Although Qi Le opened the barrier gate in the north mountain range, it was night.

But when I came to this World, it was during the day.

I don’t know if it’s the time delay in the barrier gate, or the time of these two planes is simply out of sync.

Qi Le probably has both.

Walking slowly along the hard-to-find road, there are rustling sounds around from time to time, making Qi Le feel very peaceful.

It seems that no matter where it is, demonic beasts like to hunt at night.

Of course, this does not rule out that Qi Le did not encounter the probability of those demonic beasts.

After all, Qi Le, who has condensed all his breath, is no different from an ordinary person, so it will not be those demonic beasts who are afraid of Qi Le's breath and dare not approach.


"da da da, da da da ……"

Qi Le, who has been walking on the road for a long time, suddenly There was a sound of whiplashing, followed by a rush of horseshoes.


Qi Le looked in the direction from which the voice came. With strong eyesight, he quickly saw a caravan, moving towards himself Come in this direction.

At the beginning are four robust men riding tall horses.

The four horses are all dressed in Battle Armor, only a pair of eyes are exposed.

However, even with the heavy Battle Armor and the robust man on the back, the four horses did not show any fatigue, which shows that their physical strength is really amazing.

The four robust men are also wearing lightweight leather armor, holding weapons in their hands, and are patrolling the surroundings with a guarded look.

Further on, there is a luxurious carriage, drawn by four horses with smooth fur and vigorous posture, followed by four robust men, and drove slowly in.

Just by looking at the appearance of the four horses, you know that they are absolutely expensive.

Although it is not as good as the previous four war horses, it is definitely not cheap.

Then is the rear of the luxurious carriage, followed by a series of carriages full of various materials, all dragged by two horses and driven by a horseman, following closely from behind.

Qi Le looks around and can estimate it without counting.

There are dozens of carriages for these cargoes, and maybe hundreds of them.

It can be seen that it is an extremely large caravan.

And on the left and right sides of this caravan, there are also some robust man armed with weapons and wearing armor, riding war horses around to guard and patrol.

"Caravan, following the caravan, you should be able to go to the next city-state."

Qi Le squinted his eyes, thinking in his heart.

It is better to have someone lead the way than to run around like a headless fly by yourself.

Moreover, after seeing this caravan, Qi Le has a lot of new gains.

The first one is that the people in this caravan are all Human Race.

Then you can be sure that in this World, Human Race should have a place, or else such a huge caravan would not be possible.

And the second one is the strength of those robust men who are on guard.

Judge according to the intensity of energy fluctuations.

Brave Rank is the majority, Professional Rank is a minority, and there is only one Grandmaster Rank.

This kind of strength is not enough in Qi Le's eyes.

Based on this, Qi Le can also roughly judge the power level of this World.

That is... not as good as the Eastern Wilderness.

Thinking of this, Qi Le also relaxed a lot, standing directly on the road waiting for the arrival of this caravan.


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