"Xi'er, do you want to see it?"

Qi Le glanced at Yue Xi'er, who was interested but tried to hide, and asked with a smile One sentence.

Everyone has curiosity, let alone cats.

You know, there is a saying: Curiosity kills cats, it means that cats are very curious.

Although Yue Xi'er is not a pure cat, the moon cat clan always has a cat’s bloodline, otherwise, how could they be as good as Yue Shuangxue.

"Ah...may I go and see it too?"

Yue Xi'er didn't expect Qi Le suddenly asked such a sentence, so the expression was a little surprised.

"Of course, it's just outside the store. If you want to go, hurry up. You can't get a good spot if you are late."

Qi Le waved his hand. Tell Yue Xi'er not to care about yourself.

"Thank you Qi Le big brother."

Yue Xi'er happily thanked him, his face was filled with faint joy, and his footsteps followed briskly.

The royal dragon envoy inheritance illusory shadow did not go very far, and stopped shortly after leaving the shop.

Probably at the entrance of a small alley.

After all, no matter how big a giant dragon is, it is impossible to be bigger than the sky.

There is not much open space on the ground, so you can fly in the air.

So at the entrance of this remote alley, in the early morning when there are not many pedestrians, there is a crowd of people who are ready to learn.

"Just stay here, it doesn't make much sense to go outside."

After the Royal Dragon stopped the inheritance illusory shadow, he turned around and glanced, but he just saw the top of his head. Looking at Xing Lian's Lan Zi'er, a hint of doubt suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Because Xing Lian hid aside to "evacuate" before, the Dragon Envoy inheritance illusory shadow did not notice Xing Lian.

"Little Brat, the dragon soul on top of your head..."

"Uncle, do you mean Xing Lian? She is one of my closest partners, right now Live in my body."

Lan Zi'er heard the words of the Imperial Dragon Envoy inheritance illusory shadow, immediately hugged Xing Lian on top of his head, and solemnly introduced it.

After Xing Lian and Lan Zi'er signed a two-soul contract, the two souls share the same body.

So Xing Lian is now living in Lan Zi'er's body, this is not a problem.

"Oh? There is this kind of thing, but this is very good."

The dragon envoy inheritance illusory shadow was the power of Ancient Era during his lifetime, and it was naturally experienced and experienced. knowledgeable.

Although he is not clear about the twin soul contract, he can always guess the specific situation.

The symbiosis of two souls, even if it is rare, has a long history. Throughout such a long history, you can always find similar examples.

So Yulong's inheritance illusory shadow did not act too surprised, but was a little delighted.

"Hey, buddy, did you hear that, now even your strength can be inherited together."

The dragon envoy inheritance illusory shadow said while talking, while Throwing the sheepskin roll in his hand into the air.

In a short time, the sheepskin scroll shattered into a starlight, scattered into the sky.


With a roar that echoed through the entire movie of Heaven and Earth, above Cloudmist City, a silhouette covering the sky and the sun quickly Condensed.

It is a giant dragon big enough to cover the rays of light above the sky.

The fierce vertical pupils, overflowing with evil spirits, are daunting.

The sturdy dragon scales, shining with metallic rays of light.

After a pair of fleshy wings are fully deployed, they are thousands of meters long, flying in the air, and the cast shadow can cover the entire Cloudmist City.

With the appearance of this giant dragon, the terrifying Dragon's Prestige spread out again, moving towards Cloudmist City hiding the sky and covering the earth shrouded.

The violent Dragon's Prestige seems to be overwhelming, oppressing everyone in Cloudmist City, even breathing becomes difficult.

"I feel that forty Grandmaster Rank Magic Cores are indeed a loss."

Qi Le stood in front of the store, looking at the sky and muttering to himself.

Now Qi Le can be sure that the strength of this giant dragon must be above Ranchi.

Of course, Qi Le is talking about his lifetime.

After all, illusory shadow this thing, even if the battle strength is terrifying and terrifying, the coercion is terrifying, but if you really fight, it is actually a sudden thing.

After the outbreak was over, it was too weak to succeed.

Because the energy carried by the inheritance illusory shadow is mainly used for inheriting one's own power, not for fighting.

So endurance is almost zero for inheritance illusory shadow.

However, if the destructive power of the inheritance illusory shadow is underestimated because of endurance, the end may be very miserable.

After all, the bomb can only be attacked once, but do you dare to say that it is not powerful?

"Is this the realm above the Heroic Rank..."

"The powerhouse level is really terrifying. Compared with the Heroic Rank, it is simply not A level of power."

"Now, it seems that although I am only short of this kick, this kick is the worlds apart."

Gu Pingchuan raised his head Looking up at the giant dragon in the sky, while sighing, it is also overwhelmed by emotions.

Half-step between the powerhouse and powerhouse levels, maybe there is really only a difference.

But this difference is just like the ordinary powerhouse-level and powerhouse-level Peak, which is simply two realm.

Ban Zheng and Ren Gongxiu on the side looked at each other, only to feel a bit bitter in their mouths.

I used to feel that I was listed in the Peak powerhouse in the Eastern Desolation, but now it seems that I am somewhat viewing the sky from the bottom of a well.

If you were in the Eastern Desolation, an enemy of the same level as the giant dragon in front of you would really appear.

Then there is no doubt that they simply have no strength to fight back.

"This...is this also the strength of Inheritance that Zi'er will accept later? This is too strong!"

Lan Ye looked into the sky The giant dragon is so shocked that he doesn’t know what to say.

"This power is indeed beyond imagination."

Feixue swallowed silently.

This is really a limitation of my own imagination.

After all, among the people Feixue has seen, Le Zhengya's strength is even Peak, and the realm above it is really hard to imagine.

"I don't care if my power can be inherited, you know, idiot, all black, no daylight for hundreds of years, have you fooled your mind."

The giant dragon flapped its flesh wings gently, floating in the sky, and said aloud.

The dull sound blasted like thunder, crashing into the hearts of the residents of Cloudmist City.

The huge momentum is like beating a drum in the ears of everyone, everyone can feel it, his heart is beating, as if it is about to jump out of the throat.

Facing such a powerful giant dragon, the people in Cloudmist City can only kneel on the ground with fear, shiver coldly.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1834: The Power of Terrifying)...

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