Qi Le laughed, did not answer Bu Yuyan’s question.

Some things, once they are said, there is a feeling of showing off.

Qi Le is not a person who likes to show off, so he will not say it directly. It is best to keep a little mysterious.

However, these few dialogues are not loud.

However, the wealthy businessmen who are stubborn around are not far away, so I still heard it.

So in their hearts, suddenly there was a heaven overflowing giant wave.

"In this remote mountain city, there is actually a powerhouse hidden in the dark to protect Miss Step!"

"And it was ordered by Qi Store Manager... mine God."

"Impossible, how could we not know if there is such a powerful powerhouse?"

"I hope Miss Bu didn't see my previous thoughts, right? From now on, I must be loyal to Miss Bu."

In this brief moment, these wealthy businessmen have put out the idea of ​​wanting to take Bu Yuyan in their hearts.

I didn't even dare to think about it again.

A powerhouse that hasn't shown up yet can withstand such terrifying coercion. If it shows up, it will be fine.

Before, Bu Yuyan just had a tyrannical weapon in her hand as a commodity.

So the idea of ​​these wealthy businessmen is to curry favor with Bu Yuyan, and then wait for an opportunity to take it over and take it into their own hands.

But now, a powerhouse.

In particular, a powerhouse with such a powerful force, it is not ordinary money, something that can be shaken.

Everyone has only a single thought in their hearts, that is, they must look forward to Bu Yuyan, and tell them to go east and never go west.

As for Qi Le, as long as he speaks, the priority must be higher than Bu Yuyan.

It's just still unknown whether Qi Le will speak to them.

The gazes of Li Congrong and Tiehu looked towards Qi Le also immediately became different.

Li Congrong didn't feel any imposing manner from Qi Le before, and he felt that Qi Le was just an ordinary person with a little good luck.

From now on, I am afraid that it is a pampered young master trained by some top power.

However, this kind of thinking can't help but calmly think about it.

Because at this moment, a demonic beast, which is as big as several hundred meters long, appeared in the sky above the distant mountain city.

This Demon Beast is shaped like a snake, with scales on its back and four claws on its abdomen.

The head is like a triangle, and the eyes have vertical pupils.

The whole body is entangled with electric light, just by looking at this shape, you can feel this Demon Beast extremely fierce.

And the pressure radiating from this Demon Beast makes people feel terrified.

Even if the coercion is not deliberately erupted, it still makes people feel extremely strong, and people can't help but have one's hair stand on end.

This kind of natural pressure, for the cultivator, is still good and can withstand it.

But for the ordinary person in Yuanshan City, it doesn't work.

The moment this Demon Beast appeared, most of the residents in Yuanshan City were so frightened that they became weak and unable to move.

What's more, even breathing has become a little difficult.

"This, how could... how could it be this guy!"

With only one glance, Li calmly recognized the demonic beast that came to the sky above the distant mountain city.

Purple Electric Spirit Jiao!

"Damn it, why did this guy come to Far Mountain City!"

The moment Li Congrong saw the appearance of the Purple Lightning Spirit Jiao, his entire body was erected, behind his back Even worse, a layer of cold sweat broke out.

"No way, this appearance, this purple thunder..."

.. You can click on "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1679 : Zidian Lingjiao)...

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