However, it is not directly exchanged with strength of Faith, but to enter the fairy battlefield requires strength of Faith as an entry fee.

And after entering the Fairy Demon Battlefield, you can only choose one item at a time.

In fact, this approach is no different from directly using the strength of Faith to redeem those Immortal Artifact or Demonic Artifact, except that the entry fee is used to unify the prices of these items.

Whether you can get good things depends on Qi Le's own eyesight.

After nightfall, Qi Le and Yue Shuangxue greeted them and went back to the store in Cloudmist City.

After opening the barrier gate, there is a one-month cooldown.

So Qi Le will not show up in the store for at least one month after departure.

Qi Le thinks it is better to talk to Yue Xi'er about this kind of thing.

so as not to worry about this girl again.

As for Yue Shuangxue, she may wish that Qi Le would not stay in the store, so that no one would care about her.

"Qi Le big brother, you came here very early today."

Yue Xi'er is cleaning up the garbage and inspecting the shop.

Although these all are dispensable things, these are the habit that Yue Xi'er has left long ago, and it has been retained even now.

"It's getting late, isn't it closed the shop."

Qi Le sat on the sofa and quietly watched Yue Xi'er busy without disturbing her.

Sometimes finding something to do for yourself will be more fulfilling.

You will feel at a loss if you are idle all the time.

Yue Xi'er moved quickly. After patrolling the shop, he came to Qi Le and sat down by Qi Le.

"Qi Le big brother, would you like something to eat?"

After closing the store, Yue Xi'er changed the name of Qi Le naturally.

"No, I actually have something to tell you when I came over today."

Qi Le feels Yue Xi'er is leaning on his side. It is a very Feeling soft and warm, a soft smile appeared unconsciously on his face.

"What's the matter?"

Yue Xi'er looked at Qi Le's face and asked puzzledly.

"I'm going to leave the store for about a month to start a new business elsewhere, so I will tell you."

Qi Le blunt said.

This kind of short parting is not a parting of life and death. In one month, it is regarded as a business trip.

"Ah...Do you want to leave again..."

Yue Xi'er hearing this, his face suddenly showed a touch of worry and dismay.

After Qi Le suddenly left the store and became silent, Yue Xi'er was always worried.

Qi Le did not return to the store until the Mid-Autumn Festival a few days ago.

But now, the shops in Donghuang and North Mountain Range have been connected for only a week, and didn't expect Qi Le to leave again.

It is strange that Yue Xi'er is in a good mood.

"It's just a month, don't show this expression, it's okay."

Qi Le extend the hand pointed and nodded Yue Xi'er's forehead.

It is a normal emotion to hurt and leave.

Although Qi Le can understand, he still has to do what he should do.

Stopping is a taboo, and greed for enjoyment will never get a good ending.

Although Qi Le’s dream is to be a Store Manager that is waiting to die, you don’t have to worry about anything.

But it turns out that this is impossible.

If you are only alone, then Qi Le may not matter, it will be over after you die.

But now, Qi Le is no longer alone.

.. You can click on "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1568: Injury farewell)...

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