In order to ensure that their daughter would not be targeted by Dragon Island’s giant dragon, Lanqi and Shana had to go on separate sides and completely divert the enemy’s attention away from the Eastern Wilderness .

So Lan Zi and Lan Zi'er have been separated for almost ten years.

It's not that you can't meet, but you can't meet.

However, they met in The New World Mode today. This is really both fate and luck.

"Then putting it that way, you can't go back to the Eastern Desolation for the time being, right."

Qi Le paused, then asked again.

"It’s not that there’s no way, but I’m afraid that I’m back in the Eastern Desolation, and those guys on Dragon Island will also go to the Eastern Desolation when they notice it. This is not good for Zi'er and Qing'er."

Lan Qi shook the head and said helplessly.

Dragon Island is located in the southern waters, and the southern waters are separated by a Ruins of Dragon from the Eastern Wilderness.

If Lan Qi rushed back to the Eastern Desolation, it would be hard not to be noticed by the giant dragon on Dragon Island.

But the northern mountain range is different.

Because there is a sky deep between the northern mountain range and the eastern wilderness.

"Well, I originally wanted you to go to the small space of the hidden Aristocratic Family to have a look. Now it seems to be out of play."

Qi Le listened. Lanqi's explanation also gave up this idea.

"Is there anything that can threaten Qi Store Manager, that's really rare."

A curious look appeared in Lanqi's eyes, but his attitude remained determined.

If you don’t go to the East Desolation, then you will never go to the Eastern Desolation.

"Don't care about this, let's go and see Zi'er first."

Since Lanqi didn't plan to go, Qi Le didn't plan to say it.

Anyway, Qi Le has nothing to do in The New World Mode, so don't disturb their father and daughter together now.

To be honest, the relationship between Lan Qi and Shana and Lan Zi'er and Lan Qing'er is indeed somewhat unexpected.

Who would have thought that they would recognize their relatives at such a distance.

But it seems reasonable.

After all, even Serratul has a daughter. How can Ranchi and Shanna have been together for so long without an heir.

And now, it's the time for them to get together, so Qi Le went offline very neatly.

Although Tiana and Seratl are quite curious, they also avoid it with a sense of interest. They also brought Yue Shuangxue along with them.

On the contrary, it is the other people in Orchid Leaf Group, standing in place not knowing what to do.

Fortunately, Shana can control the scene, so she won't be cold.

Anyway, Shanna is also the predecessor of Elf Race, Saintess. It is not trivial to face this situation.

Lanci can't do it, mainly because this guy is a giant dragon and is arrogant and used to it, so he has no social experience that's all.

So after a few talks, Shanna knew about the situation of the rest of the Orchid Leaf Group.

Compared with this kind of guy who has lived for hundreds of years, Lan Ye and the others' idiom level really needs to be improved.

"Wait, you just said that you have already met Bone Dragon?"

When Shana was talking with Lan Ye and the others, Lan Qi suddenly appeared The sound interrupted their conversation.

"Well, in Cloudmist City, the Bone Dragon on the other side seems to have come to find Zi'er."

Lan Qing'er took a look at Lan Qi before he clicked nodded .

Regarding Bone Dragon, they just mentioned it a little bit. After a brief introduction, Ranchi's reaction would be so big.

To be honest, Lan Qing'er's feelings for his father, Lan Qi, are actually quite weak because of the relationship after so many years of separation.

Lan Zi'er seems to like Lan Zi.

This is probably the reason why the same bloodlines are attracted to each other.

So Lan Qing'er feels more cordial to his mother, Shana.

After all, Lan Qing'er inherited, but Shanna’s bloodline.

"Looking for Zi'er? Then Zi'er is okay, what happened afterwards?"

Lan Qi 's face immediately became serious.

For the internal issues of Dragon Race, Ranchi never told his two daughters until now, nor did he want them to be exposed to this aspect.

Because the power level of Dragon Race is too high.

It's not a pure-blood Dragon Race, but it's quite dangerous to blend into it rashly.

Therefore, Lan Genius will put Lan Qing'er and Lan Zi'er in Donghuang, because Donghuang will not show the clansman of Dragon Race when there is no special situation.

But Bone Dragon is not in the category of Dragon Race clansman.

However, the breath of Dragon Clan Bloodlines will attract the attention of Bone Dragon.

This is Ranch's miscalculation.

Because the probability of Bone Dragon's appearance is too low, it is so low that Lanqidu subconsciously ignores this factor, so this situation occurs.

"I'm fine, father, Big Brother was there at the time, so Bone Dragon didn't hurt me."

Lan Zi'er said with a smile.

Although the situation at that time was indeed critical, but things have passed, Lan Zi'er will not always be immersed in the scene at that time.

"Is it Qi Store Manager, then I owe him another favor."

Lan Qi silently sighed in relief.

Although Lan Qing'er and Lan Zi'er did not say what was going on at the time.

But how dangerous a Bone Dragon is, Lan Qi doesn't have to think about it. Even in the Dragon Island, the battle strength of Bone Dragon can be ranked.

With Lan Zi'er's strength...

Thinking of this, Lanzi looked at the Orchid Leaf Group players again.

After Shanna’s previous rhetoric, Lanqi also roughly understood the cultivation realm of these people.

It can be said that it is simply vulnerable in front of Bone Dragon.

"It's a pity that I can't go back to the Eastern Wilderness, and take a good look at the level of the strength of these friends like Zi'er."

Lan Qi shook his head slightly while thinking.

In The New World Mode, there is no way to perceive the opponent's strength in the outside world.

Therefore, Lanqi's understanding of Orchid Leaf Group is limited to the previous discussions between Shana and them.

"By the way, Big Brother gave me a dragon soul after defeating Bone Dragon."

Suddenly, Lan Zi'er seemed to remember something. Yes, and then said aloud.

After saying this sentence, Lan Zi'er pouted, and said unhappily, "It's just that Xiao Lian can't come here, or else I can let Father take a look. ."

"Dragon Soul?"

Hearing this word, Ranqi's eyelids jumped.

"Yes, it is the Dragon Soul. It seems that Big Brother got it from Bone Dragon. Actually, Xiao Lian's life experience is really pitiful..."

Speaking of which, Lan Zi'er suddenly became sad.

I have to say that Xing Lian's life experience is indeed quite miserable.

Before he was born, father and mother were gone. If Qi Le hadn't come up with the two-spirit contract in time, maybe Xing Lian would be gone.

And for Xing Lian, it also led to the battle between Human Race and Dragon Race.

In the end, Brilliant Empire was destroyed, and Dragon Race retreated to Dragon Island.

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