Although Nalan Zhishu is a sideline .

But in the face of tyrannical forces, bloodline simply is not a problem, only strength is the truth.

"Is it serious enough, then let's start later, the sooner you can solve it, the better."

Qi Le is also interested.

A Variation Beast that can change the climate of an entire small space is quite rare. Even more how, there may be rare treasure.

If you don't check it out, you might lose a lot.

"By the way, before this, Qing'er, your mother asked me to bring you something."

Qi Le just started to leave, suddenly remembered this thing.

The holy blood of Elf Race, that's a good thing.

If it can activate the hidden bloodline in Lan Qing'er's body, it will be considered an extra strength.

And it shouldn’t take long.

However, before Lan Qing'er could reply, the voice of system appeared in Qi Le's mind first.

system: "Host, can you discuss something?"

"What's the matter? You are not thinking about this drop of holy blood, are you?"

Qi Le immediately became vigilant.

However, I have to say that Qi Le's guess is quite accurate. This two-part system has always been a system that can't walk after seeing a baby.

system: "Look at what you said, the system is the kind of system that eats free food?"

"You really don't eat free food, but this drop of Elf Race’s holy blood, It was a gift from Shana to Lan Qing'er. It contained a deep maternal love. Are you sure you want to grab it?"

Qi Le narrowed his eyes and argued with the courage of one's convictions. To.

Qi Le still knows the character of system quite well. Although he likes baby, he never takes it for nothing.

However, this drop of holy blood is of great significance, so Qi Le will not let go so easily.

system: "Of course this system knows. Otherwise, why would it wait until this time to speak."

"I said why you didn’t speak last night, it turned out to be Are you thinking about this problem?"

Qi Le was a little surprised, didn't expect the system of greedy and stingy, and there is such a delicate side.

Can system upgrades also improve emotional intelligence?

If this is replaced with the previous system, I am afraid that when Shanna condense the Holy Blood, I can't wait to speak.

system: "Of course, and just now, this system also thought of a way."

Qi Le hearing this, eyebrow raised, said: "What way?"

system: "Analyze the Elf Race holy blood, recreate it, and return it to the little girl."

system: "By the way, this system is not a stingy system either. , So I am willing to give it back three times!"

"'s not impossible."

Qi Le's eyes also lit up.

The original dragon's blood can be resolved by the system, and now the Elf Race holy blood can be resolved by the system naturally, and it can achieve the same effect.

So after thinking a little bit, Qi Le nodded agreed.

"Then how long does it take for you to parse the Holy Blood? If it is too long, it won't work."

system: "Host, please rest assured, just give this system two minutes."


Qi Le only needs two minutes to listen to, and he is sighed in relief.

If this is two days, then Qi Le will really delay it.

"Qi Store Manager, what does my mother want to give me?"

Lan Qing'er was stunned when Qi Le finished speaking, and couldn't help it. Asked aloud.

"What is it? You will know it after reading it. Wait a moment, I will go upstairs and bring it to you."

Qi Le suddenly came back to his senses and said After finishing, walk to the second floor immediately.

In two minutes, the best way to delay is to find something, and it will not arouse suspicion at all.

Don’t talk about trifling two minutes, even if it’s twenty minutes, you can make a little excuse and it can be delayed.

Fortunately, the system has always said that it is two minutes, that is, two minutes. When the time is up, it reminds Qi Le that the Holy Blood of Elf Race has been returned.

"Qing'er, this is the gift your mother gave you. Open it and have a look."

After Qi Le got down from the second floor, he put the Holy Blood of Elf Race The jade box was handed to Lan Qing'er.

"This is..."

Under the gaze of others in the Orchid Leaf Group, Lan Qing'er cautiously opened the jade box.

A drop of golden blood the size of a thumb suddenly appeared in front of everyone, quietly exuding the golden radiance of dazzling, very dazzling.

However, when Lan Qing'er and the others saw this drop of golden blood, most of the look of doubt appeared in the eyes of Lan Qing'er and the others.

"The sacred blood of Elf Race can activate the hidden bloodline in your body."

Qi Le looked at the drop of sacred blood of Elf Race increased by the system and explained it One sentence.

After all, there are not many people who know the Holy Blood.

Not everyone is as experienced and knowledgeable as Qi Le.

"What did you say!?"

"This, this turned out to be... the Holy Blood of Elf Race!"

After hearing Qi Le's explanation After that, the doubts in Lan Qing'er and the others' eyes immediately turned into consternation and shock.

Although they don't know what the holy blood looks like, they have definitely heard of the name of the holy blood.

That is the treasure of a race, the owner of the bloodline of the highest level, which can be condense.

Moreover, the condensing of the holy blood is not a small loss to the condensor's own strength.

If it is not a loved one, the Cohesive is simply impossible to provide the Holy Blood for him at the risk of losing his own strength.

"Your father and mother love you very much. They can't be with you, and they have difficulties."

Qi Le stood aside and suddenly said aloud .

This is not just an excuse, it's just sent out with feelings that's all.

"I know, I always know, although they never tell me, but I can feel it."

Lan Qing'er sniffed and stretched out his hand to rub Click your eyes.

The grievances of the past ten years have also disappeared with the appearance of this drop of holy blood.

"Don't stare at it. If the Dragon Clan Bloodlines in your body are not activated, I don't think Lanci will be stingy with that little blood."

Qi Le stretched out his hand at this moment and rubbed the curious Lan Zi'er's small head.

On both sides of Lan Zi'er's small head, there are sharp horns that symbolize her Dragon Clan Bloodlines.

"Qi Store Manager, if I activate bloodline in the store..."

"Yes, no problem."

Lan Qing'er is just now When she spoke, Qi Le knew what she wanted to say.

It is nothing more than the problem of too much movement when activating the hidden bloodline.

But in the store, Qi Le wants to suppress these movements, which is a single thought thing.

"Okay, then trouble with the Store Manager."

Lan Qing'er did not pretend, and directly chose a more open corner in the store to prevent disturbing Other customers.

Then he swallowed the Elf Race holy blood in the jade box into his mouth.

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