No wonder Shana is willing to give up her position as the elf queen and choose to run away with Ranchi.

This is all about perceptual thinking to control thoughts.

Fortunately, Shanna is fancying two A-Rank pet cards. If this is the Spirit Pet card of Flame, I don’t know if I can get it out today.

"Pet card swap machine, Interesting, let me try it too."

Lan Qi was attracted by Shana’s voice and installed a pet card pump. Change the function, and then start to check the pet card in the card pool.

"Storm Wyvern, there is a mount in the location tag! Is this kind of guy worthy of Dragon Clan Bloodlines?!"

"How can the noble Dragon Clan Bloodlines become a mount!" " and then did not see two, Samaranch began to stare.

In Lanci's view, Dragon Clan Bloodlines is the most noble bloodline, and now he wants to become a mount, which is absolutely unbearable.

Even if Storm Wyvern is not the clansman of Dragon Race, but just owns Dragon Clan Bloodlines, that doesn't work.

"Qi Store Manager..."

"What mount?"

However, before Lanqi's words were finished, Shana was full of doubts. looked towards Lanci.


Lan Qi was stunned by Shanna's throat, and she didn't know where to start.

At this moment, Lan Qi really sorry to speak again.

Because Ranchi is flying around with Shana, it's not a one or two times thing anymore.

Doing the same thing as a mount, but still blaming others for not, is it fun to laugh at fifty steps?

Lanci only felt a little panic on his face now.

"What's the matter?"

Qi Le's voice arrived slowly at this time.

"No, nothing, you are busy with Store Manager Qi."

Lan Qi replied in a shame.


The popularity of pet cards was unexpected by Qi Le, but it was reasonable.

For the appearance of pet cards, the customers of the northern mountain range also do not reject it.

Or it should be said that it is very welcome.

Although all races are now in the stage of keeping a low profile, fighting does not occur much.

But no one will refuse something that can enhance one's own strength.

Be prepared for danger in times of peace.

The more you are in this peaceful time, the more you should improve your strength, otherwise, when the danger comes, there will be no time for you to improve.

This truth, for the cultivator, is not a great truth, but common sense.

Therefore, the emergence of pet cards gives clansman of various races who are not good at cultivation aptitude, another way to improve their strength.

Foreign objects such as weapons and armor can become battle strength.

Then pets are fine.

And a powerful pet card, the battle strength that can be played out is definitely a thousand times stronger than a weapon or a piece of armor.

Because you want to use the full power of weapons or armors, there are also requirements for the user's own strength.

But pet card is not required.

There is no requirement for the strength of summoners.

Even if there is no cultivation aptitude, an ordinary person who cannot become a cultivator is fine.

As long as you have a Spirit Crystal, or have luck, and can develop a graduated pet card, you can have tyrannical battle strength.

Currently, there is only one SR-class pet card, the Spirit Pet card of flame.

If you can cultivate to graduation, Heroic Rank Peak’s battle strength is definitely not a blow out.

That is the real Heroic Rank Peak battle strength.

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