"pu ——!"

A mouthful of blood was spit out from Bu Hangkong's mouth, and the person flew out and hit the ground.

This is because Shi Gui deliberately regained his strength, because he wanted to keep Bu Hangkong's life.

Otherwise, an ordinary person would not be able to withstand the imposing manner of a Heroic Rank powerhouse anyway.

" Boom—— !"

The violent imposing manner centered on Shigui, moved towards spreading around, covering most of Feiyan City in the blink of an eye.

Everyone felt a stagnation in their chests, as if a boulder was pressing on their bodies.

Those who are far away are slightly better.

But those residents who came close to watch the excitement were thrown off by this violent imposing manner on the spot, and then they fell fiercely to the ground.

The haze of panic and fear immediately covered the sky over Feiyan City.

This is the Heroic Rank powerhouse of genuine!

If there are no special circumstances, the residents of Feiyan City will probably not see these realm powerhouses in this life.

Grandmaster Rank is already the existence they need to look up to.

However, now, a Heroic Rank powerhouse has come to declare their power. This is how they can not be frightened.

Regardless of how Feiyan City is still a big city-state, a Feiyan Chamber of Commerce has emerged, covering more than a dozen city-states.

But in the eyes of Heroic Rank powerhouse, it's simply nothing.

There is not enough power to guard, no matter how big a Chamber of Commerce is, it is just a piece of fat on the chopping board and can only be slaughtered.

Even if Shi Gui is only a realm of the first level of Heroic Rank, that is enough.

"Come and tell me now, to hand in, or not to hand in?"

Shi Gui half tilted his head, looking down at his deathly pale face, with bloodshot Bu Hangkong still hanging on the corner of his mouth. Asked proudly.

Strength is Shi Gui's greatest support.

Although the realm of Heroic Rank is not at the forefront in the casting hall, it is enough to crush everything in such a small place.

"Damn it, how can it be so strong..."

Bu Hangkong got up from the ground with difficulty, and the severe pain from his body made him change every time he breathed Some difficulties.

Because every breath will involve the injury on the body, making the pain more intense.

"patriarch, hand over Eldest Miss if it doesn't work."

"Yes, patriarch, if it is really Eldest Miss's fault, then she should do it herself !"

"Patriarch, make a decision quickly, do you want to ruin the entire Bu family here?"

"If you hand over Eldest Miss, you can change it Come to the safety of the whole Bu's family, then you should do this! Patriarch, you can't get confused at this time."

At this moment, the Bu's clansman changed his face.

From the very beginning, the flattering and flattering of Bu Yuyan after returning to Bu’s house, the condemnation, disgust and avoidance until now, as if as long as the handing over of Bu Yuyan, they would It's the same for a lifetime.

However, they never think about it.

If Bu Yuyan hadn't come forward, that Bu's family is now in Feiyan City, facing the cooperation of You Family and Yan Family, it is almost difficult.

It was the news of Yuanshan City that passed back to Feiyan City that made You Qiyuan and Yan Qianshan fear Bu's family.

It also gave Bu's family a chance to breathe.

The cooperation between Bu Yuyan and Qi Le is also an opportunity for Bu's rise.

It's a pity that these Bu's clansman couldn't see these things. They only saw Bu Yuyan's danger to them.

So I can’t wait to hand over Bu Yuyan to ensure my own safety.

Maybe selfishness is the instinct of some people.

The mouse is short-sighted, and he is talking about these people.

Just ask for a moment of peace, but never thought, if there is no Bu Yuyan, then you and Yan Family who glare like a tiger watching his prey will let Bu's go?

Whatever you think is impossible.


Hearing the clansman's advice standing behind him, Bu Hangkong was so angry that his hands were shaking.

If there is no Bu Yuyan, you trash, who can provoke Bu's family?

You can only see your own benefits, but you can't see the contributions of others. It is because of you guys that Bu's family will be suppressed by You Family and Yan Family to move a single step.

Now finally there is an opportunity to make the Bu family soar into the sky, you actually want to give it out by yourself!

It’s no wonder that Bu’s family is getting weaker. This is simply not a problem that one or two people can solve.

"Look, Bu Hangkong...patriarch," Shi Gui said with a sarcasm on his face, as if watching a farce, "Even the people in your family Having said that, why should you insist on doing so?"

"Although you have done some bad things, the Casting Palace is still generous after all, so don’t make me embarrassed anymore. Okay, okay."

Shi Gui half-squinted his eyes, and the bloodthirsty spirit kept flashing, and the imposing manner erupted from his body was even stronger.

A majestic coercion gathered in Feiyan City, constantly breaching the psychological defense of Bujia Clansman.

Also, the residents of Feiyan City did not even dare to breathe.

"Return, my lord..."

At this moment, a clansman who looks like a rat-headed rat stumbled out of the gate of the patriarch house and came to Shigui Before, cautiously said.

"Bu Yuyan... she ran away, she is not in the main house of the Bu family now."

"What did you say?"

Shi I belonged to frowned, looked at the person in front of me, and said, "Do you know what the consequences will be if you lied to me?"

"Yes, of course you know, but Bu Yuyan is really not in the main house now , The villain has searched for it just now, and I have searched it all over but have not found it."

The Bujia clansman said with sincerity.

It can be seen that he wanted to find Bu Yuyan first, and then grabbed it to ask for credit.

It's a pity that I didn't find it.

"You! Damn it! You are a betrayal!"

Bu Hangkong shook his body and took a step back, almost unable to stand firm with anger, and his heart was full of anger.

He absolutely didn't expect that this kind of person would appear in Bujia, who could be so selfish and foolish.

Can you be better off if your home is down?

"Betrayal? For a family that is about to fall, what kind of betrayal is there to talk about. This is called be worldly-wise and play safe, and it is the wisest choice."

Returning to hearing this, I said with a sneer.

Then he turned his head and looked towards the clansman of Bujia, and said: "You have done a good job. Now I give you the power to find Bu Yuyan."

"After that, you will get the rewards you deserve, including Bujia, all of you."

"Yes! My lord !"

This Bujia clansman was praised by Shi Guiyi. , His face flushed with excitement suddenly, and the expression looking towards Bu Hangkong became arrogant.

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