The system does not restrict players from teaming up and copying the Mid-Month Palace.

Otherwise, few people can get the pre-sale card for the rabbit pet card in the middle of the month.

After nearly ten minutes of trial and error, Qi Le finally found a weak spot of Robust Man.

Then a set of extremely infinite combos, the robust man was solved.

Fortunately, this guy is just a boss-level fighting skill, and does not have a boss-level blood volume.

Otherwise, the time wasted would be more than that.

"I finally killed this guy. Then, let me see how beautiful the legendary Fairy Chang'e is."

Qi Le took a break to take the time to recover the blue volume.

Then he cast his eyes on the palace gate.

Since the names of the copies are all called Moon Palace, there will naturally be a huge palace.

It's just that this palace doesn't appear majestic, but rather poignant and cold.

But think about it.

Speaking of which in the moon palace is actually a cold palace.

The atmosphere here is cooler, which is also a matter of as it should be by rights.

However, when Qi Le wanted to open the palace gate, the gate opened a gap by itself.

Then, a snow-white rabbit poked his head from the crack in the door.

"This is... the rabbit in the moon?"

Qi Le stared at the rabbit for a long time, and then said with some uncertainty.

Because of the prototype of the Moon Rabbit, Qi Le estimated it should be a teacup rabbit.

But the rabbit in front of me is obviously much larger.

How big is it?


While Qi Le was thinking about this problem, the palace gate was completely opened, revealing the rabbit hidden behind the door.

"No way..."

Qi Le couldn't help swallowing his saliva and slowly raised his head.

Because of the rabbit in front of me, after standing up, it is nearly ten meters high.

The rabbit's head protruding from the crack in the door before is now staring, looking at Qi Le condescendingly.

And compared with this nearly ten-meter-high body, that rabbit head is obviously much smaller.

Has several points of incongruity.

However, Qi Le knows clearly that this time is not the time to consider the issue of incoordination.

Because the rabbit came out of the palace, his eyes were not friendly.

"One instance has two bosses, I really took it."

Qi Le silently clenched the staff in his hand.

Then I saw the rabbit in front of me, and suddenly disappeared.

"Behind him!"

Qi Le seemed to feel something in his heart, a sudden cold fell behind his back, and immediately fell forward.

"hong long long ——!"

The ground that had been destroyed almost before, now there is another big hole.

This speed is completely inconsistent with the huge body, which is really unimaginable.

"I shouldn't believe that the system is so kind. No wonder no item came out after solving the previous robust man."

"It seems that I want the moon rabbit pet The card is pre-sold and the rabbit has to be defeated."

Qi Le took a deep breath, and then released nearly twenty magics in a row.

Most of them are buffs to bless themselves.

A small part is debuff magic, used to weaken the enemy.

It's just used on this rabbit, the effect doesn't seem to be very good.

"I really don't know how many players will be killed by these two pits."

Qi Le couldn't help but sigh.

The only good point is that no matter how many people are in a team, you only need a special moon cake for Mid-Autumn Festival to enter the dungeon.

Otherwise, it would be really bad.

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