"Go back, I have to report this to the military leader of the palace."

Shi Gui's face is deathly pale. He breathed heavily in his mouth, and said something like The sound of a broken bellows.

The formidable power of the high-compression magic light bomb is really too big. Even if Shi Gui escaped by chance, he was seriously injured and his battle strength was greatly reduced.

Fortunately, the magic light bomb aims at destruction, not erosion.

So Shi Gui can use Battle Qi to temporarily seal the wound and prevent the continuous loss of blood.

As for healing...

It’s impossible for this kind of wound that penetrates back and forth to heal completely in a short time. Even if it can protect the wound without expanding Good thing.

"Oh, isn't this Shigui, how could it become like this?"

"Is there any incredible powerhouse in Feiyan City? " stone is owned by some vague sense of time, a sarcastic sound, suddenly rang.

Immediately afterwards, a man with a somewhat feminine face appeared abruptly in front of Shi Gui.

A black robe suit made this man look a bit fierce.

"Xu Hengxiang?! Why did you come here?"

Shi Gui looked at the visitor, his face was startled, and the voice of questioning was blurted out.

This man with a feminine face, named Xu Hengxiang, is well known in the Temple of Casting.

The realm of the Heroic Rank mid-level, strength alone can rank in the forefront of the casting hall.

It’s just that this person never accepts quests and acts very secretly, but once he strikes it is the power of thunder, and all he solves is a powerful enemy.

There are more than a dozen Heroic Rank powerhouses that died in his hands.

It can be said that there are many people in the casting hall who are afraid of this guy.

I am afraid of his strength and fierce shots.

"I came here naturally to meet you. I don't know if you can get the cast jade plate?"

Xu Hengxiang narrowed his eyes and asked aloud.

"so that's how it is."

Listening to Xu Hengxiang's explanation, Shi Gui can be considered sighed in relief.

If you can have a powerhouse stronger than yourself, it will naturally be a lot of peace of mind.

When asked about the casting jade plate, Shi Gui couldn't help but blush.

There is no other reason.

Because of the cast jade plate, Shi Gui not only did not get his hands, he has not even confirmed who owns the cast jade plate.

Now that I am asked, apart from embarrassment, there is only shame.

"I'm going back to report this matter. Bu's family is not as simple as we thought. We all look down on Bu's family."

Shi Gui said hesitantly. It seems to be making excuses for his failure.

"Oh? What do you say?"

A strange smile appeared on Xu Hengxiang's face. He looked at Shi Gui and asked aloud.

These words sound like concerns, but there is a hint of unusual meaning in their tone.

It's just that Shi Gui was in embarrassment and panic, and didn't notice the weirdness.

When I was asked, I just explained a few words.

"Bu's family owns a huge airship. I don't know where I got the treasure from. It is not afraid of Heroic Rank powerhouse attacks, and the destructive power is extremely amazing."

Shi Gui exaggerated to cover up his defeat.

When the enemy is so strong, it is not that I refuse to contribute, but that I am really incapable and lacking in strength.

"Then speaking of which, is the wound on your body caused by that airship?"

Xu Hengxiang looked at Shi Gui with a playful smile at the corner of his mouth.

The blood has dried up, but the wound is not so easy to heal.

So even if Shi Gui wanted to hide, he couldn't hide it.

However, this kind of injury does not actually need to be concealed. On the contrary, it is displayed generously, which can prove what Shi Gui said.

That is the enemy is too powerful.

In this case, somehow, part of the responsibility for the failure of the mission can be attributed to the members of the intelligence gathering, so as to reduce the punishment they will receive.

"Yes, I didn't expect that there will be such a powerful treasure in Bu's hands."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't be so embarrassed. " stone return sighed, then looked back at the direction of a pian of the city.

This place is already a long way from Feiyan City. It must be the lucky guy Bu Yuyan, It shouldn't be chasing it.

"In this way, your mission has failed, and the casting jade plate is still in Bu's hands, right."

Xu Hengxiang ignored Shi Gui’s argument, and It is a slow summary.

"This...yes, yes."

Shi Gui was choked by Xu Hengxiang's words, an angry look flashed in his eyes, but nodded still admitted.

This kind of thing is unavoidable. Regardless of the success or failure of the mission, it needs to be recorded after returning to the Temple of Casting.

Shi Gui felt a little embarrassed just being punctured by this layer of window paper.

"I have understood the general situation, then your surplus value can be considered exhausted ."

Xu Hengxiang's tone is still calm and indifferent.

But it seemed that he had accidentally said something terrible, which made Shi Gui's heart startled. He suddenly raised his head and looked towards Xu Hengxiang, and asked sternly: "What do you mean by this? ?"

"What does it mean that the surplus value has been used up?"

This is undoubtedly a pain in Shi Gui's heart.

However, Xu Hengxiang didn’t care at all, looking at the stubborn Shigui, faintly smiled and said: "What do you mean? Of course it means literally."

Xu Hengxiang pulled out slowly. The rapier at the waist, with his eyes half-squinted, his tone gradually became dangerous.

"Sometimes, some people disappear forever, which is more valuable than living."

"Do you understand? Shigui."

As soon as he said this, Xu Hengxiang's eyes suddenly flashed a ray of light, and then his figure disappeared in place.

"What did you say?! What do you want to do! Ah..."

"pu ——!"

Shi Gui backed away in horror, But in the next second, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back.

Immediately afterwards, a rapier came out from his chest and appeared before his eyes.

The carved pattern on the sword is very beautiful, and after being stained with blood, it looks even more coquettish.

The fierce Battle Qi tore Shi Gui's heart to pieces.

A stream of red blood also spilled from Shi Gui's mouth and dripped onto the ground.

"Why... why..."

Shi Gui opened his mouth wide, his eyes filled with puzzlement.

It is just to prove that the brilliance of Shi returning to life is just dissipating from his eyes, little by little.

"Because Duan Wenxin can't get the cast jade plate, at least until he gets off the throne of the Palace Lord, he must not be allowed to get the cast jade plate!"

Xu Hengxiang answered, pulling out the rapier from behind Shi Gui.

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