After all, Qi Le is impossible to that level even if the price is set low.

Because these products are not designed for the general public.

As for combat supplies, what did the ordinary person buy for?

The positioning of the product must be more precise. This is not a daily necessities.

And seeing the new products here, it will come to an end.

There are only these three for the time being.

However, their respective functions cover a wide range, including combat, defense, and control.

"Then the next step is the most important pricing link."

Qi Le muttered to himself enthusiastically.

Since there is no single collection limit for strength of Faith, it is okay to set the price of these new products a little higher.

Although Qi Le's essential purpose is not to earn how much Gold Coin.

But letting others take advantage of oneself is not such a happy thing.

Flame Cross, the target customer group is mainly mercenaries and cultivators who are not strong enough. After all, wealthy businessmen will not go to battle in person.

They are very sorry for their lives.

So the price of the flame cross can be a little lower, then set a three hundred Gold Coin.

Compared with the improved version of laser light, the flame cross is naturally much more expensive.

One of the reasons is that the improved laser light book is a special offer. One hundred Gold Coin is actually a cabbage price, so it has no reference value.

And second, the use of the flame cross and the improved laser light is actually a bit different.

The battle strength possessed by the improved laser light is only a foreign object after all.

But the strength of Raging Flames obtained in the field of flames is a real strength that blesses the users themselves.

So if you really want to count, 300 Gold Coin is still a very low price.

Qi Le set this price after careful consideration, which is quite reasonable.

However, the second new product, the thunder cross, will not be priced so low.

The function of the thunder cross is defensive, and it does not require the user to take action. It can be said to be quite suitable for those wealthy businessmen, and those who can only eat and drink merrily, but have no power to restrain chickens. young master.

And the biggest feature of these customers is that they don't lack Gold Coin at all.

So Qi Le set a starting price, and naturally he will not be polite.

The thunder cross is directly set to 500 Gold Coins. I believe no one will be too expensive.

If it is too expensive, you can choose not to buy it.

The most important thing about Qi Le opening a store to do business is that you love me.

Of course, this sentence is nice.

To put it more bluntly, that is, you love to buy and buy, but you don’t want to buy it. Is it possible that such a good product will be worse than you, a customer?

But Qi Le will not just and honorable say this sentence.

Because I said it, I became a catwalker. Qi Le is not so boring yet.

As for the last new product, the Pillar of Locking Spirit, Qi Le discovered several interesting points after researching for a while.

That is the connection range of the pillars of the lock spirit, which is actually limited.

If you want to connect the two spiritual locking pillars together, the maximum distance between them cannot exceed ten meters. If it exceeds, the spiritual locking pillar will be disconnected.

The Locking Space will collapse naturally.

So if you want the lock space to cover a sufficiently wide area, the number of lock columns required is definitely not a small number.

This is one of them.

And the second one is the upper limit of the energy that can be blocked by the spiritual lock space, that is, the realm of the cultivator that can be blocked, and it is closely related to the number of spiritual lock pillars.

The higher the cultivator realm that you want to block, the stronger the strength, and the more spirit lock pillars you need.

And the more cultivators blocked in the spirit lock space, the more spirit lock pillars needed will also increase accordingly.

Also, the spirit lock pillar is different from the first two crosses.

The spirit lock pillar is a consumable item.

Unlike the flame cross which is already a thunder cross, it can provide energy by replacing the filled Magic Core.

Once the energy contained in the spirit lock pillar is exhausted, it must be replaced with a new one.

This is the most powerful place.

Honestly, this is something that Qi Le only knew after the reminder of system.

The spirit lock pillar turned out to be a consumable item, which is really powerful.

So in terms of pricing, Qi Le feels that it is better not to set the price of the Locking Pillar too high.

After all, if you buy this stuff once, it is a lot. It is absolutely impossible to buy one by two.

So after thinking for a long time, Qi Le made the decision to lock the pillar, 50 Gold Coin, which is a fairly affordable price.

Now that the price is set.

Then, the next step is to find the time for system to benefit.

"System, come out for me."

Qi Le unceremoniously yelled in his head.

Because Qi Le is not fooling the system this time, but actually giving the system 10% of the strength of Faith income, so it has to be replaced by something to be comfortable.

This is called reciprocity, and it is a method that can make the relationship between the two better.

system: "What's the matter? Host."

After getting the benefits, the system is still quite attentive, and it ran out without asking Qi Le to wait.

"Something, of course something, I gave you that many strength of Faith before, and it is still a sustainable income, don't you think I should give me something to make up for my loss a little bit?"

Qi Le said it quite rightly.

In the past, I only dared to fudge cautiously. This time, I can finally be an uncle.

system : "? host right in saying that this system how about sending you a simulation robot" system: "And let the host to choose their own appearance."

This promise is a refreshing promise.

Qi Le deeply felt one thing, that is, what it means to be rich...No, it's a good thing, it's the uncle.

"Is it the same strength as Guke?"

Qi Le is quite satisfied with this gift, so he asked.

Guke is already a Heroic Rank High Rank realm.

So if the strength of the new simulation robot is the same as that of Guke, it is acceptable.

system: "Host, please rest assured, after careful research and improvement of this system, the new simulation robot can reach Heroic Rank Peak Realm."

The strength of the new simulation robot goes further .

In other words, system's knowledge of ancient rune is quite high.

It seems that the benefits of the casting jade plate to the system are a little more than imagined.

"Well, I will accept this gift."

Qi Le clicked nodded, and then in his mind he began to discuss the appearance of a new simulation robot with system .

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