"Yes, but it's not the problem of the hidden Aristocratic Family, but the small space where the hidden Aristocratic Family is located."

Nalan Qinqi clicked slightly Head, and then the interface said.

What is the specific problem, then it must be said by the master, this can be considered sincerity of finding someone to help.

So at this time, even Lan Zi'er just grabbed Nalan Qinqi's hand and cheered her up without making a sound.

"What's the matter? Tell me more specifically."

Qi Le narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

Qi Le has also been to the small space where the hidden Aristocratic Family of the Eastern Wilderness is located, so it can be considered a better understanding.

The skeleton was built by the space magician who once stepped into the powerhouse realm, and the prototype was constructed. Then, in the following hundreds of years, the hidden Aristocratic Family used a large amount of precious materials and continued to improve.

Up to now, it can be called an independent Small World.

Except for no Law Power, everything is pretty stable.

According to Qi Le's understanding, if there is no powerhouse-class powerhouse, that small space may not be a problem even if it is thousands of years later.

But now, something happened.

Is there really a powerhouse-level capable player?

But within the Eastern Desolation, is there really a powerhouse-level power?

"This incident happened half a month ago. In the small space where the hidden Aristocratic Family is located, for some reason, it suddenly began to snow and the weather became colder and colder."

Nalan Qinqi didn't know what Qi Le was thinking, but just started to talk.

You know, in that small space, although there are four seasons imitating the changes of the outside world, snowfall has never occurred.

So suddenly this happened, and the four Aristocratic Family clans immediately noticed the anomaly and began to send people to investigate.

However, after several waves of clansman were sent to investigate, but none of them came back, everyone felt something was wrong.

Because after the events in the Shadow Palace, the four hidden Aristocratic families do not say that they are as close as one family, but at least they are all in peace.

So there is no case of being conspired by other families.

Then, there must be other powerhouses, or something mixed into this small space.

So this time, the four hidden Aristocratic Family clans made a concerted effort and jointly sent an elite squad to investigate the situation.

Fortunately, this elite squad has not been annihilated by the entire army, and brought back the detected news.

But the results obtained are somewhat surprising.

The root cause of the sudden snowfall in the entire small space turned out to be a Variation Beast made up of ice crystals.

"Variation Beast?"

Qi Le repeated this with some confusion.

"Yes, it is a Variation Beast, and it is extremely powerful. Even the Heroic Rank powerhouse has no room to fight back in front of it."

"Even the four hidden Aristocratic If the Family is teaming up, it can't help this Variation Beast."

Nalan Qinqi nodded, and then said.

It's just the expression on his face, a bit solemn.

"More importantly, the Variation Beast was reluctant to leave the place where it appeared no matter what the battle, but it was precisely because of this that the hidden Aristocratic Family members escaped. " " just because there it heads Variation Beast, and now a small space weather has begun to get cold can not survive. " Cultivator indeed be relied Battle Qi and Magic power to withstand a certain degree of cold and heat.

But this does not mean that the cultivator will not freeze to death.

Unless it is a Heroic Rank powerhouse, and always use Battle Qi or magic power to protect the body from the heat and cold, otherwise, both flames and frost can be lethal.

"so that's how it is, I understand."

Qi Le heard this and clicked nodded to show that he was clear.

What is the problem, it's very simple.

But the doubts in this question are not so common.

The most obvious one is where this Variation Beast entered the small space of the hidden Aristocratic Family.

And another doubtful point is why this Variation Beast is unwilling to move.

You know, that small space is the place where the Aristocratic Family has survived for generations after avoiding disasters.

Now suddenly there is such a Variation Beast, which makes it difficult for this small space to survive, and it will definitely attack it with all its strength.

Either kill on the spot or drive away.

However, in this case, the Variation Beast was reluctant to leave the place where it appeared.

It's okay to even let the enemy go.

There is a problem here.

There are two probability.

One is that this Variation Beast can't leave, and the other is that the place where Variation Beast appears has a treasure, so it is unwilling to leave.

But no matter what kind of probability it is, it is worthwhile for Qi Le to go over and take a look.

"Big Brother......"

After Nalan Qinqi finished talking about the entire process of development, Lan Zi'er immediately followed, looking at Qi Le expectantly.

Of course business needs to be said by the Lord, but it is not necessary to intercede.

"Qi Store Manager, if you like, please help Xiaoqi."

Lan Ye also followed.

"Qi Store Manager......"

Other people in Orchid Leaf Group also spoke up at this moment.

However, no one insisted, all of them were requests. I hope Qi Le can make a move.

After all, in the East Wilderness, the only thing that can help this situation is Qi Le except Gu Pingchuan and the others.

However, Gu Pingchuan and the others have not been promoted to supreme powerhouse realm so far, and may not be the opponent of Variation Beast.

So Nalan Qinqi can only pin his hopes on Qi Le.

"I will go there in the past few days."

Qi Le thought for a while, and determined that there was nothing to do these days, so he agreed.

"Very good, thank you."

"I knew Big Brother, you will definitely agree, because Big Brother is the best."

Lan Zi'er said with a smile.

"It's just a small matter, don't be so polite."

Qi Le waved his hand to stop Lan Ye and the others from thanking him.

To be honest, Qi Le is also very interested in the so-called Variation Beast, which is made of ice crystals. Maybe he can get any treasure this time.

So he agreed to Nalan Qinqi's request, Qi Le is at least half of it for his own curiosity.

Then there is no need to thank you.

"Hey, Ranchi, you finally passed the shadow assassin entrance."

Yue Shuangxue, who stayed aside, didn’t get involved in this matter. She is just the one responsible for spreading the word.

So when Ranchi and the others came to the mechanical cow forest, the first thing they found was Yue Shuangxue.

"Don't say it, fortunately, Tiana reacts quickly, otherwise we will all be killed by Serater."

Lanci of covered in dirt Complained.

Serater, who followed behind, smiled, trying to say something, but didn't know how to refute it.

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