For a power or a family, loyalty is always the most important issue.

After realizing Qi Le's gaze, Bu Yuyan also realized what Qi Le wanted to say.

So I quickly stood up and said, "There are not many clansman who can have this kind of loyalty in the Bu family, but there are not many. It’s just that Bu’s family is growing too fast now, It’s too late to manage this one."

This is one of the drawbacks of too fast development.

Loyalty needs to be cultivated.

When a person's power grows too fast, it is inevitable that he will be overwhelmed by this powerful force, so that he can't see his position clearly.

This is the same for a family.

The Bujia’s current expansion speed is quite fast, which not only enhances the clansman’s sense of family honor, but also increases the ambition of some people.

They will not content with their current status and want to ask for more.

Without self-knowledge, I can't clearly see my status.

Greed is always endless.

But most of the time, greed will bring only disasters.

"In this case, it seems that we need to find a chance to rectify it, but you know this kind of thing much better than me, so I won't guide you."

Qi Le Most of the time, it's just a reminder.

Bu Yuyan knows the way the family works better than Qi Le, so Qi Le won't get involved in this kind of thing.

"Well, I know."

Bu Yuyan solemnly clicked nodded.

Today's events can be regarded as a reminder for Bu Yuyan, and she has realized the importance of loyalty.

Xu Hengxiang's behavior can already be called a dead man.

"But I'll talk about it later, let's deal with the things in front of you now."

Qi Le scratched the back of his head and said slowly: "Since the Casting Palace is for us Given such a big gift, then we have to return a gift."

Although the tone is weak, the killing intent is strong!

The way of courtesy is the right way. How can someone come to the door and don't return the courtesy?

"Qi Young Master, what do you mean by this is...Do you want to do it yourself?"

Bu Yuyan understood the meaning of Qi Le's words and suddenly looked The surprised looked towards Qi Le.

"It's just a gift in return, you should be optimistic about Bu's family first."

Qi Le shook the head, without saying much.

At the end, he took another look at Gu Mingyuan hidden in the dark.

The explosion just now was not a dangerous thing for Gu Mingyuan. It was just that Qi Le was there, so he didn't show up.

After all, as far as battle strength is concerned, Gu Mingyuan is really not Qi Le's opponent.

"Then, I will leave first."

Qi Le finished speaking, body flashed, and the voice did not fall completely, and the person was gone.

"Gu Mingyuan, you should still be there."

After Bu Yuyan saw Qi Le disappear, she was still stunned for a while before she asked.

"I've been there all the time, Miss Bu, what's your order?"

Gu Mingyuan's voice came from the shadows.

Although Qi Le's order to Gu Mingyuan is to protect Bu Yuyan.

But after the two get along for a long time, in normal times, some small things, Gu Mingyuan, will also help.

Although the simulation robot has no feelings at all, but if you want to become a real person, the 1st step is to learn how to have feelings.

Gu Mingyuan, as a special version specially manufactured by system, is of course different from other mass-produced versions.

The ancient rune of emotional type does not exist.

But the ancient rune used to help self-learning is a real thing.

However, in Ancient Era, this type of ancient rune is usually blessed on the cultivator itself to strengthen its perception when it comes.

Being applied to a simulated robot by system is really unprecedented.

Just because of the difficulty of engraving this type of ancient rune, even the system has some headaches.

That's why I only gave Gu Mingyuan a blessing. As for other simulated robots, I can only think about it.

After all, this kind of self-learning ancient rune is not helpful for battle strength.

For example, learning combat skills...

The simulated robots produced by system still need to learn combat skills?

Then you can't make Qi Le laugh when you go out.

So in the end, this ancient rune function is probably used to give Gu Mingyuan to study human feelings in his free time.

"Take me to the nearest city-state around here."

Bu Yuyan thought for a while, then said aloud.

This half-destroyed city-state can no longer stay now.

Even if it is reconstruction, the amount of work is quite large, and it cannot be completed in a short while.

It might as well find another city-state.

Fortunately, Bu Yuyan is now inspecting among various city-states, so this city-state is not such an important city-state.

Otherwise, it would really be a heavy loss.

After waiting for another city-state, Bu Yuyan's first thing was to start buying battle-type mecha, and then summon the cultivator belonging to Bu's family.

Integrate the strength of Bujia and start a full counterattack.

As Qi Le said, the gifts from the Temple of Casting are all delivered. If the Bu family doesn't return the gifts, wouldn't it be too stingy?

So within two days, battle-type mecha was invested in every city-state where Bu's family was located.

And the number does not need to be too much.

For a city-state, three battle-type mechas can cooperate and fight with each other, which is completely enough.

This time, with the help of battle-type mecha, the cultivators of the Forge Palace are more than just failing to break the defense on the city wall.

Instead, he was beaten back and forth, and simply couldn't get close to the city-state.

Even photos of Heroic Rank powerhouse are useless.

Because all the Heroic Rank powerhouses sent by the Palace of Castings are all realm of the first-level Heroic Rank.

The battle-type mecha can completely contain these Heroic Rank powerhouses, and let the aftermath of the battle hit the people in the casting hall.

After all, three battle-type mecha and one battle-type mecha are not a concept at all.


"A large number of branches of the Casting Temple among the various city-states were destroyed, and the cultivator was killed and the losses were heavy..."

"cast Wudian and Bujia are at war, attack for a long time without any success......"

Duan Wenxin slowly looked at the parchment scroll in his hand, his expression gloomy.

In the past few days, the branch of the Casting Palace built in those city-states began to be destroyed by an unknown powerhouse.

The people who belonged to the Temple of Casting also died.

This is simply a shame!

"Who can tell me what the hell is going on?"

After watching for a long time, Duan Wenxin lifts the head, her tone is cold, the anger on her face is already Some can't be suppressed anymore.

They have always been the only ones to bully others, when is it their turn to bully them?

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1788: Return a gift)...

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