are more than three streets.

It's a pity that this rank lineage is single pass.

And Nalan Qinqi has now awakened the bloodline of ice, even more like a tiger that has grown wings.

But the ordinary ice element magician is also quite good.

In addition, there are two good things, the Ice Spirit Pill and the Ice Elemental Staff, and it really doesn't hurt to change your job.

"Tomorrow's advertising, add this sentence."

Qi Le finally made a decision.

The advice that should be given is still to be given. Anyway, Qi Le is not forcing those customers, but just analyzes the pros and cons that’s all.

"Let's look down."

The third new product is armor.

Frozen Armor (rare-level armor): Medium amount increases the user's physical defensive power and magic defensive power, a small amount increases the user's strength and physique, and greatly resists all ice attributes below Professional Rank Magic, Secondary Skill: Song of Everfrost.

Song of Everfreeze: When the wearer of the Everfreeze armor attacks, there is a very small probability that the enemy will be frozen.

Friendly reminder: The frozen effect of Song of Everfreeze can be dissolved by Battle Qi and magic, but it consumes a lot of Battle Qi and magic.

Restrictions on use: All Battle Qi ranks.


If after reading the first two new products, Qi Le is happy.

Then when he saw the Armor of the Frozen, Qi Le's mood became shocked... There was more liver pain.

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