As for before this, Qi Le feels that it is better for him to rest at ease .

To eat and wait for death is the kingly way. As for those intrigues, dominance of the world, it is too tiring.

"Well, Qi Young Master, please rest assured, since I have promised to help you fight the Temple of Casting, then I will never back down."

Bu Yuyan solemnly The matter was nodded, and the expression in Qi Le's eyes was full of firmness.

"I'm not afraid of you shrinking."

Qi Le laughed, and then opened the door of the manned room of the bomb-dropped airship, ready to leave directly.

Then I heard Bu Yuyan stop herself.

"Wait a minute, Young Master Qi, I remembered that my father wrote before saying... Yan Family’s Yan Lin was killed in Feiyan City. Judging from the wound, it should be What a powerful cultivator does."

"It’s just that You Family and Yan Family both denied this."

Bu Yuyan suddenly remembered it, anxious Speaking hurriedly.

"Yan Lin? Dead?"

Of course, Qi Le still remembers the Chief-In-Charge of the Yan Family who was dispatched to Yuanshan City.

I was fortunate once by You Mu through the demonic beast tide, but I was lucky to not die under Zi Yun's claws.

It’s just that, although this guy survived a catastrophe, he didn’t have much luck.

It was killed by someone else in Feiyan City.

Come, maybe Yu Mu, who left this World earlier, missed him.

"Did You Family and Yan Family both deny it... Then it seems that Yan Lin's business should not have been done by them."

Qi Le squinted his eyes After thinking about it for a while, I said it very confidently.

It is true that both You Family and Yan Family had motives for the murder of Yan Lin. The purpose was to ease the relationship between the two.

But definitely not stupid enough to do it at this time.

At this point in time, Yan Lin's death will only make Yan Family more certain that what You Mu did in Yuanshan City was instructed by You Family.

If you want to do it, you have to wait for the event to pass the limelight before you do it.

Then, there is only one person Qi Le can think of that will attack Yan Lin.

It is the Heroic Rank powerhouse from the Palace of Casting.

It's not hard to guess.

Because the last time the demonic beast tide attacked the distant mountain city, the cause was precisely because that Heroic Rank powerhouse sneak attacked the Purple Electric Spirit Flood, which caused the Spirit Flood Egg to be lost.

The remote mountain city will be attacked by the demonic beast tide.

There are not many people who know the cause and effect. You Mu may be one, but Li Congrong ordered City Guard to solve it.

Then Yan Lin who returned to Feiyan City was another person who knew the cause and effect of the incident.

So it is conceivable to be found.

Because of the Heroic Rank powerhouse from the Temple of Casting, I have seen You Mu and Yan Lin!

It is estimated that this is also the side that reminded the Heroic Rank powerhouse of this incident, so he set off to find Yan Lin, and after inquiring about the demonic beast tide, he shot out.

You must know that in order to cast the jade plate, the Temple of Casting will definitely not only start with the Purple Lightning Spirit Jiao.

After not getting the casting jade plate from Zidian Forest, Yuanshan City is another goal.

Or maybe...Bujia!

However, only Qi Le wanted to know this matter.

Because You Mu and the Heroic Rank powerhouse of the Casting Temple knew about the things that, besides You Mu himself and Yan Lin, only Qi Le, who had used Soul Search for You Mu, knew about it.

Others, it is absolutely impossible to think of this.

"Then you can solve the case this time."

Qi Le frowned, took a deep breath, said: "Feiyan Chamber of Commerce in Feiyan City, There may be something wrong."


Bu Yuyan looked towards Qi Le in amazement, wondering where this sentence came from.


In the mansion of the Temple of Casting.

Duan Wenxin walked slowly in the room with his hands behind his back.

And below the steps, a young man fell on one knee and bowed his head respectfully.

It is exactly the Heroic Rank powerhouse who had a previous sneak attack on the Purple Electric Spirit Waterhouse.

"You came to see the old man this time, what's the matter?"

Duan Wenxin said slowly and asked in a low voice.

The young man received the penalty last time because of a failed mission. After he finally recovered, he ran out without permission.

Fortunately, the control of Heroic Rank powerhouse in the Casting Palace is not strict.

After all, although the Palace of Casting is powerful, Heroic Rank powerhouse is not a weak person. As long as it does not violate the rules of the Palace of Casting, running out without permission is not a major event.

"Reporting back to Palace Lord, the subordinates went out this time to find the people who escaped from Yuanshan City the last time Yuanshan City encountered the demonic beast tide."

"According to what he said, the Purple Electric Spirit Jiao appeared in Far Mountain City and gave a black jade plate to a man."

"And that man seems to be a step Family."

The young man quickly answered Duan Wenxin's words.

"The black jade plate on the purple electric spirit Jiao, it should be a cast jade plate."

Duan Wenxin pondered for a moment before slowly raising his head, his face solemn Said: “It’s really didn’t expect that the Purple Electric Spirit Dragon will give the casting jade plate to others.”

“It seems that Variation Beast is just Variation Beast after all, and doesn’t know how to cast jade at all. The subtlety of the disc."

How could something that can be collected by the Purple Electric Spirit Watermelon be Mortal.

And the treasure of the jade plate type is rare in the world, unless it is something like mirror armor.

But does the Purple Lightning Dragon need mirror armor this thing?

"Bu it another power that suddenly emerged? Why haven't I heard of it?"

After thinking a little bit, Duan Wenxin wrinkled again Raised eyebrows.

Because in Duan Wenxin's view, the person who can let the Zidian Lingjiao hand over the casting jade plate must be a peerless powerhouse that frightens one party.

Otherwise, it's not qualified enough to hold something in the hands of the Purple Lightning Lingjiao.

However, Duan Wenxin rummaged through the memories of the Bu family, and couldn't think of one that fits the characteristics.

After all, Great Influence of the family type is rare.

The power of peerless powerhouse is absolutely impossible.

So Duan Wenxin couldn't figure out for a while, what kind of power this Bu family was.

"Reporting back to Palace Lord, this Bujia is just a Great Family in Feiyan City. It has established a Feiyan Chamber of Commerce together with You Family and Yan Family. There is no strong place. " section puzzled young man asked to see the face of the heart, thought, or the information that out.

"What did you say? Bu's family is just a family in the Chamber of Commerce?"

Duan Wenxin raised his brows, and his pace stopped, his eyes staring sternly. To the young man.

"It's ridiculous, isn't it that I can't even compare to a Chamber of Commerce in the Temple of Commerce?"

For the huge monsters like the Temple of Commerce who dominate the game , A trifling Chamber of Commerce, but it's just a joke that's all.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1733: The Death of Yan Lin)...

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