Although the formidable power of the magic light bullet emitted by the improved laser light is very large, as long as the charging time is long enough, even the Grandmaster Rank powerhouse is difficult to resist.

But the premise is that the magic light bomb can hit it.

So Tiehu naturally broke away from the center of the battle, wandering aside, specifically to stare at the scarred man.

Anyway, there is an improved version of laser light, those bandits of Brave Rank and Professional Rank can't overcome any storms.

even more how, among the bandits, there are a lot of cultivators that are less than Brave Rank.

These low-powered bandits, let alone worry about them.

"Boss, we can't stand it anymore."

A mountain bandit with face covered in blood came to the man with a knife handle, panting, and said with some difficulty. .

"I got it!"

"Withdraw, withdraw! Give me all withdraw!"

When the scarred man shouted this sentence, it almost Crushed the teeth.

But for the bandits, face or something is obviously not a very important thing.

The so-called green hills are there, no need to worry about not having firewood.

So after the scarred man gritted his teeth and shouted out this sentence, the bandits immediately began to retreat. No, it might be more appropriate to say that they were running away.

Defeated like a mountain.

Under the strikes of magic bullets, these bandits only hate that they have lost two legs.

It didn't take long for the bandits who survived all to get into the forest and disappeared.

The people of the hammer mercenary squad did not chase it.

In the forest, it is obvious that these bandits who have lived in it for a long time have an advantage. If they chase them now, they will probably turn back and fight back.

"Unbelievable, we actually won."

Gray Leopard holding the improved version of the laser light, said with an expression of disbelief.

When I saw the bandits emerge from the woods and surround the caravan, the gray leopard thought he was dead.

But who would have thought that he would have won like this.

"It's all thanks to Qi Store Manager."

"If it weren't for the improved version of laser light provided by Qi Store Manager, our hammer mercenary squad might be available today. It's going to be disbanded."

Tiehu hung the two solid copper hammers back to the sides of the saddle before coming to Qi Le and thanking him sincerely.

"You are welcome, do business, it's just a fair deal."

Qi Le waved his hand and spoke very modestly.

"Business belongs to business, and human affection belongs to human relationship. Qi Store Manager is open-minded and admire it."

Tiehu hearing this, cupped the hands, with admiration in his tone.

Even if this is doing business, it is an indisputable fact that Qi Le rescued them from crisis.

So I should thank you, Tiehu will not be less.

"Now it seems that Miss Bu's kindness has been rewarded."

At this time, the Grizzlies talked about this matter, and there was a sense of humility.

Previously, the Grizzlies had repelled Qi Le from coming to this caravan, but now they want to come, if it were not for Bu Yuyan kind-hearted, maybe they would not even be able to go out of this forest.

There is indeed a reward for good.

"Is this the kind destiny that the lady said?"

Xiaowen looked at this scene and said something nerdy.

"It should be."

Bu Yuyan laughed and returned with an indifferent expression.

As mentioned before, Bu Yuyan just said a word of goodwill, but who can imagine it will become true.

A dream come true, just this too.

"Then, miss, this time to Yuanshan City..."

Xiaowen suddenly looked towards Bu Yuyan as if she had thought of something.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1613: Is this good destiny)...

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