"This...has it! I know, so that's how it is, so that's how it is so easy to use."

Grey Leopard hearing this, first was taken aback, Then it reacted quickly.

Because I was too excited before, I ignored a small piece of information that suddenly appeared in my mind. Now Qi Le mentions it, Gray Leopard immediately noticed it.

"But the magic power in this energy storage gem is used up, it's too overly pit peoples to have to recharge it."

Then in the next second, the gray leopard complained. It came out.

Fortunately, after the improved laser light was sold, the magic power in the energy storage gem was at full value, so the gray leopard only complained and stopped.

Because there are more important things to do now.

"I finally bought the improved laser light. Now, you are all dead to Lao Tzu!"

Gray leopard riding a war horse, the original weapon has long been put away and replaced with The current improved version of laser light.

Rushing into the bandit group is a burst of fire.

A large magical light bullet immediately jumped out from the launch port, then fiercely smashed into the bandit, and then exploded, the sound of explosion suddenly rang out continuously.

The instant magic light bullet, the formidable power is only equivalent to Brave Rank Peak magician's full strength attack.

As long as you aim better, you will basically not hurt the people next to you.

But for the person hit by the magic light bomb, it is more than just being injured.

A cultivator that can resist Brave Rank Peak magician full strength attack must be at least Professional Rank realm.

However, the cultivator of Professional Rank, among the bandits, can be regarded as a capable person.

So the gray leopard rushing into the bandit group with the improved laser light, it was like a clearing master, wherever the magic light bomb went, those bandits died when they touched it.

The mercenaries of the Hammer Mercenary Squad have met, and I can only say a word of praise!

With a tyrannical weapon, battle strength is instantly different.

This is true.

And this scene also made these bandits and mercenaries have a stronger desire for an improved version of laser light.

The scarred man who is drifting behind the bandits, ready to attack at any time, looked towards Qi Le, is full of energy.

"Really didn't expect, this guy is really a treasure mountain ."

The scarred man thought of this, so excited that he even became breathing quickly.

The scarred man used to guess the quantity of goods carried by Qi Le, but now it is certain.

Absolutely a lot.

At this moment, scarred man is even more determined to win Qi Le...or Qi Le's goods.


"This publicity effect is simply amazing."

Qi Le didn't think so much before, but now I look at it and let Gray Leopard Going to a battle with an improved version of laser light, the effect is really a bit very good.

Because of this, these guys can truly feel the power of the improved laser light.

This is the power of technology!


No, this is not the power of technology, it should be the power of knowledge.

The guy from system just borrowed some weapons from the technology side. The real power of the improved laser beam lies in the ancient rune on the inner wall of the launch tube.

Just as Qi Le was thinking about these things, a few mercenaries with poor strength ran over on their horses.

"Qi Store Manager, we are here to buy that..."

"Improved laser light?"

Qi Le reminded.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 161: Unexpected Propaganda)...

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