But after laughing, Li Congrong looked at Bu Yuyan with a serious face, shouted: "At this time, don't make a joke!"

"Do you know how many people are desperate for Yuanshan City outside Yuanshan City?"

"Demonic beast tide is not a joke, once it is lost, the entire Yuanshan City will be destroyed, do you know? "

He Wen Li calm side, open a pair of tiger eyes fixed on the side further step Yuyan.

But on Bu Yuyan's face, Li Congrong did not see a trace of guts or panic.

"I know, Li City Lord, it is precisely because of this that I took such a big risk to see you."

Bu Yuyan solemnly said .


"It turned out to be you. It was not possible to come to me before, but now you want to come to the City Lord to join in the relationship?"

After Jin Dacai took a closer look at Bu Yuyan, he immediately recognized the identity of Bu Yuyan and immediately ridiculed it.

"Yes, this is the person who came to me before."

"Can solve the problem of City Lord? The current problem is that one or two weapons can solve the problem. Can you get it?"

"It's boasted shamelessly, if you have a little achievement, you don't know how serious you are."

"Everyone will say that if you are so good, Where else do you need you to come to us?"

Under the "remind" of Jin Dacai, other wealthy businessmen also recognized Bu Yuyan and laughed at them.

Because of the fright of the demonic beast tide, there must be a catharsis.

Bu Yuyan dared to speak such big words in front of Li Congrong, which happened to give these wealthy businessmen a chance to ridicule.

Following Yan Lin among these wealthy businessmen, a look of contempt appeared in his eyes.

Then he said disdainfully: "Bu's family is really getting more and more degenerate, and his own strength is not good. It is really sad to start using such a grandstanding method."

Yan Lin hadn't spoken much before because of his lack of identity.

But compared to Bu Yuyan, Yan Lin is also in the same circle with these wealthy businessmen.

Although the status is not high, but at least it can be accessed.

And I also live in the manor area dedicated to rich businessmen.

This is also the reason why Yan Lin was able to take a quick step towards Yuyan to ventilate these wealthy businessmen and shut them out.

So when you can hit a person when he's down.

Of course Yan Lin will not be polite.


Of course Xiaowen also knows Yan Lin, so hearing Yan Lin's ridicule, she felt like going back on the spot.

But he was stopped in time by Bu Yuyan.


"It's not the time yet."

Bu Yuyan shook her head slightly, signaled Xiaowen don't be impatient, and continued looked towards Li Congrong.

"Li City Lord, please trust me."

Bu Yuyan's eyes are very sincere and serious.

Li calmly looked at Bu Yuyan's eyes, and just about to say something, a rough voice rang.

"Isn't this Miss Bu, why are you here?"

"Captain Iron Tiger?"

Bu Yuyan heard this voice and turned Looking at it, he immediately recognized the identity of the person who came.

It is the Captain of the hammer mercenary squad, Iron Tiger.

"Miss really lost step can still remember me."

"Originally, brothers and I were planning to leave Yuanshan City today. Didn't expect encountered this kind of thing."

Tiehu laughed boldly, and then looked towards Li calmly, and said: "Li City Lord, I have not seen you for a long time, I trust you have been well since we last met."

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