"Just keep busy with you, don't care about us too much."

Bu Yuyan waved her hand and said lightly.

When choosing a store, the most important thing is to examine the passenger flow of this location, the surrounding customer groups, and the residential areas within the city-state.

After all, if a luxury store is placed in an ordinary residential area, no matter how much traffic it is, it is useless.

Because economic strength does not allow it.

It's just that the Bu's shop in Yuanshan City is generally not well located.

So we can only pick tall ones from short ones.

And the blacksmith shop facing the street that Bu Yuyan is now looking at, the location is already very good.

Not far from the branch of the mercenary Guild stationed in Far Mountain City.

The number of customers It shouldn't be too small.

As for the places where the wealthy businessmen live, sorry, there simply won’t be these shops outside.

In order to ensure their own safety, these wealthy businessmen who spare their lives spend most of their time in their manor.

Whatever is needed, there will be a special subordinate to purchase.

"Miss, you have seen so many shops along the way, the location of this blacksmith shop should be the best one."

Xiaowen follows Bu Yuyan Behind, talked babblingly.

"Well, the location of this blacksmith shop is really good."

Bu Yuyan looked out from the shop, the view is fairly wide, and on the street outside the shop, pedestrians to- and-fro is not too small.

From time to time, some mercenaries will come to the forge to buy weapons.

After seeing Bu Yuyan and Xiaowen, I will joking with the blacksmith who is working on ironwork, saying that the blacksmith is really lucky.

Then I was scolded by the blacksmith, saying that Bu Yuyan was the Eldest Miss of their Bu family.

The Feiyan Chamber of Commerce's sphere of influence can cover the Far Mountain City, and these mercenaries are naturally no strangers to the name of the infantry.

So after listening to the blacksmith's words, I still apologize repeatedly.

After all, the internal disputes of Feiyan Chamber of Commerce are still secretive to these outsiders.

In the eyes of these mercenaries, Bu Yuyan is still the daughter of Feiyan Chamber of Commerce Big Boss.

But Bu Yuyan doesn't account for these little things.

It’s not guilty if you don’t know.

Besides, Bu Yuyan is not a coquettish person. Knowing that the profession of mercenaries wanders above the blade, it is under great pressure, and it is normal to like to talk about it. .

And after Bu Yuyan looked at the store for a while, she also confirmed that this store is indeed quite good.

So in the case of business, forget these small details.

"Eldest Miss, you have been here for a long time, is there anything wrong?"

The blacksmith has already finished all his work.

Then, seeing Bu Yuyan still in the store, she immediately walked over and asked respectfully.

"You should be clear about the current situation of Bu's family."

Bu Yuyan looked at the blacksmith, was silent for a moment, and then said aloud.

"Yes, Eldest Miss, the lord has told us, and said that after Eldest Miss arrives in Far Mountain City, we must do everything if there is any order."

The blacksmith lowered his head, calmly, but also firmly said.

Born in Bu's family, then you have to consider the interests of Bu's family.

In this crisis, it should be even more so.

Bu Yuyan also didn't expect to get such an answer, so she was taken aback for a moment, and then seriously nodded and said: "Don't worry, Bu's family will not lose."

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