"Zi'er and Xiao Lian will not bury this power, nor will they fall into the reputation of the dragon envoy ."

Lan Zi'er's small face It was solemn and solemn, and his eyes were full of determination.

"Two seniors, Xing Lian, the younger of Dragon Race, have accepted this inheritance here, and they will definitely spread the reputation of the Dragon Envoy to Heaven and Earth."

Xing Lian Also talked about.

It's as solemn and solemn as saying an oath.

"Okay, Dragon Race is a great fortune in the clan to be able to have this descendant. Then my power is left to you."

There are not many words about giant dragon, nor I like to show my feelings too much.

Although happy, after saying this, the giant dragon with a wingspan of several thousand meters condensed in the sky, suddenly shattered into fluorescent light in the sky.

The entire Cloudmist City is like a heavy rain composed of rays of light.

This situation is magnificent.

And the power belonging to the giant dragon, following the heavy rain formed by the rays of light, converged towards Xing Lian and merged into Xing Lian's soul body.

"Your style is still the same, grumpy, swift and decisive."

The dragon envoy inheritance illusory shadow suddenly sighed, as if he was remembering something. The expression became a little sad.

"Little Brat, I don't think we will meet again in the future."

"From now on, the new dragon envoy is you."

As the last sentence fell, Yulong made the inheritance illusory shadow like a mirror shattered, and it turned into fluorescent light.

Then he gathered towards Lan Zi'er's eyebrows.

After a short while, he was completely integrated into Lan Zi'er's body.

At this point, the rank and inheritance of the Imperial Dragon Envoy is complete.

The small circle of people around was dumbfounded.

"Such a powerful force just slipped away in front of my eyes. To be honest, my heart aches."

Ban Zheng said with emotion.

Among the three deans, only Ban Zheng is in the Battle Qi rank, and Gu Pingchuan and Ren Gongxiu are in the magic rank.

And the rank of Yulong Envoy is undoubtedly the rank of Battle Qi.

So it is not unreasonable for Ban Zheng to feel heartache.

"Don't hurt your heart. This is the chance. You won't be envious. Let's pray that there will be an ancient rank suitable for you from Qi Store Manager."

Gu Pingchuan touched his heart and spoke.

It seems to be comforting Ban Zheng, but in fact it is also to relieve the depression in my heart.

"Ahem, do you think we can really wait?"

Ren Gongxiu silently told one of the most shocking facts.

Then the three of them looked towards Lan Zi'er together, and then turned their eyes to Lan Ye and the others who were aside.

An Orchid Leaf Group, there are only seven people in total, but it has three levels of inheritance scrolls.

This luck is really jealous.

"Ai, drinking and drinking, the more you think about it , the more uncomfortable..."

Gu Pingchuan didn't comfort himself anymore, and decided rather simply to borrow wine to sorrow.

But Orchid Leaf Group is very lively here.

The strength of Inheritance in the rank inheritance scroll will not be absorbed immediately after the inheritance is given to the qualified person.

Instead, it will be stored, and continuously improve the strength and realm of the Inheritor until the strength of Inheritance is completely consumed.

After all, although the strength of Inheritance can improve the strength of the Inheritor, it cannot improve the mood of the Inheritor.

If the mood cannot keep up with the strength, then there may be the risk of cultivation deviation.

So after Lan Zi'er accepted the power of the Dragon Envoy inheritance illusory shadow, the realm only changed from the mid-level Grandmaster Rank to the Grandmaster Rank Peak that's all.

Xing Lian's realm is the same.

However, if there is a Heroic Rank trial crystal.

The realm of Lan Zi'er and Xing Lian may be promoted to Heroic Rank Peak in a short time.

Because the power of the previous Imperial Dragon Envoy, and his contract with the giant dragon, is really too powerful to be terrifying.

"Zi'er, how do you feel now?"

Lan Ye asked with concern.

The more powerful the force, the more difficult it is to control.

Those uncontrollable forces, once they exceed a certain limit, can easily cause backlash to the owner.

The inheritance of the Queen of Ice that Nalan Qinqi got is still in the realm of imagination.

The overlord inheritance that Lan Ye got himself...

No, overlord inheritance illusory shadow simply didn’t give Lan Ye his power inheritance, just gave his weapons and mounts to Lan Ye It’s just Lan Ye.

It even caused the system to fall into an autistic state for a while.

So Lan Ye has not actually had this experience.

However, Lan Zi'er this time is different. The strength of Inheritance in the scroll of Dragon Envoy's rank inheritance is too majestic.

Especially the power level of that giant dragon is even more shocking.

The majestic and overwhelming Dragon's Prestige, like the Heaven and Earth, makes people unable to resist.

So Lan Ye had to worry about this.

"I feel good, um, I'm still very energetic."

Lan Zi'er replied aloud after feeling his physical condition very seriously.

"However, Xiao Lian seems to have gone back to sleep again."

Speaking of this, everyone found that Xing Lian, who just accepted the power of the giant dragon, now seems to be back Disappeared.

"That little pity is okay?"

Nalan Qinqi asked immediately.

Xing Lian is also one of the important partners.

Compared with Lan Zi'er, Xing Lian in the dragon soul state has a slightly lower sense of existence, so it is often ignored.

But Xing Lian, who swallowed the frozen fruit, and Nalan Qinqi, who got the inheritance of the Queen of Ice, are quite compatible.

"Well, Xiao Lian is fine, she just told me that she was a little tired, so she went back to sleep, so I don't have to worry about it."

Lan Zi'er clicked He turned his head and answered, beckoning Nalan Qinqi not to worry.

There is the fetters of the dual soul contract, Xing Lian's condition is good or bad, Lan Zi'er can clearly feel it.

Because Xing Lian is only a soul body, it is not like Lan Zi'er, which can be stored in the body after receiving the power of the Dragon Envoy inheritance illusory shadow.

The energy storage capacity of the soul body is relatively limited.

So after accepting the power inheritance of the giant dragon, in order to prevent the powerful power from escaping, Xing Lian can only choose to enter the dormant state.

"It's fine if it's all right, it's fine if it's all right."

Nalan Qinqi sighed in relief.

Since both Lan Zi'er and Xing Lian are fine, it is a happy thing for everyone.

I have to say that the two sisters, Lan Qing'er and Lan Zi'er, are really lucky, and within two days, there will be double happiness.

First find the parents, then activate the hidden bloodline and obtain the ancient rank.

This makes Qi Le start to feel a little suspicious.

Has the protagonist changed temporarily?

"Qi Le big brother, I am back."

When Lan Ye and the others asked Lan Zi'er warmly, Yue Xi'er, who was standing in the distance, quietly again Back in the shop.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1836: Sleep)...

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