Although the Purple Lightning Dragon is fully prepared before shedding its skin.

But he was still found a chance by a Heroic Rank powerhouse of Human Race.

Fortunately, the battle strength of the Purple Electric Spirit Jiao is not a joke. Those Variation Beasts with pure Dragon Clan Bloodlines have always been synonymous with tyrannical.

After struggling to burn blood essence, even the risk of realm falling, after a hard fight.

The Purple Electric Spirit Jiao finally repelled the invading enemy.

However, after the Purple Lightning Spirit Dragon came back from her dying state, she found that the Spirit Dragon Egg that she had left in another place had disappeared.

"Ling Jiao Egg?"

Gu Ke spoke for Qi Le, interrupting the narration of Zidian Ling Jiao.

"What's the matter? Can't I have a child?"

As soon as Gu Ke interrupted the words of Zidian Lingjiao, he immediately flew into a rage out of humiliation Up.

"Then say so..."

"No way?"

"Of course it can."

Guke is still the face Talking expressionlessly.

But Qi Le standing on the city wall can't calm down.

Before, I just sensed that the Purple Electric Spirit Watercress was seriously injured, but I didn't have to sense the gender of this Purple Electric Spirit Watercraft separately.

Who knows this is still a female Variation Beast.

However, even if Qi Le has this consciousness, he probably doesn't know how to distinguish between male and female Zidian Lingjiao.

Now that it looks like this, it is no wonder that this lady, the Purple Lightning Lingjiao, is so difficult to get along with.

It turned out that my child was lost.

This kind of thing, no matter who you put it on, I'm afraid you have to die in a hurry.

And besides this, Qi Le also thought of another thing.

That is, after the Purple Lightning Lingjiao lays the Lingjiao egg, it immediately begins to shed its skin and is promoted, so it is no wonder that it will be targeted by others.

Don't look at the physique of the Purple Electric Spirit Jiao.

But the thing of breeding offspring, not to mention the purple electric spirit dragon, even if it is a real giant dragon, it has to be weak for a while.

In addition, when the skin is shed, the battle strength will drop to its lowest point.

When things get worse, it seems strange not to be targeted by those who are trying.

"So, you came to Yuanshan City for this?"

Gu Ke asked this sentence instead of Qi Le.

"Yes, I can feel that the last place where the breath of the Lingjiao egg disappears is in the far mountain city."

The Purple Lightning Lingjiao said very confidently .

At this moment, things are clear.

In order to find the lost spirit dragon egg, the Purple Electric Spirit Dragon came to Far Mountain City.

However, after being attacked by a sneak attack before, the Purple Lightning Spirit Jiao subconsciously believes that the Sneak Attack’s own Human Race Heroic Rank powerhouse is located in Far Mountain City.

That's why the demonic beast tide is called to attack Farshan City.

The purpose is just to retrieve one's child and... revenge.

Under the sneak attack, he almost survived, and now he is relieved. It is strange not to take revenge.

"I see, the matter this time is not your fault."

"But the powerhouse you are worried about is not in Yuanshan City, but it was caused by Yuanshan City. It’s just a disaster that's all, so please let the demonic beast tide go away."

Qi Le knows that what the Purple Electric Spirit Jiao did is understandable, so he just asked Gu Ke to speak. , Please repatriate these demonic beasts.

And the Lingjiao Egg, as long as it is still in the Far Mountain City.

Then Qi Le is also willing to give the Zidian Lingjiao a fair.

"Well, since you are willing to open this mouth, then I will sell you a face."

Zidian Lingjiao is also not hypocritical.

Anyway, the demonic beast tide this thing can be mobilized at any time for the Purple Lightning Spirit Jiao, but it is a matter of time.

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