system: "The good news is that this system will open up a world-specific purchase channel."


Co-author Your Erbi system is playing tricks on me?

After Qi Le heard the good news, he was really speechless for a long time and didn't know what to say.

These two messages should be put together and said, it is nothing to separate them.

"Okay, system, you won, now tell me what is in the dedicated purchase channel."

Qi Le sighed, said rather helplessly.

system: "For the goods that can be sold now, the host can go to the Store Manager backstage to check."

After being hinted by the system, Qi Le only remembered that he did have it. A Store Manager backend.

So I quickly clicked on the Store Manager backstage in my mind.

The layout of the Store Manager backend is actually quite simple.

Qi Le quickly found the words dedicated to the purchase channel, and then clicked it to take a look.

There is only one item in front of you.

That is: an improved version of laser light.

"Am I wrong?"

A question mark slowly appeared on Qi Le's face.

In a world that believes in the god of forging, what's the matter with you giving me an improved version of laser light?

Do you want me to transform this World into a technological world?

system: "The host, please don't make a fuss about nothing. This product is an improved version of the powerful formidable power laser transmitter in The New World Mode, not what the host thought."

For Qi Le's doubts, system casually explained.

"Okay, then I will see where your improved version is really good."

Qi Le hearing this, apart from anything else, I took it directly from the dedicated purchase channel An improved laser beam came out.

The improved laser light that appeared in Qi Le's hands is much smaller than the laser light emitter in appearance, and looks a bit like a magnified and thickened wand.

It's just that the improved version of the laser is composed of a hollow iron tube, plus a huge gem.

Then on the end where the gems were set, Qi Le also found a handle.

It should be where you hold it.

"Let me see, how to use..."

Because it is impossible to open a store in the world through the barrier gate, only automatic vending points can be set up, and dedicated The goods in the purchase channel are directly supplied to this automatic vending point

Therefore, the use of the goods in the channel will be automatically transmitted to the purchaser.

So Qi Le quickly learned how to use this improved laser light.

"Inject magic power into the energy storage gem at the end, and then burst out through the laser light emitting tube, and its formidable power can reach more than ten times that of simply using magic..."

"Isn't this a magical laser light emitter!"

The method of use is simple and clear, Qi Le understood it instantly.

Magician uses magic in order to be able to efficiently use its own magic.

In addition to the powerful effects of magic, it is also because magic can maximize the use of magic.

The improved laser light seems to have this effect.

It also simplifies the process of releasing magic.

As long as the user injects magic power into the end-end energy storage gemstone of the improved laser light, the huge magical light bullet of formidable power can be instantly released.

This is nothing short of a pioneering work!

The only drawback is that the improved version of laser light can only be used for offense.

But what does it matter? The so-called offense is the best defense.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1571: Improved Laser Light)...

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