After all, it’s too simple to have mental arithmetic and unintentional.

So this kind of thing has to be guarded against.

But now, since this happens, there is absolutely no second probability.

Tiehu did not suspect that a traitor appeared in his hammer mercenary squad.

However, there are not many people who can do such thankless things.

After all, betrayal of this kind of thing, in the mercenary circle, it will be disgusted by everyone.

Because no one would be willing to be a company with someone like this who might stab himself in the back at any time.

even more how, about the fact that Feiyan Chamber of Commerce hired their hammer mercenary squad this time, and the details of the mission this time, only Tiehu himself knows.

So if you want to leak the wind, it should also be an internal problem in Feiyan Chamber of Commerce.

"What?! It turned out to be ambush by the bandits!"

After listening to Tiehu's simple explanation, Bu Yuyan quickly understood what was going on. .

Although Bu Yuyan was in the past, she belonged to Eldest Miss who didn't get out of the door.

But this does not mean that Bu Yuyan doesn't know anything.

In fact, except for a little kind-hearted, Bu Yuyan's business ability is no worse than her father.

But because Bu Yuyan is a daughter, she is not taken seriously in Feiyan Chamber of Commerce.

You must know that Bu’s family is just one of several forces that make up Feiyan Chamber of Commerce.

Although the Bu family's strength is the strongest among several of them, they can't speak for themselves.

It’s just that Bu’s family is the strongest, so Bu’s patriarch will be the current Big Boss of Feiyan Chamber of Commerce.

But the position of the other great influences is glare like a tiger watching his prey.

So what happened at this time is probably the group of guys doing.

Once the supplies shipped by the caravan are lost, the Chamber of Commerce that took this order will be responsible for full compensation.

The quantity and the degree of preciousness of the materials delivered at this time, even if it is Bujia, it will be difficult to compensate.

Because among these materials, there are two extremely precious forging materials.

And the person who entrusted Feiyan Chamber of Commerce to transport these two carts of forging materials is also extremely powerful.

So if there is a mistake in the materials at this time, it will definitely be a huge blow to Bu's family.

But for several other forces, it is definitely great news.

"It's no wonder that before running a business this time, I simply couldn't find any other mercenary squad!"

"It turned out to be plotted against!"

Step Yu Yan ran out of the house and accompanied the supplies this time.

Naturally also participated in the hiring of mercenary squad.

It's just a coincidence that all those powerful mercenary squads this time were hired by others.

The forging materials for these two cars are clearly required, and they need to be sent to Yuanshan City as soon as possible.

In addition to the stinky fish and shrimps, Bu Yuyan was unwilling to hire, so only the hammer mercenary squad, the mercenary squad, came to escort.

At that time, Bu Yuyan thought it was a coincidence.

But now I want to come, where is that many coincidence in the world.

"I know, they must have spotted this opportunity before they will take the decisive action."

Bu Yuyan suddenly realized at this moment.

In the past, Bu's family took the order and went to the business with the caravan. They were all experienced Chief-In-Charge.

Although Bu Yuyan sometimes goes with her.

But those who talk and do things are other experienced Chief-In-Charge, Bu Yuyan is just watching from the side.

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