"What a terrifying coercion, it can be so powerful!"

Zi Yun was also shocked, shocked in his eyes, and muttered involuntarily. .

The clansman of Dragon Race has always been proud and arrogant, but when faced with such a mighty Heavenly Might, he had to be overwhelmed by it.

"The God of Forging is really answering..."

"Do you think I should run away, system, you help me make a choice."


Qi Le swallowed silently, and then asked in his mind.

In the battle with Duan Wenxin, Qi Le has confidence.

But in the battle with the God of Forging, Qi Le felt a little guilty in his heart.

After all, this is the first god Qi Le has come into contact with, and there is always nothing wrong with being cautious.

system: "Don’t worry about the host. This system thinks that you can take a look at the situation first. Saw that the situation was far from good. It’s no problem to run again."

Very standard answer .

But the answer is no problem, but Qi Le raised his eyebrows.

"At this crisis, you haven't forgotten to peek at my thoughts. You really have something."

This answer actually appeared in Qi Le's mind a long time ago.

And asking about system, it's just that Qi Le wants to see if there is any other way for system to solve the current situation.

Who knows that system just stole this answer and used it.

system: "Don’t talk nonsense about the host, when did this system take a peek at your thoughts? This is called borrowing. How can borrowing be called peeking..."

"You still Don't quibble, wait a while, if I am about to be beaten to death, you can remember to save me in time."

After getting along with system for so long, Qi Le has long lost his temper.

What is there to care about with a second fool? If I talk too much, I seem to have a low IQ.

system: "OK......"


"The noble god of forging, I, your most pious believer, is calling you. " section to ask ourselves after hearing the voice, at once with one knee in the emptiness, expressed their loyalty.

That heavy hammer, I don't know when it was put away.

"Are you the one who got my token?"

The mighty voice sounded again.

The token mentioned in the words also reminded Qi Le of this incident.

The token of the god of forging, wouldn't it be the summon magic array from the inheritance?

Because of this unique summon magic array, if you guess right, it should only have one function.

That is to communicate to the god of forging.

That's why you have to get inheritance to be eligible for placement.

And this inheritance, I am afraid it is the thing left by the god of forging.

"Believers Duan Wenxin, it is a great honor to be able to get your token."

"Today compelled by circumstances, I disturbed your cleansing. I only implore the great god of forging, Help your believers clear the obstacles."

Duan Wenxin still said very respectfully.

Only after Duan Wenxin finished saying this, the God of Forging was silent.

The gods impossible so easily agreed to the requests of the believers, otherwise, the power of the gods is too cheap.

However, Duan Wenxin did not continue to ask, but with a humble expression on one-knee kneels, quietly waiting for the answer from the God of Blacksmithing.

The silence did not last long, and the silence was soon broken.

"Pious believer, I agree to your request."

The voice between Heaven and Earth slowly said, the tone is as majestic as before, and there is no feeling at all. .

"Now, accept the gift that belongs to you!"

In the next moment, a mighty sea-like force appeared in this world, and then poured into the paragraph. Ask the heart's body.

Duan Wenxin also closed his eyes, began to accept, and digested this power.

And Qi Le not far away clearly perceives that in this power, there is the luck of Heaven and Earth.

"Directly enhance the power of believers, even at the expense of their own Heaven and Earth luck, it seems that the god of blacksmithing should not be able to appear in this World."

In this scene, There was also a guess in Qi Le's mind.

The world barrier is not used as a display.

When facing Duan Wenxin's plea, the God of Forging would rather consume his Heaven and Earth luck than appear in this World. It is very likely that he was blocked by the world barrier.

This is good news.

At least you don't have to worry about the God of Forging.

"Really, it made me worry for so long before that this guy can't come here."

Qi Le patted his heart, silently vomiting Take a sigh of relief.

To snatch strength of Faith with the god of forging is Qi Le's loss.

even more how The strength of the god of forging can be seen from the power that is bestowed on Duan Wenxin.

It is absolutely ridiculously strong.

So this time is not targeted by the god of forging, it is considered good luck.

However, just when Qi Le was slightly sighed in relief.


Above the sky, a dragon-like thunder suddenly appeared, fiercely smashing Qi Le's body.

simply did not give Qi Le any response time.


The violent power strikes on Qi Le, directly let Qi Le spits out mouthful of blood.

The whole body is extremely painful. Even the internal organs have suffered different degrees of injury, so that every breath can bring severe pain.

"Ahem... Damn it, how could it be like this..."

The appearance of this thunder was so abrupt that even Qi Le didn't notice anything.

By the time I had a feeling in the heart, it was too late to dodge.

Power of Thunder is indeed the most violent power.

Even Qi Le’s physique would be unbearable when subjected to this kind of attack, resulting in serious injuries.

"Those who steal strength of Faith will be severely punished. This time is just a lesson."

At this time, the majestic voice between Heaven and Earth rang Up.

Let Qi Le understand that the attack just now was made by the God of Forging.

"If you can launch such a terrifying attack without showing your face, you really deserve the title of a god."

Qi Le, who endures the pain all over his body, endures Can't help but sigh.

Heroic Rank powerhouse, in front of the gods, it is really not enough.

Judging from the power of the thunder just now, the god of forging definitely possesses power that surpasses the powerhouse-level Supreme Peak.

You know, it was an attack that crossed the world barrier just now.

can have such terrifying destructive power.

The realm of the god of forging is so high and powerful that it can be called deep and unmeasurable.

Fortunately, the world barrier is really useful.

Because after that thunder dissipated, the Forge God did not launch another attack.

It seems that there should be no way to attack again.

Otherwise, judging from the tone of the forging god, he definitely wants to kill Qi Le, so it is impossible to give up such a good opportunity.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1807: Sneak attack of the God of Forging)...

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