"Okay , don’t talk about it, I have other things to deal with."

After Qi Le said this sentence, his figure has risen from the sky Disappeared and appeared in the distant mountain city.

"Qi Young Master, fighting this time, fortunately you are here."

Bu Yuyan saw Qi Le suddenly appearing not far in front of her with a smile on her face. Speaking of.

"You are welcome, this battle is not only a battle of Bu's family, but also a battle of mine."

Qi Le smiled back and said quietly.

The rest is very simple.

On the far side of the mountain city, the people of the Temple of Casting were frightened.

In the following battle, there was almost no fight back, and he was defeated by the Bujia clansman.

The death of Duan Wenxin from Palace Lord of the Palace of Casting was also spread out with the defeat of the Palace of Casting in Far Mountain City, and quickly spread to various city-states.

Everyone accepted this fact in incredibleness.

Because the person who sent the news is from the Temple of Casting, it is impossible to lie.

After all, if Duan Wenxin was still alive, these people would spread the news of the fall of the Palace Lord at will, that would be really fatal.

So, in this brief moment, the name of Bu's family is truly spread throughout the entire world.

All the big and small forces, all began to show their favor to Bu's family.

The Temple of Castings has also begun to shrink its sphere of influence in an effort to protect itself.

However, after the fall of Duan Wenxin, all those who coveted the Palace Lord throne in the Casting Hall began to emerge.

In addition, the Great Elder of the Casting Hall was dealt with by Duan Wenxin before.

So after the Palace of Castings was completely defeated by the Bu family, it didn't take long for the news of the Palace of Castings to fall apart.

There is no really powerful Palace Lord on it to suppress it. It is expected that such a powerful force in the Palace of Casting will fall apart.

It's just that not long ago, it was a huge monster's casting hall, and it was about to disappear in a blink of an eye.

The rapid change is still awe-inspiring.

And after the disintegration of the Casting Palace, there is actually not much threat.

The so-called when the tree falls, the monkeys scatter.

At the beginning, the huge monster collapsed, and the fragments after the fragmentation formed a small force, which simply attracted few blacksmiths and cultivators to join.

The only thing that can be attracted is those guys who want to get a piece of the pie, that's all.

It's just because of Bu's current deterrence, so these guys haven't done anything yet.

After all, the Temple of Casting was defeated by the Bu family. Before getting the approval of the Bu family, others would not dare to cannibalize the resources of the Temple of Casting.

If Bu's accidentally offends Bu's family, then it's really not worth the gain.

Although the specific matters of the battle in Yuanshan City have not been announced.

But being able to defeat the Temple of Casting head-on, and even give Duan Wenxin to Bu Jia who will always stay on the battlefield, is not an object they can afford.

If this is to let them know that the battle of Far Mountain City, even the will of Heaven and Earth was involved.

Then I am afraid that the thought of sharing a piece of the pie will not be born.

"After the Temple of Casting was destroyed, nearly 70% of the remaining resources have been obtained...This is a list of various forging resources and cultivation resources..."

Bu Yuyan see Looking at the list of resources piled up in front of me, I couldn't help feeling in the heart.

The Temple of Casting is worthy of being one of the very best huge monsters in the world. It has a profound foundation and is really unimaginable.

You should know that it takes a lot of time to complete a detailed inventory of these items on the list, and the number of them is obvious.

"Leave the remaining 30% to those who have merit in the battle."

Bu Yuyan rubbed the temple and said aloud.

Eating alone is not a good thing.

Even if the Bu family is powerful now, there is no way to fight against all other forces.

even more how, merit is not rewarded, nor is Bu Yuyan's style.

I have eaten 70%, and release 30% to let the other forces divide it. It can also make them deeply grateful. Why not do it.

Not only did it not lose much, but it also made the subordinates more loyal. This is what the person leading a Great Influence should do.


Clansman, who was waiting for Bu Yuyan's order, his eyes lit up and he answered loudly.

Finally it's time to discuss merits and rewards.

This is definitely one of the most exciting moments after the war.

Although fighting against the Temple of Casting, the Bu family clansman fought for the sense of family honor, fought for responsibility, and fought for himself and his family.

But if there is a reward, who would not want it.

even more how and that many big and small forces who have surrendered, you can't just draw cakes for them.

Even if they did not show dissatisfaction this time, but if things go on like this, the grievances will deepen and things will happen sooner or later.

"Huh...it's really troublesome."

Bu Yuyan repatriated the other people in the room, and then half-lied on the chair, planning to take a rest.

Bu's family has come to this step today. The wider the coverage, the more transactions need to be processed.

Even if Bu Yuyan has delegated power, he has given his trusted Bu family clansman considerable power.

But there are still many things that need her to confirm when summarizing Bu Yuyan.

Because the current Bujia is the prestigious Peak of Bu Yuyan.

There is only one person who clansman is convinced by Bu Yuyan, and that is Bu Yuyan.

Others simply can't hold back.

"You got tired so quickly, have you ever regretted that you have developed Bu Jia to this level?"

When Bu Yuyan was sleeping, Qi Le Suddenly appeared in the room.

Hearing this familiar voice, Bu Yuyan immediately opened her eyes. She wanted to yawn, but she held it back.

"Qi Young Master, although I am tired now, I have never regretted it."

"Because I don't want to try nothing and accomplish nothing all my life, I just stay in Feiyan City , And intrigue with those people, this is not the life I want."

Bu Yuyan looked at Qi Le and said seriously and solemnly.

"So, I am very grateful to you for giving me such an opportunity, Qi Young Master, thank you!"

After speaking, Bu Yuyan stood up and asked Qi Le A solemn bow.

"Well, you don't have to be so polite."

Qi Le laughed and helped Bu Yuyan up.

He could hear that there was nothing false in Bu Yuyan's words, they were all sincere.

Maybe many people have big ambitions in their hearts, but they are exhausted for a lifetime and have no chance to show them.

So Bu Yuyan was lucky to meet Qi Le.

But Qi Le is lucky to meet Bu Yuyan.

Because Bu Yuyan allows Qi Le to do things beautifully without worrying about the vending point at all.

And never have to worry about betrayal.

Only in this way, Qi Le can safely deliver this World's vending point to Bu Yuyan.

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