The sophistry of system forced Qi Le to admire silently in the heart, but couldn't refute it.

"As far as the eloquence, the inverted black and white eloquence, you are indeed a finished apprenticeship."

Qi Le smashed his mouth and didn't know what to say, it could only be a meaningful compliment Look at the system.

system: "The host is overwhelmed."


It can be seen that this two-bi system really does not understand the meaning of these idioms. .

"Since you specifically mentioned this matter, it certainly wouldn't be to tell me that that piece of ancient Remnant Soul is actually a blank piece of ancient Remnant Soul."

Qi Le thought it over and thought it would be better to get the topic back.

system: "Of course, host, do you think this system is such a boring system?"

Facing the rhetorical question almost exactly the same as the previous few minutes, Qi Le was silent for a while, and then said aloud: "The same thing, I don't want to say it a second time."

"You just need to be more confident."

Sometimes, he speaks tactfully. Point, for systems with low IQ, that is praise.

system: "Forget it, don't talk to you stupid host, you can't appreciate the wisdom of this system at all."

system: "This time this system will say The business is actually not long ago, this restored ancient Remnant Soul fuse together with the cast jade plate."

"What did you say?"

Qi Le suddenly sat up from the bed, wondering if he had heard him wrong.

The ancient Remnant Soul merged with the cast jade plate?

"What happened after that? Was the function of the cast jade plate damaged? Is the ancient Remnant Soul still useful?"

Qi Le asked aloud.

This kind of thing is really unexpected. Who can imagine that the ancient Remnant Soul can be integrated with the cast jade plate. The two things simply have no intersection. Okay.

What is the reason for the integration?

system: "After the inspection of this system, it is found that the function of the cast jade plate is not damaged, but the ancient Remnant Soul has been completely absorbed by the cast jade plate, so it no longer exists ."

"That means I lost a piece of ancient Remnant Soul?"

Qi Le summarized the words of system.

system: "Host, please pay attention to your wording, it should be that this system has lost a piece of ancient Remnant Soul."


Qi Le without the slightest hesitation took a sip, and then earnest and well-meant advised education: "system, you have to be clear, what is the relationship between the two of us, do we need to divide each other?"

"Isn't yours mine? Isn't it hurting the feelings to be so clear."

This kind of education is very good, at least it can make Qi Le fool the system in the future At that time, save a little effort.

system: "Don't tell me the host, let's discuss business."

"Also, as long as you remember this sentence, it's fine, yours is mine , Mine is mine."

Qi Le clicked nodded and signaled the system to continue.

system: "I always feel something is wrong..."

system: "But not to mention this, this system says this is good news, and that's because of cast jade After absorbing the ancient Remnant Soul, the disc seems to have some new functions."

"Really? What are the new functions?"

Qi Le suddenly became interested.

The casting jade plate is a good thing. If some new functions can appear, it will not be too bad.

system: "According to the test results, among the more new functions of the cast jade plate, the most important one is called faith cohesion."

"Listen to this name, and It is a function that can help me collect strength of Faith."

Qi Le hearing this, I was overjoyed.

system: "Unfortunately, the host, the function of faith cohesion is just the opposite of what you imagined. This is a function that swallows the strength of Faith and condenses into a cast jade plate."

"What am I..."

Qi Le was choked by system and almost choked to death with his own saliva.

Swallow strength of Faith? !

So what is the use of this function?

"Is there a way to remove this function?" Qi Le asked aloud with hope after coughing.

system: "Host, you can really laugh, of course, there is no way."

"Then you say a hammer, can this be good news?"

Qi Le's mood suddenly fell.

It seems that the previous guess is correct. Whether the news that the system said is good or bad, it can only be judged after the specific content is said.

It's just the news of this Xue, the cat abuser.

system: "Do not be discouraged by the host. The function of faith cohesion does need to swallow strength of Faith, but this is only one effect of this function."

system: "And another effect , It allows the host to gain strength of Faith for all transactions in this world."

system: "There is no single collection limit for strength of Faith, and there is no limit to the automatic sale of must. Trading within the goods point is also not limited to the use of Gold Coin for trading."

"What did you say?! Another effect!"

Qi Le's mood was lowered , Was dissipated in an instant, replaced by a face full of surprises.

If you only look at the previous effect of the function of faith cohesion, then what the system said is really bad news.

But looking at the latter effect, it is not necessarily.

Although the explanation of system is very complicated.

But in short, it is just one sentence, as long as the function of faith cohesion exists, then the limitation of collecting strength of Faith will all disappear.

As long as it is a product from the world’s dedicated purchase channel.

No matter how you trade out, you can gain strength of Faith.

And there is no collection limit.

Then this time can be convenient, and the plan against the Temple of Casting can also be greatly accelerated.

The previous limitation due to the shipping speed, this time is all gone.

"Why didn't you say it earlier, you should be the first to say this kind of thing."

Qi Le immediately relaxed, and then thought for a while. I asked again in my mind: "Then how fast does this function of faith cohesion swallow the strength of Faith?"

Although it can rely on faith cohesion, it greatly accelerates the speed of gathering strength of Faith.

But if the function of faith cohesion swallows the strength of Faith too fast, then the gains outweigh the losses, so it is better not to.

system: "This...if the system's detection is correct, the strength of Faith swallowed by faith seems to be...half of the strength of Faith collected by the host."


Qi Le leaned back and took a deep breath, but did not vomit out for a while.

However, thinking about the help brought by faith cohesion, after lifting all restrictions, Qi Le can collect strength of Faith more than ten times faster.

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