As soon as the scarred man said what he said, almost all the bandits had green eyes glowing like hungry wolves and rushed towards the carriage where Qi Le was.

Bu Yuyan's face turned pale when she saw these aggressive bandits.

Fortunately, Xiaowen, who is sitting on the side, is also sitting, otherwise she might have to lie down on the ground with her legs soft.

But now it looks like it's actually not much better.

These ferocious bandits can also scare Xiaowen into a limp body. She can't even sit firmly and can only lean on the carriage shiver coldly.

"Qi, Qi Young Master, now, what should I do now?"

Bu Yuyan stammered.

"What are you holding in your hand? Do you still need to ask me what should I do?"

Qi Le glanced at Bu Yuyan and said angrily.

It seems that just having powerful weapons does not seem to be able to solve the problem of psychological quality.

Like the current Bu Yuyan, the improved version of the laser beam can easily solve the bandit who rushed up.

But because of fear, I forgot what I should do.

To put it hard, if Qi Le does not remind this sentence now, maybe the bandits rushed to the front and snatched the improved laser light, but Bu Yuyan still didn’t know what happened. thing.

It’s no wonder that for every realm promoted, there will be requirements for the state of mind.

The City Guards in those city-states also need to be trained every day to be able to take on the important task of guarding the city-state.

The flowers in the greenhouse cannot withstand wind and rain after all.

"Yes, yes, I still have this."

Bu Yuyan also seemed to wake up from a dream, and quickly raised the improved laser light in his hand. Aimed at the menacing bandits.

This action made the forward speed of these bandits on the spot a stop.

The damage caused by the previous two huge magic light bullets of formidable power is still vivid.

The two pits with corpses are still there at the moment.

"What are you afraid of? It's fine to attack separately. No matter how powerful she is, she only has a staff!"

At this moment, the bandit didn’t know it was Who yelled a word, and suddenly the minds of these bandits became active again.

A staff can only hold one direction.

Although that staff is indeed very difficult to deal with, people who use the staff are not so much.

As long as Bu Yuyan can be controlled, there will be no more threats.

"Yes, brothers, what else are we afraid of? How can we not take any risks if we want to get this power."

"Come on, whoever gets it first Yes!"

Within a few words, the bandits began to roar forward again.

At this moment, the mercenaries of the hammer mercenary squad also collided with the bandits who charged up.

"You pay attention, just use the magic light bullet with the smallest formidable power to fire, otherwise it will hurt yourself."

Qi Le had to exhort.

In case Bu Yuyan was under tension, a magic light popped out, connected to the bandits and mercenaries, and wiped out all at once.

"I, I, I know."

Bu Yuyan's finger on the trigger was obviously still shaking.

But I still tried very hard to control my tone and make myself calm.

"Ai, in this situation, it seems that in terms of psychological quality, we still have to train for a while."

Qi Le scratched the back of his head, a little helpless. Said a sentence.

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