This is why Qi Le asked Yue Shuangxue to choose Human Race bloodline, the most important.

But Qi Le knows this.

Yue Shuangxue can't figure it out.

Listen Qi Le doubt, then, Yue Shuangxue staring eyes, said: "Qi Le, did not you say you do not force me to do acting in bad faith?!" "What I said is not to force you to accept the transaction, but I know more about the use of Huaxing Pill than you."

Qi Le knocked on the armrest of the sofa and said slowly "You always think Human Race bloodline is weak, but have you ever thought that I am also Human Race."

"Do you think I am weak?"

Qi Le said At the last sentence, his eyes narrowed slightly.

This look immediately made Yue Shuangxue's heart tighten, and the hair on his back stood up.

For Qi Le's strength, Yue Shuangxue has not been able to see to the bottom.

Although it is not clear what the specific realm is, Yue Shuangxue can be sure that Qi Le's strength is not only not weak, but may even be the strongest in the entire Eastern Horde.

Putting it that way, the bloodline of Human Race, is it really not weak?

"This... Since you have said so, then I believe you will be fine once."

Yue Shuangxue looked at the Huaxing Pill in the porcelain vase, then looked at it again Looking at Qi Le, it took a long time to clenched the teeth and made a decision.

Since Qi Le's words, it's all for this.

Then choose Human Race bloodline.

Yue Shuangxue stared at Qi Le, dreaming of surpassing Qi Le one day, and then must bite him fiercely for revenge.

Then he poured the Huaxingdan from the porcelain bottle into his mouth.

The Huaxing Pill immediately melted in Yue Shuangxue's mouth, and turned into a warm energy that flows into Yue Shuangxue's body, and then formed a light film covering the surface of Yue Shuangxue's body.

At this time, it is the critical moment to choose bloodline.

"Do you really want to choose Human Race..."

"This is not because I'm afraid of Qi Le guy, but my little kitty believes what I say. If you choose Human Race bloodline, you must do it."

Yue Shuangxue made up his mind after hesitating for a long time.

Together with this idea, the light film covering the surface of Yue Shuangxue's body immediately became a masterpiece of rays of light. It was so dazzling that one had to look away, and it was impossible to see what was inside the rays of light.

It was originally just a group of rays of light in the shape of a little kitty. It gradually expanded and gradually became the shape of a small child.

Then... there is no more change.

"en? Little Xue, are you still in your infancy now?"

Qi Le suddenly asked after seeing the final size of the rays of light.

Originally, Yue Shuangxue was always in the form of a little kitty. Qi Le thought that Devouring Civet looked like this.

I didn't expect this form, it turned out to be the infancy of Devouring Civet.

No wonder that when Yue Shuangxue was first brought back to the store by Qi Le, Yue Xi'er didn't recognize Yue Shuangxue's race at a glance, and it took half Beast Transformation to perceive the bloodline to recognize it.

After all, the degree of hatred by the Devouring Civet race.

Swaggering out at an early age is undoubtedly an act equivalent to death.

So someone who knows what Devouring Civet looks like in his childhood is really can be counted on one's fingers.

Fortunately, Yue Shuangxue met Qi Le.

If you switch to other powerhouses and encounter Devouring Civet, which is only capable of Grandmaster Rank, I am afraid that Yue Shuangxue will be on the spot.

However, this period of time has passed by keeping a low profile.

Now Yue Shuangxue has been promoted to the Heroic Rank this realm, and it can be considered to have a not weak self-protection ability.

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