Following the roar of the Purple Electric Lingjiao , everyone on the city wall opened their eyes closed because of despair.

To my surprise, I was still alive.

"I...I'm still alive. This is not true. I'm not dreaming."

"It's true, I'm really alive."

"Very good, really very good......"

The surprise of avoiding a catastrophe made these wealthy businessmen cry of joy.

This feeling of being pulled back from the edge of death is really stimulating to the point where most people can't bear it.

Even these old fox who have seen winds and waves only feel that their whole body is soft, and they don't want to experience it again in this life.

However, Bu Yuyan was keenly aware of an extra silhouette in the sky.

"That silhouette, wouldn't it be Mr. Gu?"

Bu Yuyan looked at the silhouette standing above the sky, and said with a little stunned.

Regarding the strength of Gu Ke, Bu Yuyan has repeatedly and repeatedly guessed from a high place.

But didn't expect, it is still underestimated.

This kind of power that can directly stop the thunder of the Purple Lightning Spirit Jiao in an emergency is really beyond imagination.

"Who is Mr. Gu?"

After finally spirit slowly recovers, Li calmly also noticed the silhouette that appeared suddenly. After hearing Bu Yuyan's words, he hurried out. Asked the sound.

Aside from anything else, just the power that can block the strike of the Purple Lightning Spirit Jiao just now.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that Mr. Gu alone is enough to demolish Yuanshan City, and no one can stop it.

When did such a monster appear in this distant mountain city?

As the City Lord of Far Mountain City, he didn't even know at all, and was caught the early bird by a little girl.

And those wealthy businessmen who are still glad that they have survived, at this moment also quietly pricked their ears, paying close attention to the conversation between the two.

A powerhouse that can hardly shake the Purple Electric Spirit Jiao.

That is definitely the powerhouse of Heroic Rank realm.

If you are fortunate enough to meet a Heroic Rank powerhouse, then even to put it mildly, walking unhindered in dozens of surrounding city-states is not a problem at all.

Not to mention how much the reputation of a Heroic Rank powerhouse has helped his own industry.

That is simply a golden sign.

"Mr. Gu is the steward of Qi Young Master, Mr. Gu of Gu Ke, and Qi Young Master also let Mr. Gu protect my family's lady."

With regard to Li Congrong's question, Xiaowen rushed ahead of Bu Yuyan and spoke out like a show off.

And also emphasized the second half of the sentence.

Although for the strength of Guke, Xiaowen was shocked to the extreme in her heart.

But when you can show off, you can't be absent.

"The steward of Qi Young Master...?!"

Li Congrong gave Qi Le a weird look. He had a brand new recognition of Qi Le's identity. know.

It is conceivable that a youngster who can make Heroic Rank powerhouse a steward will have a huge family background.

You must not mess with it!

In an instant, Li Congrong put such a label on Qi Le.

As for the wealthy businessmen who secretly followed, they almost ran over at this moment and bowed to Bu Yuyan.

Qi Le can't flatter him anymore.

Because the level is too high.

But Bu Yuyan is different. At this time, if you offer your loyalty, you may still get a share of the pie.

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