The worst case is that the power level of Heaven and Earth’s will is too high.

That will have a strong suppression on outsiders.

Just like the Heaven and Earth in the northern mountain range, the will power level is actually slightly higher than the Eastern Wilderness.

As a result, Qi Le's shops were greatly restricted.

system: "However, the higher the power level of Heaven and Earth's will, the premise is that the power level of this World must be correspondingly strong, but I believe that the host can also feel it."

system: "The power level of this World is not strong."

"Yes, it is true."

Qi Le slightly nodded, agrees with system's statement.

In fact, this problem was already felt after Qi Le came to this World.

The power level of this world, let alone the northern mountain range mention on equal terms.

Compared with Donghuang, they are lower by half.

So Qi Le knows that in terms of his current realm, in this World, even if it is not one of the very best, it is also in Peak.

The security issue is definitely not to be considered.

After all, this is what the system promised to ensure that the host must be safe after the barrier door is opened this time.

It’s just Qi Le didn’t expect that it will be guaranteed in this way.

However, the power level of the new world is low, and it is not entirely unprofitable.

At least the improved version of laser light has a wide audience.

system: "It is precisely because the power level of this World is not strong, so now it is completely possible to rule out the probability of the power level of Heaven and Earth's will being too high."

system: " Moreover, coupled with the fact that Heaven and Earth's luck in this world is too thin, almost to the point where it is fundamentally imperceptible."

system: "Then there is only one probability left."

"What is it?"

Qi Le narrowed his eyes slightly, and waited for the next words of system.

system: "Heaven and Earth's will of this World is annihilated."


Qi Le's slightly narrowed eyes suddenly widened , Said incredulously: "You mean, the will of Heaven and Earth of this World is annihilated? How is this possible?"

system: "This kind of probability exists, and the will of Heaven and Earth The essence is the product of the extremely condensed instincts of a world."

system: "But when this instinct returns to its original state, the will of Heaven and Earth will disappear."

"Then under what circumstances will this instinct return to its original state?"

Qi Le always feels that this is not so simple when he hears this.

system: "When the Heaven and Earth luck between Heaven and Earth is looted, Heaven and Earth's will will return to instinct until the Heaven and Earth luck is nurtured again. " " How's that SO IT iS ...... " this answer, answer a question before Qi Le long time.

That is the will of Heaven and Earth in the Eastern Wilderness, why will it always retain the last Heaven and Earth luck, and give up all the opportunities for the cultivator to be promoted to the powerhouse realm.

It turns out that after Heaven and Earth's luck is completely exhausted, Heaven and Earth's will will disappear.

This is no wonder.

Even though the will of Heaven and Earth is only the product of the extreme cohesion of instinct, in the final analysis, the will of Heaven and Earth also possesses certain spiritual wisdom on the basis of instinct.

Otherwise, the will of Heaven and Earth in the northern mountain range would not instinctively suppress Qi Le who had come here.

So when it is possible, Heaven and Earth will not watch itself go to annihilation.

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