It’s just that, in the face of absolute strength, courage and will may indeed be worthy of praise.

But it is not the way to win.

"If you come here two days later, in this small space, it may be a world of snow and ice."

Nalan Qinqi can only comfort himself this way now. This is unfortunate. Fortunately.

Although the situation is grim, there is at least a chance of recovery.

If you really get to an irreparable situation, you can only regret it.

"Then we have to speed up. Although I didn't wait to see the hidden Aristocratic Family, their courage is still commendable."

"I Thinking, if it weren’t for them to work so hard, maybe they wouldn’t be able to wait for us to come."

Qi Le could see clearly that if it weren’t for these clansman from the hidden Aristocratic Family, they would hold back with their lives. With Variation Beast's actions, this entire small space may have been sealed by ice.

"But because of this, I also re-evaluated the danger of that Variation Beast."

"So Feixue, Qing'er, You Jiu, Xiaoya , All four of you stay here. Don’t move forward anymore. You will not be able to help you for the time being in the future battles."

Even if there is infinite probability in the future, but before it grows up , Everything is in vain.

So Qi Le quickly made a decision, and extend the hand prevented the four people from moving forward.

A senseless sacrifice is stupid.

There is nothing but enthusiasm, and there is no matching wisdom. In many cases, it can only add to the chaos.

Fortunately, Feixue and the others are also aware of the current situation, knowing that with their own strength and the others, at this time follow, it will only add to that's all.

So Yiyan stopped and stood there.

"We will be here waiting for you to come back, you must be careful."

Feixue solemnly exhorted.

A lot of words at this time fall into the category of unhelpful words, so a simple exhortation is the best blessing.

"We know, don't worry."

Lan Ye as if promised something, seriously nodded.

On the contrary, Qi Le smiled and said: "I asked you to wait here, but I didn't let you play here. Use your Battle Qi and magic power to fight the cold wind here."

"The ice element that pervades here will help you tempering your body, Battle Qi, and magic. This is of great benefit to you."

Since the strength If it is not enough, then we must find ways to become stronger.

Qi Le may be able to withstand the erosion of these ice elements easily, but Feixue and others may not.

So Qi Le lets them wait here, which is actually a kind of exercise.

As for Lan Ye, Lan Zi'er, and Nalan Qinqi, although in realm, the gap with Feixue is not too big.

However, Lan Ye has a red lion from the overlord inheritance illusory shadow, which is the Variation Beast of Heroic Rank realm.

In most cases, Lan Ye can be protected.

Lan Zi'er only gained the power of the Dragon Envoy inheritance illusory shadow. The battle partner is Xing Lian. When the strength of the two is superimposed, it is much stronger than Feixue and the others.

Moreover, Xing Lian also swallowed frozen fruit, which can transform into ice itself.

In this environment, battle strength can grow exponentially.

Although Xing Lian is still dormant, as long as Lan Zi'er encounters danger, Xing Lian will automatically wake up.

And, apart from this, Lan Zi'er uses Heroic Rank to test the crystals and is promoted to Heroic Rank, then Xing Lian can also wake up from the dormant state.

And can also be promoted directly to Heroic Rank Peak Realm.

So Lan Zi'er's safety is also guaranteed.

As for Nalan Qinqi, let alone.

As the most prestigious person in the Nalan Family today, he is also the only member of the Aristocratic Family on this trip.

Nalan Qinqi now represents not only the Nalan Family, but also the other three hidden Aristocratic families.

even more how, Nalan Qinqi has the rank of Queen of Ice, and the most suitable battle environment is in this World of Ice and Snow.

It can be said that the stronger the surrounding ice element is, the stronger Nalan Qinqi's battle strength will be.

This is also the reason why the four hidden Aristocratic families let Nalan Qinqi go out to find a helper.

Because if the four hidden Aristocratic families are really destroyed in the hands of this Variation Beast, the person who has the most chance to avenge the four hidden Aristocratic families is Nalan Qinqi.

So this is not only looking for help, but also retaining hope.

Besides these three people, when Feixue and the others face this kind of World of Ice and Snow that is completely triggered by the ice element, if they continue to walk, they may be the same as those around them. Up.

That is to be frozen.

"Let's go, don't make them wait in a hurry."

Qi Le laid a simple array of defensive magic on the spot to ensure the safety of Feixue and the others before speaking. To.

Soon, the four set off again.

Lan Ye is riding a red lion and carrying Nalan Qinqi.

And Qi Le is on the side, holding Lan Zi'er in his hand, not lagging behind.

The speed of the Red Lion is indeed fast, but for Qi Le, it is still within the scope of being able to keep up.

Because among the lost martial skills of Ancient Era, a considerable part of the martial skills are about footwork.

Although it is lost, it is only for ordinary people.

For Qi Le, who possesses martial skills proficient skills, those missing martial skills are also well known.

So even if speed is not Qi Le's strong point, but if it really wants to break out of speed, Qi Le will not be weaker than anyone.

"hu hu ——!"

As time goes by, the closer you get to the Variation Beast, the bitter wind like a knife blows more and more The more violent.

If the previous cold wind was pouring rain.

Then the current cold wind is heaven overflowing giant wave.

The fierceness of the two is simply not in the same order of magnitude.

But for Qi Le, as long as the body guard Battle Qi is condensed, and the fierce cold wind blows on the face, it will be like a breeze blowing on the face.

At this moment, Lan Zi'er is also condense with a layer of frost shield outside of his body, completely isolating the cold wind.

This layer of frost shield is exactly the shield formed by the power of Xing Lian.

And the strength of the Dragon Envoy rank is reflected in this place.

The power of the dragon envoy and the battle partner will be superimposed on each other.

Similarly, the power's attributes of the two can also be used in common.

Just like the ice elemental power owned by Xing Lian, after Lan Zi'er gained the rank of Dragon Envoy and Xing Lian became a combat partner, Lan Zi'er was actually able to use it .

And this is also the most powerful place of the Dragon Envoy's rank.

The power is superimposed, the attribute is common, and the mind is connected.

In this way, the increase in battle strength is more than doubled.

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