"You will find me on purpose tonight. It shouldn't be to tell me these things."

Qi Le interrupted Bu Yuyan's words, calmly Speaking of.

It's useless to play emotional cards.

Qi Le, this person has revenge for revenge and grace for gratitude.

But when you are with someone you don’t know, the emotion card is definitely the worst card for Qi Le.

If it is said that Yue Xi'er was bullied, then Qi Le would definitely hit the door without saying anything.

If the two families were not crushed overnight, Qi Le would not open a store.

But Bu Yuyan...

The part of repaying the peach and plum is over, so it is better to be practical.

"Yes, I do have something to find Store Manager tonight."

When Bu Yuyan heard Qi Le's tone, she probably guessed what kind of person Qi Le is. .

Knowing that the emotional card does not work, Bu Yuyan's tone also became serious: "This matter, impossible, let it go, Bu Jia absolutely impossible, let anyone slaughter."

"That's why I chose Yuanshan City deliberately."

From what Bu Yuyan said, Qi Le also knew that Yuanshan City was the farthest city-state from the headquarters of Feiyan Chamber of Commerce.

It's the latest market opened up.

"My father has already assigned Yuanshan City to the Bu family's property, and it has been given to me to take care of it. As long as I have strong enough power, You Family and Yan Family will not dare to covet me anymore. ."

At this point, Bu Yuyan also said what was in his heart.

Because in several conversations with Qi Le, Bu Yuyan also found out.

When making friends with Qi Le, the most important thing is to not be clever or conceal anything.

Because of this behavior, it will only arouse Qi Le's unhappiness.

"Oh? Then you found me because you wanted to..."

Qi Le heard what Bu Yuyan meant, but before she finished speaking, she was preempted by Bu Yuyan Up.

"Yes, I want to cooperate with Qi Store Manager."

"The improved laser light you have is a powerful weapon I have never seen before. I I can guarantee that it will be sold at a good price, and it will surely attract countless people."

Bu Yuyan looked towards Qi Le with blazing eyes.

Of course, there is no need to say more about the tyranny of the improved laser light.

The meaning behind the improved laser light has also been said before.

At least one Forging Master.

However, for Forging Master's friendship, Bu Yuyan has no extravagant expectations.

Because of the Feiyan Chamber of Commerce, there is no way to make friends with even a Forging Master, and even the general forging master will not value Feiyan Chamber of Commerce too much.

Cooperation is at most.

So Bu Yuyan knows herself.

However, only with this improved version of laser light, the contacts that can be expanded are enough to beat Yuyan.

You must know that the most powerful part of the improved laser light is not how powerful it can create destructive power.

But as long as the magic is stored in the energy storage gem, then anyone can use the improved laser light.

For some wealthy businessmen who can't make friends with Powerhouse but have a lot of Gold Coin, the attraction is absolutely huge.

Who will spare his life?

Especially these wealthy businessmen, the richer they are, the more they cherish their lives.

For things that can save your life, you definitely want to get it at any cost.

And Bu Yuyan can rely on these transactions to make friends with those wealthy businessmen.

After all, the improved version of laser light is definitely a unique thing, and it is impossible in others.

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