"But don’t get me wrong with the Store Manager. Feiyan restaurant is in Yuanshan City, but the famous restaurant in it is definitely the best."

Bu Yu Yan introduced Qi Le as he walked.

Feiyan Chamber of Commerce is such a big power, it is naturally impossible to rely on running business to make profits.

Otherwise, it will become a logistics.

In fact, the money earned by running business accounts for less than 30% of the total profit of Feiyan Chamber of Commerce.

Among the dozens of city-states covered by Feiyan Chamber of Commerce, Feiyan Chamber of Commerce has participated in many other industries.

This Feiyan restaurant is one of them.

"Don't worry, I don't have any special requirements for wine and food. I can eat enough."

Qi Le hearing this, it's just laughed.

In fact, where to eat, it doesn't matter much to Qi Le.

After all, under the influence of the food and beverages produced by the system, Qi Le has low expectations for most other meals.

It's okay to improve the taste occasionally, but if you keep eating, it's better to eat the food produced by system.

But Bu Yuyan is willing to explain, it can be considered intentional.

And Feiyan restaurant deserves to be the famous restaurant in Yuanshan City. Just by looking at the door, you can feel the splendorous and majestic in the hall.

The maids standing on both sides of the aisle are all young and beautiful.

"Excuse me... Ah, it's Miss Bu."

As soon as I walked into Feiyan restaurant, a maid came forward, but when I walked halfway, I seemed to recognize it Bu Yuyan is here.

But this is also normal.

With Bu Yuyan's identity in the Feiyan Chamber of Commerce, it would be surprising if he couldn't recognize it.

"Help me prepare a first-class box, and then inform the back kitchen, and serve the food according to the best standards in the store."

Bu Yuyan quietly ordered.

"Yes, Miss Bu."

After the maid nodded answered, she immediately went to inform the kitchen.

The other maids who were waiting on the side walked up and led the way for the three of them.

The boxes are on the second floor.

And the box that Bu Yuyan wanted is on the inside of the second floor. You can imagine the luxury inside just by looking at the gems inlaid on the door of the box.

The maid who walked half a step ahead led the way and opened the door of the box in advance.

The decoration inside is as luxurious as Qi Le imagined.

Luxurious, grand, yet elegant.

I have to say that Feiyan Chamber of Commerce is not simply an upstart in this respect.

At least aesthetically, there is still a certain level.

"Qi Store Manager, please."

Bu Yuyan made a "please" gesture from the side.

This made the maids who led the way next to them, all looking towards Qi Le with curiosity and awe.

Who is Bu Yuyan, these maids who can work in Feiyan restaurant, no one knows yet.

Feiyan Chamber of Commerce is the daughter of Big Boss.

Eldest Miss from Bu's family.

But Bu Yuyan, who has such a status and status, is hosting a youngster who looks rather ordinary.

Does this youngster have any background?

And looking at Bu Yuyan's position and tone, there is always a feeling of lowering the youngster, which is even more curious.

You must know that Feiyan Chamber of Commerce can cover more than a dozen city-states. It is so powerful and powerful that there is no doubt about it.

It’s rare that it can be more powerful than Feiyan Chamber of Commerce.

Then putting it that way, this youngster is actually a person in a force even stronger than Feiyan Chamber of Commerce.

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