"Gu Ke, open the door."

Qi Le calmly yelled into the vending point.

In the next second, the store door will be opened.

Guke in a tuxedo stood in front of the store, bowed slightly, and greeted respectfully: "Welcome to you, Young Master."

"Young Master?"


Seeing this handsome man with a steward appearance, listen to what he calls Qi Le.

Bu Yuyan's gaze at Qi Le is even more stunned.

In the gaze Xiaowen looked towards Qi Le, she was not only surprised, but also a trace of awe.

A person who can be called a Young Master must be a person of prominent family background.

And to what extent this family background can be so prominent, generally speaking, one can infer one or two from the steward who follows this person.

The more prominent the family background, the more sophisticated and powerful the steward who follows this person.

Because steward's responsibility is not only care, but also protection.

You must know that steward is different from those guards hiding in the dark. It needs to be public, and it must be strong enough to frighten those Xiao Xiaos who are unscrupulous.

Otherwise, it will only be looked down upon by other forces of the same level.

Just like Bu Yuyan, although she was born in Bu's family.

But with Bu's strength, there is still no way to match Bu Yuyan with a personal steward.

This is the gap.

So in the eyes of Bu Yuyan and Xiaowen, Qi Le's identity is even more mysterious.

At least the forces behind Qi Le, Bu Jia is completely incomparable.

However, the thoughts in Bu Yuyan and Xiaowen's mind, Qi Le is impossible to guess.

Because no one can think of it, these two people can guess so many things based on Gu Ke's "Young Master".

"Gu Ke, this one is my partner, named Bu Yuyan. When she was in Yuanshan City, I would trouble you to take care of it. I should be able to do it."

Qi Le pointed to Bu Yuyan and introduced it to Gu Ke.

"No problem, Young Master."

Gu Ke calmly clicked nodded, and responded without hesitation.

Unlike the general cultivator, Guke does not need to rest.

In addition to the realm of Ancient Branch Heroic Rank High Rank, wanting to protect a certain person in a city-state, that is simply a matter with no difficulty.

Qi Le also knows this, so he limited the scope to the distant mountain city.

Because Gu Ke still has the task of guarding the vending point.

"This, how is this shameful, Qidian... Qi Young Master, he is your steward after all."

Bu Yuyan hearing this, waved her hand quickly, just thought To refuse.

Moreover, the name Qi Le has changed from the previous Qi Store Manager to the current Qi Young Master.

Because after guessing Qi Le's identity, it is a bit strange to call Qi Le Qi Store Manager.

"What's wrong with this, take care of you by the way, it is not a trouble for Gu Ke, I just don't want my partner to have an accident under my nose."

Qi Le lowered his eyes slightly, looked at Bu Yuyan, and spoke slowly.

If Bu Yuyan still had an accident in Yuanshan City under Gu Ke's care, Qi Le would lose face.

"This...then many thanks to Qi Young Master's kindness."

Bu Yuyan looked at Qi Le fixedly, and for a long time he bowed to Qi. Le expressed his thanks.

Because of the serious expression on Qi Le's face, it doesn't seem to be a joke.

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