"And the fourth and most important point, Xu Hengxiang, please remember that I am not afraid of any disasters! I am not afraid of any threats! Just let me go. !"

In four sentences, Bu Yuyan spoke loudly, and her expression was extremely firm.

Xu Hengxiang was stunned for a while, before a grinning smile appeared on his face.

"so that's how it is, it seems that Miss Bu has made a decision, then I won't persuade more."

"However, there are a few people, I still want to Let me introduce you to the two of you."

While speaking, Xu Hengxiang clapped his hands gently.

In an instant, the four silhouettes appeared beside Xu Hengxiang, all black robe added, and they couldn't see their appearance clearly.

"Five uninvited guests, finally all came out."

Qi Le sitting on the chair said lightly.

With these people's concealment methods, there is no way to hide in Qi Le's perception.

"What did you say?"

When Xu Hengxiang heard these words, he only felt a chill in his back, and looked towards Qi Le in an incredible way.

Did he know before that there are still four people hiding outside?

No, this should be impossible! It must be a bluff!

"What did I say, if you didn't hear clearly, it must be that your ears are not very good, so I won't talk about second time anymore."

Qi Le fingers crossed , Put his elbows on the armrests on both sides of the chair, and looked at Xu Hengxiang with a faint smile.

Since we are all looking poor now.

Then Qi Le really wants to see how much this guy can do.

It's a good time to infer how much power is hidden in the casting hall.

" Heh , bluffing."

Xu Hengxiang shook the head with disdain, then glanced at the four people around him.

These four people, from the Shadow Guard team of the Forge Hall, are the most elite forces in the Forge Hall.

In other words, it is a dead soldier who belongs to the Temple of Casting.

Except for a handful of people in the Forge Palace, no one else knows about the existence of the Shadow Guard team.

This hidden power is one of the trump cards of the Forge Palace, and of course it is impossible to promote it.

But it is one of the strongest battle strengths that has been able to stand proudly in the world for so long.

It is also Xu Hengxiang’s greatest confidence in coming this time.

Four cultivators from the Shadow Guard team, each of them possesses more power than Xu Hengxiang, as well as tyrannical fighting skills.

It is the duty of the Shadow Guard team to remove all obstacles from the Forge Temple.

Even if it is the Great Elder of the Forge Palace, if you want to dispatch four cultivators from the Shadow Guard team at once, you will have to pay a high price.

It can be seen that in order to deal with the Bu family, the Great Elder of the Foundry Palace really did its best.

"Go, get rid of them all."

Xu Hengxiang raised his hand and gave the order.

To get the command of the Shadow Guard team is actually very simple, that is, let the Shadow Guard team take over the task, and then appoint the commander.

The Shadow Guard team does not care about the identity of the commander, nor does it care who the commander is.

Before the mission is complete, they will faithfully execute every command of the commander, and will not ask why.

Until the mission is completed, the command will be invalidated.

The Shadow Guard team will also return to the casting hall on their own.

" Swish—— !"

Xu Hengxiang's command came, and the four people standing beside him, like four black lightning bolts, turned towards Qi Le and Bu Yuyan. It hits quickly.

They didn't make any voices, as if they were dumb.

The only thing that can be heard in the study is splitting the air sound.

"So fast!"

Bu Yuyan can only vaguely see the four black shadows flashing, and simply can't see the shadow guard team's four-player action. What is it.

When he reacted, a black shadow appeared before his eyes.

The black robe covers the faces of the Shadow Guard team members. From under the hood, only a pair of cold and severe eyes can be seen, without a trace of human emotion.

Yes, it's just cold, and killing.

With just a look, she gave in to Yuyan's heart to start to chill involuntarily.

In the final analysis, Bu Yuyan is still just an ordinary person that's all. No matter how good the mood is, she can't do anything when facing this almost condensed murderous aura.

Because this is simply not something that a high mood can resist.

This kind of murderous aura must be resisted with real strength.

However, the Shadow Guard team did not intend to give Bu Yuyan time to continue to react. After appearing in front of Bu Yuyan, his palm lifted up.

As long as one palm down, Bu Yuyan will definitely vanished fragrance and crumbled jade.

As the wind screamed, Bu Yuyan watched the rapidly approaching attack, almost seeing his own death.

But in the next moment, the scenery in front of Bu Yuyan suddenly changed.

It feels like being dragged out by something.

"Qi, Qi Young Master!"

Bu Yuyan glanced back, only to realize that Qi Le did not know when he appeared behind him, and held his waist. , Appeared beside the study window.

Feeling the warmth in Qi Le's arms, two blushes suddenly appeared on Bu Yuyan's face.

In the study, the place hit by the four of the Shadow Guard team has turned into four potholes.

There was a thin layer of powder piled up inside, and the wind blew and scattered.

Heroic Rank powerhouse's attack, but not every attack has to break the ground, the situation changes.

That kind of behavior that wastes Battle Qi and magic is a fool's show off.

Because of the condensed Battle Qi and magic power, it can create a more powerful destructive power.

If it is not necessary, large-scale destruction is actually rare.

"The action is quite fast."

The smile on Qi Le's face remained unchanged, his tone seemed to be joking, but it seemed to be stating a fact.

Because in Qi Le's eyes, the speed of these four members of the Shadow Guard team can really only be called "very fast".

Compared with Qi Le, simply is not on the same level.

"I used to have such a big tone, now I am slipping fast."

Xu Hengxiang looked at Qi Le and Bu Yuyan who ran to the window, and said with a joking expression on his face. .

"I just think the scenery by the window is better."

Qi Le shrugged said slowly: "Moreover, the ventilation is better here, so I smell There should be less bloody smell."

"hmph, hard mouth can't save your life."

Xu Hengxiang coldly snorted, said with a smile: "Don't worry. Okay, Qi Le, your tombstone. I will engrave your name by myself as I said before."


From Shadow Guard team People did not respond, but directly responded to Xu Hengxiang's order with actions.

The four black shadows are like monsters, attacking the two from four directions.

Obviously, the cooperation of the Shadow Guard team is definitely through thousands hammers, hundred refinements, and the mutual attacks complement each other, which can be described as seamless.

There are hardly any blind spots that can be used to dodge.

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