Because Qi Le can use the power of the system, but temporarily has the power equivalent to the powerhouse-level Supreme Peak.

But Qi Le's body can't hold it for long.

"It's strange, why the snow here is not cold at all."

It was Lan Zi'er who reached out and grabbed the snow under his feet, and said with a look of confusion. To.


Hearing this sentence, Qi Le knew that his guess was correct.

Before the magic element shows offensive, there will not be too many physical attributes.

Just like Fire Element, if it is not condensed into flame, it will not burn.

The same is true for the ice element.

If the snow on the ground is not cold, it is exactly what Xing Lian said.

The ice element in this space cannot flow, nor can it be absorbed or used, which means that the ice element in this space has no physical attributes.

Condensed into the form of snow, I am afraid it is simply because the ice element is too rich.

"There seems to be something in front!"

Just when Qi Le was secretly vigilant and began to look around, a bright light in the distance attracted Qi Le's attention.

"Come with me."

Qi Le did not hesitate, but left immediately.

In this space composed entirely of snow, any different thing may have a key item.

Maybe it is the hope of going out.

Lan Ye and Nalan Qinqi immediately followed along.

Lan Zi'er, who was still digging the snow, was reminded by Xing Lian and hurried up.

The place where the light appears is not close.

And in such a place full of snow, the walking speed is not very fast, so Qi Le walked in front for nearly ten minutes before reaching the destination.

However, what appeared in front of Qi Le made Qi Le a sturdy startled.

That is a coffin made of pure ice crystals.

But in this coffin, lying there are not those imaginable corpses, or the fleshy body that will not rot for thousands of years.

But the most unexpected thing.

A bone!

To be more precise, it should be a white bone full of cracks.

Judging from the shape, it can be determined that this white bone should be the clansman of the Human Race, and no matter how bad it is, it should be the clansman of the human race.

Moreover, this white bone is not the same as those white bones.

Instead, it appears crystal clear and near-transparent, just like a work of art carved out of translucent crystal, which is pleasing to the eye.

"Here, why is there a bone here!"

After Lan Ye walked over, he was stared wide-eyed and showed a look of consternation.

The following Nalan Qinqi, Lan Zi'er, and Xing Lian, the expressions on their faces are not far from that of Lan Ye.

After all, in this case, something so contradictory suddenly appeared, anyone would feel shocked.

"I think this may be the bones of the owner of this space."

Qi Le rubbed his chin and said his guess.

However, Qi Le's tone barely fell, an unexpected but reasonable voice rang.

system: "Host..."

"Stop, I probably know what you want to say."

When Qi Le heard the voice of system, You know what the next words of system are.

In this situation, if there is anything that the system is worried about, it is undoubtedly the skeleton in front of you.

Because Qi Le doesn't think that system will be interested in a coffin.

Even if this thing is made of ice crystals.

But, this kind of thing, which is similar to digging a grave, can Qi Le do?

That would be too degrading.

system: "Host, can you first listen to the system and make a decision before you finish talking?"

"No, I don't want to listen."

Qi Le still looks like a lack of interest.

To move other people's coffins casually is definitely a detrimental thing. If you don't do it, you can just do it.

system: "Host, if you are willing to agree to the requirements of this system, this system will give you a generous reward, how about it?"

The negotiation is not successful.

After all, intimidating this kind of thing, Qi Le is more proficient in playing than system.

"What's the requirement? Let's talk about it first."

When Qi Le heard that there was a reward, he finally became interested.

The so-called prosperity of the world is all profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world are all profit.

As long as it is not a matter of undermining principles, and the negotiation is not successful, then it must be that the benefits are not in place.

Even things that break principles, for some people, as long as the price is sufficient, they can still be done.

Because of some people's principles, even if it is used in exchange for benefits.

system: "Please take any bone of the skeleton in the coffin in front of you, and submit it to this system."

"Sure enough, it's such a thing, don't do it."

Qi Le waved his hand and refused on the spot.

System: "Host, don’t, do you think about it? Or don’t use the system as a bone, a finger bone will do, or a piece of it will do!"

When Qi Le refused, System became anxious immediately.

From this anxious tone, Qi Le also heard it. The skeleton in front of him is definitely a rare good thing in 10,000 years.

I haven't seen system so caring about the babies I met before.

"Stop for a moment, I have said not to do it, you have to ask me to think about it... it's not impossible."

Qi Le's eyes turned and he changed his words. "But you force me so much and let me do things that I don’t want to do. Should you give me more compensation?"

system: "No problem, the host is what you say, generous The reward of "will definitely satisfy the host."


Qi Le accepts it as soon as he sees it, and immediately draws a perfect end to this conversation.


"I think it's useless to watch it all the time. Otherwise, let's open this coffin and have a look. What do you think? " Qi Le cleared his throat, looking around in a circle, raised a suggestion.

This can be considered the least degrading method.

In order to go out, not ashamed.

"I agree, there is no other way."

Lan Ye also knows that it is not a way to consume it all the time. It is better to do something.

"I have no opinion, in fact I really don't know where this place is."

Nalan Qinqi saw Qi Le turn his gaze to him, and immediately spoke out .

In fact, Qi Le looked towards Nalan Qinqi, he was also afraid of this skeleton. If it was an ancestor of a certain hidden Aristocratic Family, it would not be very good.

But Nalan Qinqi has expressed his views, so it should be fine.

"Sorry to disturb your cleanliness, but we really have no other way to try."

Before opening the coffin, Qi Le also explained his own apology.

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