"hong long long ——!"

The surrounding space was instantly shattered, and countless cracks appeared.

The terrifying force exploded when two violent sound waves collided with each other, and even caused a shock in the entire small space.

Then, a shadow of ice blue flashed quickly from behind Qi Le, and instantly appeared in front of Qi Le.

You must know that in addition to the sonic attack, the magic of Extreme Ice Roar, the more important damage comes from the wave of ice elements that follow closely from behind.

As long as the ice seal is successful, it is almost a certain death situation.

So although the sonic attack in the front was cancelled out, the wave of ice elements in the back was not affected.

The offensive of hiding the sky and covering the earth rushed forward as always.

"Are you here a new helper again? Human Race! But it's useless!"

Ice Crystal Variation Beast stared, his expression looked very hideous.

No one likes to be ridiculed by others, even if an ordinary person is ridiculed too much, he will be angry, even more how a proud and arrogant Variation Beast.

So Ice Crystal Variation Beast is now waiting for Qi Le to be sealed by ice.

Then it will walk over and break the ice crystals that contain Qi Le, fiercely, so that Qi Le inside, like the ice crystals surrounding him, will become a piece of debris!


"Glacier Shield!"

The ice blue silhouette that appeared in front of Qi Le, flapping its wings angrily.

A huge wall, just in front of the blue silhouette of ice, rises from the ground to block the surging wave of ice elements firmly outside.

"Zi'er, and Xiaopian, did you break through so soon."

Qi Le was a little surprised.

The ice blue silhouette in front of him is naturally the Xing Lian who swallowed the frozen fruit.

In the face of the ice elemental attack, Xing Lian is the only dragon that can behave more calmly than Nalan Qinqi.

Xing Lian, who can transform himself into ice elements, is simply impossible to fear any ice elemental attacks.

Because all ice elemental attacks are impossible to cause damage to Xing Lian.

"It's still a step slower than Xiaoqi."

Lan Zi'er follow closely from behind, ran to Qi Le's side, and then looked back at Nalan Qinqi.

Lan Zi'er, who has the inheritance of the dragon envoy, and Xing Lian, who has the contract giant dragon inheritance, is promoted to the Heroic Rank realm, and its real realm is directly promoted to the Heroic Rank. Peak.

This point, but Nalan Qinqi is far behind.

Although the Ice Queen is also a tyrannical rank, it is still far behind the Dragon Envoy.

After all, the Queen of Ice, no matter what, she is fighting alone.

And the Dragon Envoy is a squad battle.

" Come !"

Xing Lian controlled the glacier shield. After blocking all the waves of ice elements, Xing Lian immediately put the glacier shield away.

And not only that, Xing Lian also directly collected all the ice elements that were blocked.

Because for Xing Lian, the ice element is definitely the more the better, basically there is no upper limit.

The ability to freeze the fruit can extract all the excess ice elements into more pure power, and then feed it back to Xing Lian.

That's why this scene happened.

However, Qi Le and Lan Zi'er can see why.

But the ice crystal Variation Beast in the distance is not necessarily so.

Originally, Qi Le was very certain that under the wave of ice elements, the ice crystal Variation Beast that was impossible to survive, even after the so-called helper came, did not change his mind.

However, Xing Lian's actions completely shattered the ice crystal Variation Beast's idea.

"How is it possible?! How is this possible!"

The Ice Crystal Variation Beast is already somewhat flustered and exasperated at this moment.

But there is no way, because Xing Lian's ability is too restrained to make ice crystal Variation Beast.

Although in this kind of World of Ice and Snow environment, Variation Beast of Ice Crystal can exert several times more powerful power, and it also possesses powerful defensive power.

But in front of Xing Lian, it is nothing.

As long as it is the ice element, Xing Lian will not be afraid.

If Xing Lian has not been promoted to the Heroic Rank, or even if he has been promoted to the Heroic Rank, but has not obtained the inheritance of the contracted giant dragon, the Ice Crystal Variation Beast will not lose self-control.

Because the suppression on realm is far greater than the suppression on ability.

It's just that the situation that I said just now is under hypothetical terms.

However, the truth is that there are no assumptions.

Xing Lian not only got the inheritance of contract giant dragon, but also successfully promoted to Heroic Rank realm, and even jumped directly to Heroic Rank peak realm.

Then, Ice Crystal Variation Beast has no chance of winning.

Because the realm of Ice Crystal Variation Beast is high, it is just a half-step powerhouse level that's all.

In this place without the luck of Heaven and Earth, the powerhouse level, that's just an unrealistic luxury that's all.

And the most important thing is that Ice Crystal Variation Beast is a Magic Variation Beast.

This is the most deadly point.

If Ice Crystal Variation Beast is able to use magic, but also has a strong melee ability, then Xing Lian will have a headache.

After all, Xing Lian is not afraid of ice elemental attacks, and his melee combat ability needs to be improved.

Always relying on elementalization to avoid physical damage, there will always be mistakes.

However, there is no such "if".

Ice Crystal Variation Beast is a Variation Beast of the magic system, and, on the ice element magic, besides Xing Lian, there is also Nalan Qinqi.

If Xing Lian is an ice element and can be immune to all ice elemental attacks.

Then Nalan Qinqi can fully control the ice element.

Although Nalan Qinqi himself is still vulnerable and cannot be immune to ice elemental attacks, when it comes to controlling the ice element, a trifling ice crystal Variation Beast is really not an opponent.

Now Xing Lian and Nalan Qinqi are all promoted to Heroic Rank.

Once the two work together, Ice Crystal Variation Beast is absolutely impossible to be their opponent.

"That way, my task will be completed."

"Before you solve this guy, remember to thank it for the promotion environment it provides, otherwise you It's impossible to get promoted so quickly."

Qi Le also sighed in relief at this time.

Although the ice crystal Variation Beast can be defeated with the help of the power of system, it will come at a price.

Therefore, Qi Le does not want to bother the system without being a last resort.

After all, one's own power is the real support, and the borrowed power always feels empty.

And when I came here this time, Qi Le felt that he was more like someone from Orchid Leaf Group who came to train.

As for the ice crystal Variation Beast in front of me, as far as the current situation is concerned, Qi Le can't really tell what kind of treasure it is guarding.

In short, I just feel a little bit at a loss.

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