However, when the party that destroys this Great Influence has enough power.

That would make other forces only dared to drink soup instead of meat.

That's why Qi Le will help Bu Yuyan develop Bu's home quickly.

Otherwise, Qi Le can go directly to solve the Palace Lord of the Casting Palace.

Isn’t it just to invest in a huge monster that is unparalleled in the world, so that you can save snacks when you sell things.

Yes, in the final analysis, Qi Le's purpose remains the same.

It’s just that the process is a bit more complicated.

"Cough cough..."

Just when Qi Le frowns looked melancholy, there was a slight cough in his mind.

But this coughing sound doesn't sound like a cold, it seems to attract Qi Le's attention.

"System, is this the sound you made?"

Qi Le was taken aback first, and then he asked tentatively.

Although Qi Le has been accustomed to such things as voices suddenly came out of his mind, the voices at this time are obviously different from those of the system.

On the contrary, it looks a little old.

system: "Host, as you think, it's not."


Qi Le was shocked and suddenly felt behind him The cold hair is standing up.

Qi Le thought it was from the system before this sudden cough, so he just asked.

But now after being denied by system, Qi Le immediately felt a little insecure.

A voice that can avoid his and system's perception and directly appear in his mind.

This can only be done by a terrifying powerhouse.

At least in realm, it is already crushed.

system: "But you don’t have to worry about the host, because the system already knows what the sound is."

When Qi Le was vigilant, the system’s voice again Rang.

And there is a news that can make Qi Le feel a little more at ease.

"You know, just say it, I'm almost scared to death."

Qi Le wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead, and said with lingering fear.

This is the first time Qi Le has encountered this kind of thing, and he has to be nervous to show respect.

After all, there are not many situations that can make Qi Le nervous.

system: "I don't know the host, do you remember the cast jade plate?"

"Aren't you nonsense? I'm not Alzheimer's, can you still remember this?" " Qi Le contemptuously replied.

system: "As long as the host remembers it, the source of this sound is actually the ancient Remnant Soul reshaped from the cast jade plate."

"What the hell?! " Le Qi can be regarded as the this Time really scared.

How long has passed since the time when it started to reshape the ancient Remnant Soul? How could the reshape be completed so quickly?

The function of strength of Faith is too powerful.

system: "Host, you are starting to be ignored and incompetent again. Remodeling and successful remodeling are completely different concepts."

"I was just too surprised. , I didn't react for a while."

When prompted by the system, Qi Le also reacted.

The difference between reshaping and reshaping success is indeed quite big.

It's like a Brave Rank cultivator and a powerhouse powerhouse. They have also embarked on this path, but are their strengths the same?

It is very difficult to reshape the ancient Remnant Soul, but compared to completely recovering the strength of the ancient Remnant Soul, the difficulty is not a little bit different.

In this case, listen to the meaning of system.

It should be the cast jade plate that reshaped the ancient Remnant Soul, but the strength is still open for discussion.

"But why did the ancient Remnant Soul make a sound this time?"

Qi Le asked again.

This has never happened before.

system: "This... Honestly speaking, this system just learned about it, this thing can talk."

Oh? Doesn’t the system simply know about this?

Then Qi Le felt a little more balanced.

At least it proved that he and the system are still on the same level, and he has not been surpassed by this guy.

"Then what should I do next?"

Qi Le has never encountered such a thing, so now I can only ask the system obediently and honestly.

This is a fine tradition, so I am not ashamed to ask.

system: "Don't worry too much, the host, the newly born ancient Remnant Soul seems to have its own consciousness. Although it is very weak, it should be able to communicate."

"Can you communicate? Then? It's the best."

Qi Le is afraid that he can't communicate. When the time comes means if the guess is wrong, then there is a problem.

And more importantly, even if there is a problem, Qi Le may not know where the problem is.


There was another coughing sound.

It's just the coughing this time, it should be clearer, and you can clearly hear the old age and vicissitudes of life.

It's like a voice from the ancients...Well, this description doesn't seem to be wrong.

"Well, may I ask, can you hear me?"

After Qi Le heard this voice, he immediately started to communicate to see if he could find this ancient Remnant. The bottom line of Soul.

"Who is calling me?"

Qi Le's question was quickly answered.

It's just that the tone of this response is rather indifferent, like...without a trace of emotion.

And aloof and remote, with a sense of contempt for everything.

Qi Le raised his eyebrows. Although he was disliked by the tone has several points of, he still patiently said: "I am calling you."

" Who are you? Why do you want to call me?"

The indifferent voice soon rang and questioned Qi Le.

Qi Le couldn't help but scratch the back of his head, and then asked system in his mind: "Is this guy really a remodeled ancient Remnant Soul? How do you say it in such a strange tone?"

system: "Actually, it should be correct."

"You also know that it is logically speaking, but now this situation, there is no way to look at it according to common sense."

Qi Le suddenly got a headache.

In this tone, it is really difficult to continue to communicate.

system: "This..."

"Forget it, I guess you don't know what to do if you ask, I'll do it myself."

Qi Le interrupted the system, and then communicated with "Ancient Remnant Soul": "My name is Qi Le. If my identity is correct, I should be your benefactor."

If this guy If it is really the ancient Remnant Soul that has been reshaped, then what Qi Le said is not wrong.

Because the ancient Remnant Soul was reshaped by casting jade plates with the help of strength of Faith, and the source of strength of Faith is Qi Le and system.

So there is nothing wrong with the term "benefactor".



However, the indifferent voice immediately screamed and seemed to disagree with this statement.

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