The arrangement of the magic array can be divided, and then added to the forging of the array artifacts.

Whenever you need it, you can deploy the array at the fastest speed as long as you hold the array artifacts.

Quite a bit epoch-making flavor in it.

"This is not the time for you to reminisce about the past. I don't care what your relationship is, but I will definitely get the jade plate."

Tong Wu said this While speaking, he took out another token from his arms.

There may only be four pillars of the Sifang Dragon Locking Array, but the token used to lock the target can never be more than one.

After all, this token is a consumable, how could it be possible to have only one piece.

"Qi Young Master, be careful!"

Zi Yun's memory of Tong Wu's token was still fresh, and she hurriedly called out.


"Quitlocking the dragon! Lock me!"

Before Qi Le could react, Tong Wu got caught The token of blood was thrown out.

The token exploded in the air, turned into sky fragments and flew towards Qi Le.

The four magic chains follow closely from behind, as if they had crossed the space, they appeared on Qi Le's wrists and ankles in an instant.

"It's over..."

Zi Yun's eyes widened, her face a little dull.

When I was in Yuanshan City before, Zi Yun didn't think Qi Le was an ordinary person.

After all, how can someone who can communicate with Guke be an ordinary person?

However, in Zi Yun's guess, Qi Le has several points of strength, but it shouldn't be too strong, otherwise Gu Ke would not need to protect it.

So now after Qi Le is locked by the magic chain, Zi Yun will lose self-control like this.

"Gu, Guke should be in the vicinity."

With the last glimmer of hope, Zi Yun asked in a dry voice.

"No, Guke is in Yuanshan City."

Qi Le answered Zi Yun's words naturally, and then began to look at the magic chains on his wrists.

This Quartet Dragon Locking Array seems to have some merits.

Because Qi Le can feel that the strength in his body has obviously begun to weaken, as if he is hibernating.

And the speed at which these four magic chains appear is almost at the extreme.

It seems that the target can still be locked, and there is no escape.

This is Interesting.

However, Qi Le's expression, in Zi Yun's eyes, was like confessing his fate, plus the news that Gu Ke was still in Far Mountain City.

"This time is really over."

Zi Yun said with a wry smile.

"Don't look again, you are impossible to break away from these four chains. You can only speak big words."

Looking at Qi Le's actions, Tong Wu couldn't help but say with contempt. : "I only talk about it, but I don't have the slightest ability. Can you talk about the Temple of Casting?"

The Sifang Dragon Locking Array gave Tong Wu great confidence.

In this world, there is no one who can break away from the square Dragon Locking Array guarded by the four Heroic Rank powerhouses.

This is the Palace Lord of the Temple of Casting, one of Duan Wenxin's masterpieces.

"You seem to have confidence in this stuff."

Seeing Tong Wuyi's conceited look, Qi Le couldn't help shaking the magic chain on his wrist. Some Speaking funny.

"Hey, listen to you, do you still want to break away the magic chains? Don't be delusional!"

Tong Wu saw Qi Le's expression, but it was coldly snorted, A face full of banter.

newborn calves do not fear tigers.

This is a common thing, as long as more education is enough.


After that, Tong's 5th layer newly drew a steel knife.

The big knife shattered by Qi Le with a halberd has only one handle left, and it is useless to keep it.

"Boy, if you are to blame, you can only blame yourself for your bad luck. After I get rid of you, I will slowly take care of the purple lightning."

Tong Wu held the steel knife and looked at Qi Le gloomily.

"In this way, some people still don't recognize their situation."

Qi Le looked at the cold light flashing steel knife, narrowed his eyes, slightly Moved his wrist, and then suddenly exerted force.


The magic chain that was tightly locked on Qi Le's wrist broke at the sound, shattered into several pieces, and then turned into The debris dissipated in the air.

"How is this possible!"

Zi Yun was the first to exclaim, and his face was even more shocked.

After being sealed by the Sifang Dragon Locking Array, Zi Yun clearly knows how terrifying these four magic chains are.

It can block all the power in the body of the person who is sealed off, and even a little bit of strength does not raise.

In this case, it is simply impossible that someone can break free from the magic chain. town.

However, Qi Le shattered the magic chains so casually, it was almost like a dream.

Tong Wu, who was standing on the side, was even more sluggish at the moment.

There was a panic in my heart.

"Shocked, shattered... The magic chain was shattered..."

Seeing this scene, Tong Wu was so horrified that he didn't even know what to say. I stammered and couldn't believe my eyes at all.

This is the masterpiece of the first Forging Master recognized in the world.

How can I believe that I was able to break free with no difficulty.

"This magic array does have its merits, but it's okay to lock the weak, lock me, but it's a bit less interesting."

Qi Le said, There was a sudden vibration at his feet, and the remaining two magic chains locked on his ankles were also shattered.

The Sifang Dragon Locking Array, which Tong Wu is proud of, is in vain in front of Qi Le.

"It's a bit different..."

Hearing these words, Tong Wu felt very harsh.

What I said before was more like slapped in the face one by one, fiercely smacked on my face.

Tong Wu's face was a little purple.

Then, as if thinking of something, Tong Wu suddenly raised his head and yelled: "You can't kill me, as long as you kill me, you are fighting against the Temple of Casting!"

"Then no matter how strong you are, as long as you are watched by the Palace of Casting, there will be no place for you in this world!"

Before Tong Wu felt that Qi Le is just A stunned boy, relying on his own strength has several points of strength, dare to yell indiscriminately.

However, it now appears that simply is not the case.

Qi Le's strength, that is a real, is so tyrannical that he can ignore himself and the others.

Being able to break free from the Sifang Dragon Locking Array with no difficulty, what kind of realm this kind of strength is so powerful, Tong Wu hadn't even thought about it before.

So at this moment, thinking of what Qi Le said, there was a panic in Tong Wu's heart.

"I never care about the casting hall, so you don't need to talk about it anymore."

"The most important thing for people is to talk about credit. After saying that you can't go back alive, Then you just can't go back alive!"

As soon as this word came out, Qi Le followed right hand moves, and the long halberd inserted on the ground instantly returned to his hand.

Then it flashed like a silver light.

.. You can click the "favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1719: What a difference)...

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