Yan Lin's face turned pale in an instant.

"No, no, impossible, yes, it's this little... Qi Store Manager..."

When Jin Dazai was speaking, he tried desperately to say a whole sentence, but found out simply can't do it.

"Yes, it's him."

Tiehu clicked nodded.

"Pu Tong..."

After getting the affirmative answer, Jin Dachai was so scared that he almost knelt on the ground.

But even if I don’t kneel down now, it’s almost the same.

If it weren’t for Jin Dacai, who was frightened by his guards around him and both legs were frightened, he would simply stand at the moment does not raise.

And the other wealthy businessmen would be compared to Jin Dacai. , Is even more unbearable.

brow beaded with sweat, his face is pale, that's all trivial matters.

Among this group of wealthy businessmen, they can still stand firm by their own strength, and simply can't find them.

Several of them slumped directly on the ground, their faces as gray as death.

The clothes on her body have long been soaked with cold sweat all over her body.

How they mocked Qi Le before, now is still vividly remembered.

In all fairness, if they were ridiculed so much, it would be absolutely impossible.

But now that I think about it, the phrase Qi Le said "you don't need to look at anyone's face, and you don't need to fawn on anyone", it seems to be true.

With such a powerful weapon, of course you don’t need to look at other people’s faces.

Only other people come to flatter him. Where can he try to flatter others?

"Qi...Qi Store Manager, I, I..."

Jin Dachai looked at Qi Le, stuttering and didn't know what to say.

But I have mocked the Qi Store Manager so much before. Basically, I was offended to death. There is simply no room for recovery.

So Jin Dacai simply didn't dare to expect that he could still buy an improved version of the laser.

Now to say good things, in fact, I hope that this Qi Store Manager will have a large number of adults.

As long as you don't care about them, how much you pay is a trivial matter.

"I know what you want to say, so you don't have to say it anymore."

Qi Le glanced at the trembling with fear Jin Dacai, and said slowly: "I said After that, Bu Yuyan is my partner. If you want to discuss business, just go to her."

Trifling a few clowns.

With Qi Le's character, there is no time to waste on these guys.

After all, in this World, Qi Le will probably only stay for a month. When the time comes, he still has to set up the vending point here.

It feels comfortable for a while, but how to deal with the mess behind it?

So instead of venting your anger, it's better to let Bu Yuyan stand up.

If it were in the Eastern Desolation or the Northern Mountain Range, Jin Dacai would simply not have the opportunity to talk to Qi Le and would be crushed on the spot.

"Miss Bu, is that right? I know."

"Many thanks, Qi Store Manager, I have a large number of adults, and are willing to let us go. We will definitely take steps in the future. Miss Ma's head is looking."

Jin Dachai hurriedly bowed to thank him.

Then after a few seconds, Jin Dachai seemed to feel that he was not sincere enough, so he simply knelt down.

Compared to the tyrannical power that can be obtained, what is face?

Seeing this scene, other wealthy businessmen immediately followed suit.

"Many thanks Qi Store Manager......"

While shouting what Jin Dachai had said, he knelt down in front of Qi Le, calling shuaa~ Blockbuster.

"...We will definitely look forward to the head of Miss Bu in the future."

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