Tiehu specifically asked an experienced driver.

The coachman looked at the sky and said that before dark, he should be able to reach Far Mountain City.

It's almost noon, and before dark, it will take half a day.

"It's best to arrive before dark, otherwise, I'm afraid I will have to stay outside the city for another day." Tiehu exhorted, and then replied Go to the side of the caravan to continue to patrol and guard.

Most city-states have curfews.

Especially in the city-states near the demonic beast forest, the curfew system is extremely strict.

The purpose is to prevent the invasion of demonic beasts and ensure the safety of the city-state.

So generally speaking, the city gate will be closed shortly after dark.

Except for some caravans that transport special supplies and teams with special passes, the city gate guards of these city-states will not let people into the city.

You can only enter after dawn and the city gate reopens.

Although Feiyan Chamber of Commerce is huge, it is also relatively speaking. When facing the rules set by the City Lord of each city-state, what should be observed is still to be abided by.

After all, businessmen pay attention to making money with harmony.

It's no good to argue with the official power of the City Lord of each city-state.

And what the caravan transported this time is not any special material.

Special pass, Feiyan Chamber of Commerce does not have it. Hammer mercenary squad is even more impossible.

So I have to be in a hurry.

Fortunately, these drivers who have been running business on this road all year round did not produce any baskets. Although they were frightened by the sudden appearance of mountain bandits before, these years of driving experience are not so easy to forget.

If you say you can arrive before dark, you can indeed arrive.

The towering and majestic far-mountain city wall is right in front of you.

On the outer wall of this city wall, many magical array patterns are also engraved, the arrangement is regular and faintly formed.

It can be seen that the engraving scheme of these magic array patterns should have been designed at the beginning of the construction of the city wall.

Qi Le took a serious look at the city wall of Far Mountain City, and then glanced at the light on the horizon. It was the setting sun now.

The splendid burning clouds make people fascinated.

"It's still early, don't worry."

Qi Le sat on the cargo cart and spoke slowly.

In fact, after repelling the bandits, Bu Yuyan invited Qi Le to sit in his car.

But Qi Le declined.

This is a male and a female together alone, in the same room, although nothing will happen, but who is under the melon field and plum, who can say clearly.

Qi Le is not afraid of rumors, but when he should avoid suspicion, he still has to avoid it.

Bu Yuyan, a girl with a yellow flower, has a bad reputation for her when it spreads out.

"Qi Store Manager, get ready, it will be our turn to enter the city soon."

When the Grey Leopard walked by Qi Le, he routinely reminded him.

When passing through the city gate, not only need guides, but those who follow the caravan into the city, they also have to be inspected by the city gate guards.

Of course, it's just a routine check.

There are detectors specially made by the forge on the side of the city gate. As long as the detector does not show a warning, it will be fine.

"Okay, I see."

Qi Le stretched, moved his body, and then jumped off the carriage.

The process of entering the city is very smooth, except that the carriage has a little more carriage, nothing else.

So after a short while, Qi Le finally came to the city-state of this World.

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