The manor bodyguards that stopped Bu Yuyan and the others from going to the road, staring at the people indifferently.

One of the leading guards asked loudly: "Who are you? What's the matter when you are here?"

"Thank you, please go in and give a report, just say Feiyan Chamber of Commerce Bu Yuyan , Come to visit Mr. Jin with Bo Li."

Bu Yuyan quickly replied aloud.

It is said that Sect Chancellor former Grade 7 Official is true.

There are more guys in The Dog acts fierce when his Master is present these days, so Bu Yuyan doesn't want to cause any trouble here.

"People from Feiyan Chamber of Commerce..."

The leading guard looked up and down Bu Yuyan, sneered, and said: "Here first Wait."

After speaking, the guard turned and walked into the manor.

The remaining guards also looked at Bu Yuyan's entire group with contempt.

Xiaowen was so angry that she wanted to curse on the spot.

Fortunately, Bu Yuyan found out early, with quick hands and quick eyes, and stopped Xiao Wen.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads.

In terms of the current situation of Bu's family in Yuanshan City, it is better not to cause some troubles.

If you want others to be able to appreciate it, or even take the initiative to come over in a low voice, the most important thing is to strengthen your own strength.

So even if Bu Yuyan is angry at this moment, her face will not show up.

Soon, the guard who entered the manor came out.

"Excuse me ..."

Bu Yuyan hurriedly said, wanting to ask about the situation.

But he was directly interrupted by the indifferent voice of the guard: "No need to ask, our master doesn't want to see you, let's go, you are not welcome here."

" What?"

Bu Yuyan's delicate eyebrows suddenly frowned.

Because such a straightforward way of refusal is not in Bu Yuyan's vision.

Merchants pay attention to harmony and make money. Even if they don't want to meet people who come to visit, under normal circumstances, they will find an excuse to perfuse.

But the current practice of saying that people are not welcome is undoubtedly offending people.

Smart businessmen will not choose to do this.

And Mr. Jin, who can save such a large foundation, is naturally impossible to be a stupid man, but why did he do such an unwise thing?

While Bu Yuyan was puzzled, the voice of the guard rang again.

"I have already said that you are not welcome here, why are you still here? Do you really want us to make an effort to drive people out?"

Convey the meaning of the owner accurately

Just looking at the contemptuous faces and disdainful eyes of these guards, Bu Yuyan can know what kind of attitude the owner of the manor has towards them.

Thinking of this, Bu Yuyan will never stay here again inviting humiliation to oneself.

Even if the Bu's family declines again, the dignity they deserve will not be discarded.

"Let's go."

Bu Yuyan took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and said aloud.

"Dogs look at the low -ranking guy!"

Xiaowen glared at these guards angrily, fiercely cursed fiercely.

Then followed Bu Yuyan and a few guards to leave here.

"hmph, stray dog ​​is also worthy to visit our master? I really don’t know that I have how many catties and how many taels."

Several guards at the gate of the manor, watching Bu Yuyan and the others who left behind also sneered disdainfully.

And at this moment, in the reception hall of this manor.

A middle-aged fatty who is sitting with a big belly, wearing a brocade robe, and all kinds of gold and silver jewelry on his neck and fingers.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1652: The Dog acts fierce when his Master is present)...

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