At this moment, the four magic chains that appeared on the horizon, as if crossing the space, suddenly appeared on Zi Yun’s four paws.

There is no reaction time at all.

"That's awful!"

The moment it was locked by the chain, Zi Yun felt that the major event was not good.

Sure enough, while the chain blocked Zi Yun's ability to move, it also blocked the energy flow in Zi Yun's body.

The thunderclouds in the sky disappear without a trace in an instant.

As if it had never appeared before.


Then at the next moment, a huge muffled sound echoed in this world.

Zi Yun's huge body was forcibly pulled from in the sky by these four magic chains, and fiercely hit the ground.

A huge pothole was smashed.

"Sifang Dragon Locking Array, but it’s something that the Military leader created specially for you. You should feel honored."

Tong Wu also followed to the ground and walked to Zi Yun in front of him.

Looking at the purple electric spirit dragon who is lying in front of him, unable to move, Tong Wu also has an indescribable sense of accomplishment in his heart.

Although this Purple Electric Spirit Flood was not defeated by himself, what does it matter?

The quadrilateral lock dragon pillar has four foundation pillars, standing on the East, West, North, and South squares, and is blessed by four Heroic Rank powerhouses and guarded in place.

The token on Tong Wu's body is used to determine the target of the blockade.

As long as it is hit by the token, the Sifang Dragon Locking Array can instantly block all the power of the target, and even the ability to move will be completely suppressed.

Unless the strength of this goal surpasses those who guard the four pillars of the Four Dragon Locking Array.

However, it is a pity that a realm Purple Lightning Spirit of Heroic Rank can't compete with the four cultivators of Heroic Rank.

As long as the four pillars are still there, there is no probability of escape.

"Damn Human Race cultivator, still as mean as ever! Shameless!"

Zi Yun cursed with gnashing teeth.

The body of Zidian Lingjiao is huge. Tong Wu is standing in front of Zi Yun, as small as an ant, but at the moment he is showing off one's military strength, which makes Zi Yun unable to be angry.

If Tong Wu defeated her by relying on his own strength, then Zi Yun has nothing to say.

But now, relying on such insidious means to win, can only make Zi Yun feel that they are mean and fall into the title of Heroic Rank powerhouse.

"Despicable? Winner is the king, loser is the villain, don't you understand the truth now?"

Tong Wusi laughed, not cursing Zi Yun care.

For people who want to win by fair means or foul, the curse of the loser is never a sarcasm, but a compliment. It's just the inability of the loser that's all.

Tong Wu enjoys this process, and his eyes are full of jokes when he looks at the Purple Lightning Lingjiao.

"It is useless to say more, you should hurry up and hand over the casting jade plate, I can make you die decently."

"If you persist in your own wrong doings, I believe that the military leader of the palace is still happy to use you as a forging material to add some strength to the next weapon."

Every clansman of Dragon Race, the dismantled thing, They are all top forging materials.

Dragon scales, dragon claw, Long Ya, keel, dragon tendons, dragon's blood......

This is true for giant dragons, and it is no exception for Flood Dragons.

"I said long ago, I don't know what the cast jade plate is."

"And, even if the cast jade plate is with me, you are so mean Little man, don't even want to get a casting jade plate from me!" Zi Yun roared angrily, but there was a hint of contempt in her tone.

Dragon Race is naturally greedy, but cowards never appear.

"Persuasion is invalid, then this is what you asked for, so don't blame me for being impolite."

Tong Wu is not angry or annoyed when he hears this. He raised the big knife in his hand with a sneer.

Above the blade, black light lingers.

This is a kind of corrosion enchantment, specially used for armor piercing, with remarkable formidable power.

Even in the face of giant dragon's scales, it can be easily broken.

"pu 呲——!"

The black blade light flashed past, the sharp blade has penetrated into the body of the purple electric spirit dragon, splashing the light golden spirit Jiao blood.

The scale armor flew, mixed with pale golden blood and fell to the ground.

Corrosive enchantments will prevent wounds from healing.

Even with the resilience of the Purple Electric Spirit Watermelon, this corrosiveness cannot be prevented, and the wound can only be allowed to spread.

Furthermore, the Sifang Dragon Locking Array also blocked all the power of Zi Yun, making it impossible to resist Tong Wu's attack, and there was no way to dispel the magical power carried by that corrosive enchantment.


Zi Yun let out a low roar, suppressing her painful cry.

The erosion of magic power is more than dozens of times more painful than a simple wound.

Near the scale armor that was pierced by the big knife, the wound has begun to glow with scary ink.

"Don't worry, the Sifang Dragon Locking Array can last a long time, until you are completely dead."

Tong Wu listened to the suppressed roar of the Purple Electric Lingjiao, his face A cruel smile suddenly appeared, and he said in a cold tone.

"I wanted to do things like dragon slaying a long time ago, but I haven't found a chance."

"Today, thanks to the military leader's kindness, I will find it back. The errand of the jade plate was handed over to me. Of course, I will not let him down on Senior. I just hope that you can hold it for a while."

In order to find the jade plate for casting, Tong Wu will naturally by fair. means or foul.

Searching for souls is an advanced method. Of course Tong Wu can't, so he can only use other methods.

"Damn Human Race cultivator, you won't get a cast jade plate! Forever!"

Zi Yun gritted her teeth and said weakly.

But the attitude is as firm and contemptuous as ever.

The dignity of Dragon Race cannot be trampled on, even in the face of death threats.

"Then let's take it slowly. Don't worry, you will definitely say it."

Tong Wu doesn’t think that with the spirit of the purple electric spirit dragon, he will take it so soon. Tell me where the cast jade plate is.

But the spine is something that can be worn away slowly.

As long as the jade plate of casting can be brought back to the hall of casting, that is a great achievement.

What a waste of time.

The four pillars of the Sifang Dragon Locking Array are guarded by four Heroic Rank powerhouses. Simply don’t worry about it suddenly collapse. It will take a few months.

Enchanted with a large sword that corrodes armor piercing, slashed it on the body of the purple electric spirit dragon.

The scales were peeled off with light golden spirit blood, and then collected by Tong Wu.

These are all top forging materials, normally there is no market in price, and Tong Wu will naturally not waste it.

The intense pain made Zi Yun tremble all over her body, but she was sealed by four magic chains, unable to move that's all.

"However, what is the use of you guarding the cast jade plate? You simply can't use it!"

"Why don't you hand it over now, we are all happy."

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