"Bang-- !"

A shield from Battle Qi condense appeared in front of Shi Gui, and then in the next instant, it shattered.

The high-compression magic light bomb also penetrated Shi Gui's body as expected.

Come out from behind, bringing up a smear of blood.

"What did I see? Ying, Heroic Rank powerhouse was going to lose..."

"I am definitely dreaming. It must be, how could this happen? it, that ship airship, is what has terrifying power of the treasure it? " " step, step family eldest Miss ...... that is the home of eldest Miss steps have treasure it? "

The people in Feiyan City were stunned.

The shock in my heart is even more exhibit one's feelings in one's speech.

The floating position of the bomb bomber airship is not very high, so the confrontation between the bomb bomber airship and Shigui, on the ground, even if you look at it not quite clear, you can barely see the general plot.

And it is this general plot that makes people even more unbelievable.

In their mind, the almost invincible Heroic Rank powerhouse was about to lose, and it was still lost in the hands of an airship that had never been seen before.

More importantly, this airship is a treasure owned by Eldest Miss from Feiyan City Bu’s family.

With such a tyrannical treasure, doesn't it mean that Feiyan City can now be higher than the surrounding city-states.

Among them, the happiest one is Bu Hangkong.

Looking at the clansman with illusions like preparing for there funeral, Bu Hangkong is extremely happy.

The emergence of bombing airships makes Bu Hangkong overwhelmed by emotions.

" Yu Yan can finally be alone. It seems that this huge Bu family can be handed over to her."

Bu Hangkong sighed silently in his heart, and then cold Glancing coldly at the wolf ambitions, their fate has been determined in their heart.

This kind of thankless wretch should be cleaned up without leaving it!

The Bu family has no place for them, even Feiyan City cannot accommodate them.

The betrayer should live in despair all his life.

You must know that the most desperate thing for people is not death, but never seeing the future, living in all black, no daylight forever.

However, it is completely opposite to Bu Hangkong and the ordinary residents of Feiyan City.

When they saw that Shi Gui might lose to the bombing airship, Yan Qianshan and You Qiyuan both had cold hands and feet, their hearts were cold, and their clothes were immediately soaked in cold sweat.

Because if Shigui is defeated.

Then Yan Qianshan and You Qiyuan can be sure that Bu Yuyan’s next goals are Yan Family and You Family.

After Bu Jia has such terrifying power, Yan Family and You Family absolutely have no probability that can resist.

I didn't expect myself and the others plot against for so long, still so vulnerable in the face of absolute power.

Thinking of this, Yan Qianshan and You Qiyuan couldn't help feeling a little frustrated.

But more, still panic and uneasy.

If You Family and Yan Family are gone, where should they go?

Probably it will be cleaned up together.

As the current patriarch of You Family and Yan Family, if the family is gone, their best end is to be placed under house arrest for a lifetime, and then die alone in a small courtyard.

Don't take half a step in your life.

However, in most cases, it was buried with the family.

"Otherwise, let's escape. If it doesn't work, you will escape. As long as you are not in Feiyan City, there will be a comeback day."

Yan Qianshan stood up from his chair When I get up, I don’t have the calmness I had before, and even more concealed taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

Up to now, there is only anxiety and panic on his face.

Yan Qianshan still didn't want to die, so saw that the situation was far from good, knowing that he had to leave Feiyan City, otherwise, he might never be able to do without.

In other words, Shi Gui can win the battle.

Then the family to be destroyed will be the Bu family.

This is the last hope, and it is also the result that You Qiyuan and Yan Qianshan are waiting for.

It’s just that these two people are both old fox. Naturally, it’s impossible to put their own safety on a battle of unknown outcome.

So You Qiyuan's decision is the same as Yan Qianshan's.

Pack your things first and prepare to leave Feiyan City. Once you are sure that the stone is invincible, you will leave immediately and never stay.

Regardless of the shame of running away, as long as the green hills are there, there is no need to worry about not having firewood.

As long as You Qiyuan and Yan Qianshan are still alive, then You Family and Yan Family have a chance to make a comeback.


Regardless of what the people in Feiyan City think.

Anyway, Shi Gui, who is confronting Bu Yuyan in the sky, feels uncomfortable now.

With the horrible firing speed of the railgun, as long as it is aimed, Shi Gui simply cannot escape, and can only be passively beaten.

And in front of the high-compression magic bullet, the body guard Battle Qi is simply useless.

Shi Gui has tried many times, and his defense is in front of the bombardment airship’s railgun. Simply can't do anything, he can only waste his own Battle Qi.

"Damn it, where did she get such a powerful treasure?"

"Looking at this power, I am afraid that even the military leader hasn't had a few years. It can't be built."

Shi Gui looked at the bombing airship in front of him , thinking in his heart.

But if Qi Le knew about this, he would probably laugh at it and say that it would have been flattering for several years.

If you don't know how the ancient rune should be engraved, if you want to build a bomb-dropped airship, then you are joking.

Not to mention the magic of railguns mixed with high-tech products.

If no one is pointing, don't talk about it for several years, even if it is decades, Duan Wenxin will not want to create it.

"What should I do now? That huge monster should have weaknesses."

In fact, Shi Gui's heart has already shown some retreat.

But when he thought of his own task, Shi Gui felt that he still had to work harder.

Since the defense is not good, let's take a look on the offense.

So this time, Shi Gui didn't wait for the orbital gun to fire again, so he rushed directly to the bombardment airship, as fast as lightning.

Since it is no match for the bomber airship, it is enough to eliminate the people who control the bomber airship.

A sharp long knife appeared in Shi Gui's hands.

The people in the Forge Temple will never lack weapons.

Because if there is a lack of weapons, it will be a shame for the Temple of Casting.

And the difference is only the quality of the weapon that's all.

Obviously, for the Heroic Rank powerhouse, the Casting Hall is also very important, so the quality of the weapons that Shigui has-is definitely not low.

Although it is still better than the original Tong Wu, he can get a steel knife forged by Duan Wenxin himself.

But after attaching Battle Qi, the destructive power displayed by the long knife in Shi Gui's hand is still amazing.

The sharp blade flashes with cold light, as if to tear the space apart.

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