It ’s the thunder cross!

Among the weapons provided by Qi Le, there are more than improved long-range weapons such as laser beams.

Thunder cross and flame cross are melee weapons, formidable power is also not small.

When the Bujia clansman fought close to the people in the Forge Hall, he did not have the advantage, so there were casualties.

But the thunder cross and the flame cross can suppress these casualties within a fairly small range.

"unorthodox way!"

Duan Wenxin gritted his teeth and cursed.

Qi Le did not answer the call.

The two of them are like playing chess. The next battle is a chess game, and Qi Le and Duan Wenxin are players.

The trend of the chess pieces is at a disadvantage, and it is normal for Duan Wenxin to get angry.

After all, Duan Wenxin has never been a calm person. It is his nature to strive for strength.

However, Qi Le will not argue so unqualified.

Isn’t it better to slap your face with facts?

The battle in Far Mountain City continues, and the movements on the battlefield are always countless changes.

Until the moment when the winner is finally determined, no one knows what the outcome will be, and no one can secure the victory.

Just the next second after Duan Wenxin's curse, a Heroic Rank powerhouse in the Casting Palace also broke through the blockade of battle-type mecha and magic light bombs and came to the city wall.

The Heroic Rank powerhouse can indeed walk in the sky.

However, flying just and honorable in front of Qi Le, I'm afraid I will be stepped on in the next second.

And even if it is Duan Wenxin, there is no way to stop it.

So outside of Yuanshan City, there may be a lot of Heroic Rank powerhouses, but above Yuanshan City, there are only two people.

Qi Le, and Duan Wenxin.

So, if you want to get close to Yuanshan City, you can only obey the rules obediently and honestly.

The breakthrough battle-type mecha and magic bullet defense line.

Magical light bomb attacks may not cause much damage to Heroic Rank powerhouse, but battle-type mecha is different.

The battle-type mecha with good battle strength itself, coupled with the cover of magic light bomb.

The power that can be exerted is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

That's why, at this time, a Heroic Rank powerhouse can break through this line of defense and rush to the city wall of the Far Mountain City.

"That's it! It's a major event!"

Seeing this Heroic Rank powerhouse that suddenly rushed to the city wall, Bu's clansman all had a heartbeat.

The thunder cross is indeed a self-protection weapon, but in the face of the Heroic Rank powerhouse, it does not have much effect.

"You guys seem to be attacking very happily, damn shit!"

Finally broke through the Heroic Rank powerhouse above, with an extremely ferocious face, looking at the clansman beside him In his eyes, there was also undisguised violence.

It's strange that there is no resentment in the hearts of the two sides after fighting the Palace of Castings and Bu's family for so long.

Especially the process of breaking through was so difficult, and the wound on his body made this Heroic Rank powerhouse angry.

"Go die for me!"

With the shout out loudly, the violent Battle Qi also began to gather quickly.

Then in the next moment, it turned into a terrifying force that made people feel chilly, and moved towards Bujia clansman snapped it over.

This palm full of anger, if it is true.

Don't talk about the clansman of Bujia on the city wall.

I am afraid that even this City Wall section of Yuanshan City will be broken and turned into a pile of rubble.

When the time comes, this section of the collapsed city wall is the breakthrough of the Casting Hall, and it is also a gap that is difficult to plug in the Far Mountain City.

The terrifying imposing manner made all the clansman who felt this power look pale.

However, no one backed away.

No one even moved the place.

Because they all know that in the face of such an attack, they are impossible to avoid, it is better to play the last point at the last moment of their lives.

If you can launch one more magic light bomb, it will also give you more power.

Even if it is insignificant for this battle, at least it can make oneself regretless.

Seeing Duan Wenxin in this scene, a triumphant smile appeared on his face.

The thunder cross is no matter how powerful it is. When faced with the Heroic Rank powerhouse, it is not helpless.

Only hard power is the most important.

Those weapons of the unorthodox way are not without the slightest effect in the end.

"I want to go wild in the remote mountain city, have I approved it?"

But at this moment, a cold voice came from the remote mountain city.

What followed was a soft but extremely majestic force that took all the attacks from the Heroic Rank powerhouse in the Casting Hall.

Bujia clansman, no one was injured.

"Who is it? Come out for me!"

Seeing that his attack was intercepted, the Heroic Rank powerhouse of the Forge Hall suddenly shouted with anger.

This anger is actually the question Duan Wen wanted to ask.

"You people in the Casting Hall, the memory is really not very good. In just a few days, you forgot about me."

Zi Yun's face was cold, Appeared on the city wall.

For the Temple of Casting, Zi Yun can be said to have no good feelings, and even full of hatred.

After all, anyone who is repeatedly chased and killed, I am afraid they will completely hate the person who chased him down.

even more how The Purple Lightning Spirit Jiao is a very vengeful creature.

In other words, Dragon Race is actually quite vengeful.

"Who are you?"

The Heroic Rank powerhouse of the Casting Palace frowned and looked at Zi Yun with some doubts.

If you talk about the Purple Electric Spirit Watercress, everyone in the Casting Palace probably knows it.

But not everyone has seen the Human Race form of the Purple Electric Spirit Watercraft.

So this Heroic Rank powerhouse doesn't know Zi Yun, which is quite normal.

"This person is... Zidian Lingjiao! She is here with you!"

However, Duan Wenxin, standing still in the sky, is feeling the breath of Zi Yun After that, he reacted violently.

Poor perception does not mean that there is no perception.

If you can't even tell the breath of the person who appears in front of you, that section of Wenxin is also falsely claiming to be the Heroic Rank Peak powerhouse.

even more how, a dragon roar has appeared before.

"No wonder, it's no wonder that the casting jade plate will fall into your hands. It turns out that the purple electric spirit dragon gave you the casting jade plate."

"This way Once it came, it all made sense."

Duan Wenxin immediately went through the whole sequence of events in his mind.

The previous battle between the Temple of Casting and the Bu's Family was initiated by the Great Elder of the Temple of Casting, so specific matters will always be missed when summarized in Duan Wenxin's hands.

But now, all the omissions have been filled.

"No wonder you are so self-confident. There is a purple lightning spirit dragon guarding the distant mountain city, and it is really difficult to penetrate."

Regarding the battle strength of the purple lightning spirit dragon, Duan Wenxin is I won't doubt it.

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