With the strength of the hammer mercenary squad, in the face of this demonic beast tide, it is like a rock facing a huge wave.

If it is thrown directly into the huge waves, I am afraid that there will be no waves.

"What else can I do, I have specially asked for a batch of magic potions for you."

Tiehu grinned and said boldly: "Go, let me improve The brothers of the laser version bring the magic potion, then bring the magician, and go to spot those demonic beasts."

"No problem."

The grizzly bears amusement.

This is not a grizzly bear's fear of death.

In fact, after being a mercenary for so long, there will still be a fear of death in front of the battlefield, which is really rare.

It's just that when facing this demonic beast tide, the blind charge can only kill him in vain.

Therefore, it is the best choice to use the improved version of laser spot shooting.

even more how Now there is the support of the magic potion, which is even better.

And more importantly, after defeating the mountain bandit last time, the Grizzlies deliberately delved into the use of an improved version of laser light, as well as the amount of magic used and the formidable magic light bomb power and other matters.

So now, the Grizzlies are actually in the hammer mercenary squad, the best candidate to command those players who use the improved version of laser light.

"Brothers, listen well, there is an improved version of the laser beam out of the line, and then start to attack the demonic beast, take care not to hurt the City Guard of Far Mountain City."

Gray The bears shouting loudly, the members of the hammer mercenary squad, suddenly became excited.

With City Guard and idle cultivator in front of them, they just fire magic light bombs in the back, which couldn't be easier.

So soon, rows of improved laser lights were taken out.

Then start aiming.

In this scene, Li Congrong's face suddenly appeared with a trace of astonishment.

"This, what's the situation?"

Because Li Congrong clearly saw that many of the Hammer Mercenary Squad members were still holding long knives. The guy with the halberd suddenly drew out a staff.

Is it a magician used as a soldier before?

However, no one has answered this question for Li calmly, and a more shocking scene appeared on the battlefield.

"Brothers, shoot one round first! Give me back the demonic beast that rushed up!"

The Grizzlies first glanced at a high place, and then stretched out to compare. In one direction, shouted.


"Aim at... launch!"

"Sou sou ——!"

In "launch" After the word was uttered, the sharp ruffling sound suddenly lingered in my ears.

The magical light flare all over the sky seems to be intertwined with a rain curtain, covering the demonic beast tide that is gradually approaching the distant mountain city.

"hong long long ——!"

For a moment, the explosion concealed all other sounds.

The rays of light exploded by the dazzling magical light bombs are equally dazzling, and along with this dazzling rays of light, there is also a deafening rumbling sound.

And the demonic beast that was shaken out by the huge impact.

Almost at the same time when the sky full of magic light bombs burst, the momentum of the demonic beast tide was stagnant.

Hundreds of improved laser beams are emitted at the same time. What a grand occasion.

The remaining magic power disappears with the wind on the battlefield. What is left is the shocked City Guard and the shocking and inexplicable cultivators.

Even those demonic beasts have a moment of fear.

But soon, driven by the killing instinct of in the bones, he moved towards Yuanshan City and rushed over.

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