And the result is also gratifying.

The tyrannical strength is the guarantee for businessmen to expand their business.

In the case of the same quality of goods, customers will always favor more powerful businesses.

And after seeing the people of Jin Dacai possess such tyrannical power, the local forces of those city-states did not dare to offend them rashly.

In addition, there is Bu Jia to help.

These two things have allowed Jin Dacai's industry to take root in those city-states, and it has also allowed the Bu family to grow stronger.

A win-win situation is something that every businessman is happy to see.

Jin Dacai is no exception.

And more importantly, being able to achieve such a big success proves that Jin Dacai has been tightly tied to Bu's family. This is a great thing.

As for getting Qi Le's blue eyes, Jin Dachai can't even think about it.

Jin Dachai is already very satisfied to hug Bu's thigh.

As for people, knowing oneself is the most important thing.

Even now, Jin Dacai is still able to flourish.

"How many people are there?"

Jin Dachai put down the spoon in his hand, wiped his mouth, and asked casually.

Doing business is mixed, which means that many people will ask for cooperation.

Especially in other city-states, those merchants who have taken a fancy to the improved laser light are even more eager, even chasing to the distant mountain city, only seeking a chance for cooperation.

After all, the delivery port of the improved laser light can be controlled by Bu Yuyan.

As long as Bu Yuyan doesn't mess around, Qi Le won't say anything.

As for marketing methods, Qi Le will, and so will Bu Yuyan, who was born in the businessman Aristocratic Family.

So why does Qi Le need to point fingers?

And Jin Dicai is currently the only ally that cooperates with Bu Yuyan.

Since Bu Yuyan was dealing with Feiyan Chamber of Commerce and couldn't get in touch, these merchants could only contact Jin Dacai.

"There are about thirty people, all from the surrounding city-states."

An servant standing nearby replied.

"More than thirty people, I really admire their perseverance. They ran all the way to Yuanshan City, and can still wait so long outside with patience."

After wiping her mouth, Lazily leaned back on the chair, with no intention of getting up.

When the initiative of cooperation is completely in the hands of one of the parties, this kind of cooperation is actually not equal.

As it is now.

Jin Dacai knew very well that all the businessmen waiting outside his manor came to beg to cooperate with him, so Jin Dacai was qualified to put on airs.

It doesn't matter if they are left outside, as long as they can wait for the opportunity to cooperate, those businessmen will still be happy.

Moreover, the harder to get things, the more they can be cherished.

So Jin Dacai puts on airs a little, but there is no problem in fact.

On the contrary, it will make the dominance of cooperation more clear, and it will be more firmly held in your own hands.


Yuanshan City, the manor area, outside the manor of Jin Dachai.

A large group of people gathered in the open space outside, looking at the manor with a little anxious and eager eyes, but no one was impatient.

There is no other reason.

Because of the improved laser light function, it is too strong.

As long as you can get the opportunity to cooperate with Jin Dacai and buy an improved version of laser light, you can easily increase the strength of your own industry.

So no one will feel that this kind of waiting is not worthwhile.

What if this is a test.

So these businessmen have stayed outside the manor. Of course, this group also includes the folks who followed these businessmen to Far Mountain City.

After all, the Jin Dacai supported by Bu's family, among those city-states, is not weak at all.

Businessmen who consider themselves qualified to cooperate with Jin Dachai are basically people with names and surnames in their own city-states.

As for the small businessmen, who can't even get out of their own city-states, what cooperation are they talking about?

So when this group of businessmen is traveling, it is normal to bring a few guys to help out.

"Wow, it's too lively here, right? When did Jin Dachai be so attractive?"

When Qi Le brought Zi Yun to the outside of the manor area, Seeing the crowd surrounding the Jin Dacai Manor, he couldn't help but be surprised.

Hundreds of people gathered outside the manor, are they planning to enter?

Then I didn't see City Guard coming over to maintain order.

"Oh, here's another one."

"I don't know which city-state I came from."

" Hey, this guy also brought a woman, is he trying to bribe the Golden Boss? Yes, how come I didn't expect it."

"Yes, I just want to give gifts, just in case the Golden Boss I don't like to receive gifts, just like this one."

The arrival of Qi Le and Zi Yun caused a little movement after being seen by this group of businessmen.

But soon it returned to calm, and there were not many waves.

Anyway, there are not one or two people who come to Yuanshan City to seek cooperation with Jin Dacai.

Hundreds of people are waiting here, two more will not make much difference.

On the contrary, Qi Le was quite curious and patted the shoulder of a man with a simple look, and asked aloud, "What are you guys going to do here when you gather here?"


"en? Didn't you come to Jin Boss to cooperate?"

When asked by Qi Le, the honest man was taken aback first, and then subconsciously asked a question.

"Huh? What cooperation?"

Qi Le was also taken aback by this rhetorical question, and then quickly understood.

It turns out that these people around the Jin Dachai Manor came to cooperate with Jin Dachai. Qi Le thought it was Jin Dachai who had offended who, so he was hit.

However, according to Jin Dacai's favor the rich and disdain the poor, it is not impossible for him to have a prosperous personality.

The honest man looked at Qi Le with a dull face, and explained aloud: "It's the cooperation with the Golden Boss."

"In these days, the Golden Boss suddenly appeared. In our city-state, we also brought a weapon called an improved laser light. The formidable power is huge. We are all greedy."

"It’s just this improved laser light. , I heard that only Yuanshan City has it, so we can only wait here."

Qi Le's words were abruptly heard.

Not long after the demonic beast tide attacked the remote mountain city, Bu Yuyan had already spread the sales scope of the improved laser light so widely.

Sure enough, the business Aristocratic Family is different.

Know that we should use the resources around us so reasonably to maximize the benefits.

To be honest, Qi Le has never thought about the concept of cooperation because of the existence of system, so there will inevitably be some blind spots in thinking.

But Qi Le does not plan to change.

Because of cooperation or something, it is simply unnecessary.

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