even more how, after the magic power in the energy storage gem is used up, a magician is needed to inject the magic power to continue using it.

So in some cases, especially those cultivators who act alone, they will consider whether they really need to buy an improved version of the laser.

Because of the Battle Qi cultivator, there is no magic in the body.

In the energy storage gem of the improved version of laser light, Battle Qi cannot be stored.

So for some lone rangers, it is likely that they will give up buying the improved version of the laser.

However, this type of people is ultimately a minority.

Furthermore, the customer positioning of the improved laser light is originally those who are low-powered cultivators or ordinary persons who cannot be cultivated.

Qi Le knows this very well, so he will not insist too much on the improved laser beam to be perfect.

Because simply there is no absolutely perfect weapon.

So when choosing weapons, there is only one word of fit, not perfect.

For example, if the improved laser light is thrown into Gray Leopard's hands alone, it is actually not very suitable, because Gray Leopard is a standard Battle Qi class.

But in the hammer mercenary squad, there are magician players, so this problem is not a problem.

However, it is appropriate.

The rule of limiting one purchase per person still cannot be changed.

"A handful... OK! A handful for a handful. It's okay to use it first for an emergency."

Gray Leopard heard the firmness in Qi Le's tone, Knowing that it is useless to say more at this moment, and it is useless to persuade.

And now is not the time for debate.

So the Grey Leopard took out the purse from his arms, took a look inside, then took a golden ticket out of it, and handed it to Qi Le.

Golden ticket is a kind of paper made of special materials.

Issued by the bank of this World, similar to a fixed amount of banknotes, as long as you hold a gold ticket, you can go to the bank to take out the corresponding amount of Gold Coin.

However, this thing is useless for Qi Le.

After all, Qi Le is also impossible, so he took the gold ticket to the bank to exchange for Gold Coin.

Because the amount of Gold Coin does not make much sense to Qi Le, the most important thing is to collect the strength of Faith attached to the Gold Coin through transactions.

However, the gold tickets issued by money houses are rarely circulated because of their high value.

As a result, the golden ticket cannot carry much strength of Faith.

Therefore, Qi Le does not recognize the golden ticket.

"Why? This golden ticket is issued by a famous treasure bank, and it is guaranteed to be true and valid. There is absolutely no problem."

Seeing Qi Le, the gray leopard had no response and immediately explained it. One sentence.

"Of course I know that your golden ticket is fine, but I don't accept the golden ticket."

Qi Le spreads out.

Qi Le would rather receive Silver Coin than gold ticket.

Because the circulation of Silver Coin is higher than that of Gold Coin, the strength of Faith gathered is also stronger.

Only after talking with system.

Qi Le also knows that there is a limit on the strength of Faith that can be obtained in each exchange, so whether it is traded with Gold Coin, traded with Silver Coin, or traded with Copper Coin transactions are also good.

Every transaction, you can basically get the strength of faith of the upper limit.

So Qi Le must have chosen the Gold Coin with the highest value.

Although Qi Le didn't come to make money, it didn't come to open orphanage.

If you can earn, you still have to earn.

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